I am almost done with Fool’s Fate. I really want to go on to read the Fitz and the Fool trilogy. Should I read the Rain Wild Chronicles first?
I am almost done with Fool’s Fate. I really want to go on to read the Fitz and the Fool trilogy. Should I read the Rain Wild Chronicles first?
Yes!! It ties in!!
Ohhhh me too, I was told I didn’t need to read them.
You should definitely re read them. It takes a chapter or 2 to get into the new characters but the final trilogy brings everything together.
I didn’t bother! I just read all of the fitz trilogies. Not once was I confused and they are still the best I’ve ever read ?? xx
I didn’t start the last trilogy yet. But I really loved the Rain Wild Chronicles and it finished some things that were started earlier with the dragons. So they definitely tie into the trilogy as a whole.
You’d be missing out on some back story, I did skip them the first time I read the first 2 trilogies of Fitz and the Fool.
After reading them, it made more sense the second time around, especially with the third trilogy.
No I would keep going, read Fitz and the fool then the liveship traders and then the Rainwilds
i just read the 3 trilogies first, you miss out on some back story on some characters but that’s it.
I think it’s best if you read them in order. I’m about to finish the very last book of all 16. I read Assassins Apprentice trilogy, then I went straight to Tawny. However in retrospect, I should have just read them in order. It wasn’t a lot but I can see where things would have made sense more if I had the knowledge of those books. I think if you skip a lot then you will miss a lot. You won’t really know that you’ve missed anything though. These books are so fantastic and they are all tied in together in some really intricate ways. I understand the urge to rush back to Fitz and the Fool but it will be worth it if you wait. ?
I would say yes. I am 40 pages before finishing the last book of the Rain Wild Chronicles and I haven’t regretted taking the detour.
I’ve got 10 chapters left in the liveship series and i’m committed to read them all in the recommended order. It’s an awesome journey so far in different ways. I’m so excited there’s so much to read ?
Thanks everyone…..!!! ?
Recommended reading order
Read them, but give them grace- they have great characters but it takes a while to appreciate them because you will miss Fitz and Fool and want to skip ahead. I think it would be weird to read Fitz and the fool without reading live ships because you won’t understand a key component about the most beloved of characters, Fool.
Beloved ❤️