I enjoy Robin Hobb’s books. Her trilogies all come together in the 3rd book of Fitz and the Fool. Does anyone else read her work?
I enjoy Robin Hobb’s books. Her trilogies all come together in the 3rd book of Fitz and the Fool. Does anyone else read her work?
I read her first series, didn’t like it.
Was that the Farseer Trilogy?
Yeah, think so, whichever her first series and Fitzchivarly’s introduction
I’m currently on the 2nd book of the 1st trilogy. I really enjoy it! 🙂
I have read all but the Mad Ship trilogy. Don’t skip any of the series before you read the Fitz and the Fool Trilgy. In that book Hobbs ties all the trilogies together. And although she fills in her references to the Mad Ship happenings, it makes me wish I had read them.
Have read them all. Die hard fan
yep read them all except mad ship triology loved em 😉
I still need to read the Mad Ship series. Currently I am reading the last book of the Fitz and the Fool trilogy. It brings all her trilogies together. And it is making me wish I had read the Mad Ship books before I started.
lol same here was going through and like I guess I shoulda read them lol probably woulda if i realised the Fool was in them
Only the first trilogy, but I was disappointed with the end, so never read any more.
That was so long ago for me. Refresh my memory of the end.
I hated the end. 3.5 books of build up about this invading army and it’s over in like a chapter
It was a long time for me, too, because I read them just before the first book of her second trilogy came out (Liveship Traders). I was disappointed that the whole point of the books was dismissed when Fitz considers that he wasn’t a very good assassin, anyway. And I felt that dragons had just come along and solved everything.
But there are so many good authors – and there are a lot of other popular authors I don’t like, either – so I don’t feel I particularly suffer for the ones I don’t read. 🙂
Yes, there are many good authors to read. I wish I could read faster.
I read the first book and haven’t gone back. It didn’t draw me in like I was hoping.
Yes I love her books! I haven’t read them all but will one day
I still I have more of hers to read too.
I’ve read the farseer trilogy and the Tawny Man trilogy
Read them in order. I skipped the live ship series and now in the last book of Fitz and the Fool Trilogy the live ship books are referred to and I wish I had read them already, but they will be next. I also enjoyed her book, The Willful Princess and the Piebald Prince. The events in this book happen before the first farseer trilogy.
I plan to reread them and read them all in order. But first my already too big pile of books to read at home.
I listen to the audio books from my local library on my iPod as I do housework, walk drive or workout. It is kind of like listening to a play.
Oh yes. I read them and love them all. Nighteyes was my fave. I cried many times in her books.
I do love Nighteyes. After reading these books and Twilight I think the wolf is my spirit animal.
Love Robin Hobb <3
I read them in high school amazing.
I quit reading her books after her publishers did a very nasty and cynical trick to her readers, putting next volume chapter at end of book without notification. I don’t buy anything that promotes duping the reader.
I am not sure what you mean, as I listened to most of her books on my iPod. Are you sayin the publisher put the first chapter of the next book at the end of each book? If so, why is that cynical?
First by not bothering to tell the reader that that is what is was and second by tricking the reader so that they would buy the next book, as if they needed to be given a ‘taster’ rather than that the books stand in their own right as worthwhile.
Yes i do
Aww, nice! I stopped buying books if my library has them I get Them there. Saves money . . . I save by not buying books and more book shelves.
I prefer The Farseer Trilogy out of all her books. The soldier son trilogy I found boring and a waste of my time.
I was thinking of trying that next, but I get my books through the library so no financial loss if I do not like them.
Just started. Read her first and really enjoyed it