Looking for a funny read-a-loud for grade three/four split recommendationsLooking for a funny read-a-loud for grade three/four split. Recs? Karen #recommend
I’m looking for a funny book next. I want laugh out loud funny, but not a comedian biography. 119 answers
What funny books do you recommend? I’m looking for something light and fun after the serious books I’ve read recently. 73 answers
“Soup” and “Soup and Me” are good. There is an episode of antisemitism that provides a teachable moment. I’m not sure which book it’s in.
I love Joey Pigza by @Jack.
Thanks. Great idea!
I was just about to suggest the same thing. Great book…great series!
Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing by Judy Blume.
oh yes definitely.
Fake Mustache by angleberger. Get your voices ready!
Awesome choice!
You don’t want a unicorn, the book with no pictures, The Bad Seed, The Wayside School series ,
Belly Up by Stuart Gibbs – it’s perfect.
Gooseberry Park by Rylant
“Soup” and “Soup and Me” are good. There is an episode of antisemitism that provides a teachable moment. I’m not sure which book it’s in.
If you can do voices, Junie B. Jones – especially the one about the field trip to a farm.
Wedgie and Gizmo (on the Texas Bluebonnet List this year!)
Voices really lends itself to James and the Giant Peach! Holes is a classic!