So I’m trying to read Gone Girl… I’m not really feeling it though, is it worth sticking with or should I just move on to something else??
So I’m trying to read Gone Girl… I’m not really feeling it though, is it worth sticking with or should I just move on to something else??
Stick with it!
It gets way crazier. But in a way that may remind you to hate humanity.
Keep reading!
It’s so good
I really enjoyed it.
It’s so…. blah. ?♀️ I just don’t love any of her books and I want to. It’s easy enough to come back to if you want to put it down and read something else.
I liked it, but I listened to it, so maybe different format?
I got 2/3 the way through and gave up. I just couldn’t…
I LOVED IT!!!! Didn’t like her other books, but loved Gone Girl! Give it a chance!
I don’t know how far in you are, but that one took me quite awhile to get into. But once I did, it was great. This is why I’m afraid to give up a book. So many that I didn’t like at first that I ended up loving!!
I inhaled that book, and I think her others are even better!
Love. Love. Love. Except for that weird part midway.
It took me halfway into the book before it got to where I didn’t want to put it down.
I think I had to finish this one to really appreciate it. Definitely had mixed feelings for awhile.
Worst ending ever!!
I liked the movie and hated the book so I’d say skip it.
Hated it. Skip it.
I’ve been chasing a book I like as much as Gone Girl ever since I read it.
@Erin me too!
@Lisa It was the first thriller I read with a worthy plot twist! Have you read Lisa Unger’s “In the Blood?” I would recommend as one that makes you go “whoa…”
@Erin I haven’t! I’ll have to check it out!! Thanks for the recommendation. ?
@Erin me too!
I absolutely loved it. Hated the movie (which I of course saw after I read the book!) but the book was amazing. And I disagree with an earlier comment, I loved the ending!!!
I may not be helpful because I liked it the whole way through! Saw the movie much later and liked that too.
I hated all the characters but kept reading it.
@Sharon yep, I didn’t need to like them to enjoy the story. ?
@Nicki me too!
I hated it. So, my vote is no. ?
I actually really liked it… but.. that being said I read it when it first came out many years ago and I wasn’t reading much at the time. It seemed so crazy and original at the tjme.
I think if I read it for the first time now I probably wouldn’t like it much.
I hated it…HATED it so much! The characters made me want to scream, and the ending?! ??I know some people loved it, but I was not one of them. I’m glad I finished it, but I don’t think it was worth all the anger.
I hated it too! I wanted to throw the book across the room at the end ?
I did physically throw it.
One of the few books I’ve read that I really couldn’t stand. Now any book that’s put forth as “the next Gone Girl” makes me want to run the other way.
@Kristen, same here.
You have to read about 100 pages and then it grabs you.
The first 2 sections of that book were the best, the 3rd section stunk! So if you’re not feeling it now, it does not get better… It gets worse! My vote for you is to abandon ship!
I read it when it first came out I liked the style of writing it was intriguing but hated that women rich spoiled brat but I guess that’s what the author intended?
I loved it so much. But I loved it from the start so maybe it’s not for you!
The book was terrible, but the movie is outstanding. After trying to read two of her books, I will never read another. It doesn’t get any better, imo, so I would save my time and stop.
The first half is terrible, it’s gets better when you hit the halfway mark!!
Great movie!
@Sherrie book was better ?
Loved it!
I liked it.
I loved it. Keep goi g
Well, I’m only at the part where the wife has just been discovered missing and the husband is starting to talk to the cops. I haven’t seen the movie, (I’m REALLY behind) but it looked interesting and I saw the book for sale at the library and decided to pick it up. Right now though it’s just tough for me to get into.
I loved this book- definitely keep going! You might want to try the audio version, it’s so good!
Keep going!!
I loved the book.
Keep going…about 1/2 way through everything you think you know changes…
Didn’t love it but push through, it gets more interesting
Run away! Not worth it.
I felt that way when I first read “Big Little Lies” so I put it down even though I felt awful doing so. Picked it up a year later and I couldn’t put it down! Maybe you just need to give it a breather?
I enjoyed it too! I couldn’t put it down!
I say keep going! I loved it!
I say keep going! I loved it!
I literally couldn’t finish it and don’t regret it.
I finished it and I regretted it. Hated that book.
The book is just “meh” until about halfway in. Then it’s good, but I definitely threw the book across the room halfway in and at the end….it’s good though…just kind of a “wtf” feeling while reading
It’s fluff
It’s great, keep reading
I loved that book. It started me down a whole rabbit hole of loving twisted books with plots you don’t see coming.
I really enjoyed the book, but the ending made me throw the book against the wall.
Life is too short to force yourself to read any book that you aren’t feeling. Put it aside and move onto something else. Maybe you’ll pick it up
Not enjoying? Move on. Life is too short to suffer when you are reading for pleasure
I LOVED this book and could not put it down.
Not many books surprise me st the end. This one did. Keep reading.
I keep going. It does get better.
I intensely disliked the characters. I finished it, but only because I felt obligated to.
I liked it but I also disliked every character. Go a little longer if you still aren’t feeling it, stop and watch the movie instead ?
I’ve tried twice, just could not get into it.
Didn’t think it lived up to the hype.
Thought it was dumb
The second half you will not want to put the book down. Stick with it.
I felt that way about my last book club book, Perfect Stranger by Megan Miranda, but it got better with a less contrived ending than expected. If you like a more comedic and playful book try
The Woefield Poultry Collective by Susan Juby. Also good was
State of Grace by Rachel Lucas and Station 11 by Emily St. John Mandel
I loved it.
Hated the characters but liked the twists.
I wasn’t sure I liked it at first either and read it on a trip the beach. My husband kept telling me to stop reading it, if I wasn’t enjoying it. But I ended up loving it. The characters are horrible but it’s worth reading.
I thought it was ok – the movie was also ok. I would give it a 4 out of 10.
I did not enjoy that book at all!! One of my least favorite book!
I really liked it.
I loved it, but I’m a firm believer in reading what you love. There are too many books out there when you reach your limit. 😉
I was angry I spent time on that book. I did learn that I need to like at least one main character in a book (I did not like them in Gone Girl). So I guess it wasn’t a total loss as I learned something about myself. ?♀️
I struggled with this one, but struggled through. It wasn’t my favorite, and I wouldn’t recommend it. However, I’m glad I finished it. Not because it got better, but because it answered questions.
I hated it and didn’t finish it.
I have not read it yet. I did get it at a friend’s of the library sale. Im wondering if I should try reading now. But I did like the movie
Took me two years to finish.
I just hated the characters so much. They deserved each other.
I liked it…the twist at the end ?