Ok so my 7yr old daughter says that Dumbledore would beat Gandolf in a battle. I say Gandolf would destroy him. What say the fantasy masses?
Ok so my 7yr old daughter says that Dumbledore would beat Gandolf in a battle. I say Gandolf would destroy him. What say the fantasy masses?
Fan of them both but I believe Dumledore hands down as the HP Universe has much more diverse and stronger magic system. TLOTR has a very soft magic system that just doesn’t compare to HP universe
Whst do you mean soft?
@Sean google soft vs hard magic systems in fiction ☺️
That’s hard but with Gandalf having the experience edge as well as more magic weapons I would say Gandalf
@Sean technically dumble had all 3 deathly hollows at one point, way more powerful artifacts than whatever gand had
I disagree as he never mastered the hollows. Gandalf was master of his magical artifacts.
Gandalf also had a lot more experience in wielding his powers.
The Hallows weren’t as powerful other than his wand. Gandalf beat those who were unrepeatable as well.
@Sean in all fairness the hollows don’t really require much mastery. They are simple but powerful artifacts. The elder wand alone and invisi cloak would be crazy strong.
Not to mention the caliber of magic dumbledoor can put out, water prisons, flame dragons, even the unforgivable curses. All a lot stronger than the things I remember gandalf being able to do.
Disagree with that Aiden. Gandalf beat the balrog using his powers. They were thought to be undefeatable.
But honestly there are other more powerful mages in my opinion then both of those wizards. Wizards that defeated gods.
@Sean Hahaha you wouldn’t be talking about Pug by any chance, would you? ?
@Sean also Gandalf kinda died in that fight ?
His magic allowed him to survive. Also Dumbledore got beaten by a lesser wizard as well.
Beaten by a lesser wizard? When did that happen?
Um Malfoy defeated him when he disarmed him.
@Sean he let that happen it was all part of the plan between him and snape.
@Sean and too add Malloy isn’t exactly a lesser wizard, he comes from a strong wizarding family, also was able to sneak death eaters into hogwarts, not an easy feat
Actually the plan was not for malfoy it was for snape. And malfoy was lesser he wasn’t fully trained. Just because you come from a string family doesn’t make you strong especially when you aren’t trained fully
Sean Talbot when I said him I meant dumbledoor sorry, you’re right the plan was between dumbledoor and snape, dumbledoor knew voldy was manipulating Malfoy and he let him disarm him (this also allowed the elder wand to not be fully controlled by voldy as it rightfully belonged to malfoy)
Strong wizarding bloodlines is one of the biggest themes in HP universe. Even the latest film showcases how strong the line of dumbledoor is for example.
Given that Dumbledore is some mortal bloke and Gandalf is a Maia… I’d say Gandalf would win.
No contest
Yep my money is on Dumbledore as well
Dumbledore, hes a magical genius and his magic system is more nuanced. Which to me means more flexible to handle other unknown magic systems.
Shit this is a hard one.
Gandalf would destroy you for spelling his name wrong.
they would fight on the same side, why did you not respond with a morality lesson
Gandolf. Dumbledore is just an boring academic.
Gandalf all day
No contest. Gandalf would crush Dumblesnore
@Trevor let’s not forget gandalf has a ring of power and is the wielder of the hidden flame. Even if they aren’t meant to be magic wielders, they still are. Let’s also not forget, gandalf is thousands of years old and has battle experience that Dumbledore couldn’t hope to match.
Battle experience only goes so far, as I’ve said, Dumbledore has way more control and nuance with his magic. Gandolf still fights with a sword….. Dumbledore would still have access to loads of magical items, and potions too….
Dumbledore and Gandalf would more likely have tea and exchange spells…
Gandalf would prolly get high and lose. Just my thoughts lol
One is a magical man, the other is a supernatural being/badass wizard…
it would depend on who wrote the story
Gandalf is effectively an angel and in a different class of “wizard”. Just because he doesn’t wield magic as prolifically as Dumbledore doesn’t mean he isn’t powerful. He could probs smash Dumbledore in magic, if not he’s got an ancient elven sword to put him down.
You should watch the “Gandalf Vs Dumbledore” Epic Rap Battle on YouTube
I love them both but slightly edge toward dumbledore but fuck itd be an epic battle
Dumbledore all the way
The interesting thing about Gandalf is that he’s as strong as he needs to be, never more. The Balrog was immensely strong but he was just strong enough to beat it, I think it would be the same with his Harry Potter rip off.
@Garry not really. He was strong enough to essentially get killed by the balrog. Lucky for him he was brought back as the white.
@Trevor Near to death but not dead, JUST strong enough. Everyone Gandalf faced he either survived to beat another day or just about defeated.
Most of his opponents weren’t even very magical except for Sauron.
@Trevor It was a long time ago and I can’t remember where I read it but I recall reading somewhere that the Istari were created to only ever be as strong as they needed to be, which is, I believe, why Gandalf become stronger than Saruman. He was doing what he was created for whereas Saruman was trying to serve his own ends. Don’t forget Gandalf helped chase the Necromancer from Mirkwood in the Hobbit and chased off the Nazgul outside Minas Tirith.
Chasing off isnt exactly defeating. There just isnt enoigh evidence to suggest hes powerful enough to defeat Albus. His magic isnt suited to direct battle. Which is why he uses a staff and sword as melee weapons most of the time. Albus would have wrecked shop in the battle in Return of the King.
@Trevor Magic in LOTR is different to that in HP. Galadriel is a bit confused by Sam’s idea of what magic should be. That said, absent the light show, the power displayed by Gandalf and Saruman in their showdown was just as effective as anything Dumbledore gave us in a fight.
@Garry not really. A little telekinetic moves doesnt scratch the surface of the nuance of HP magic, and calling a flock of large Eagles is impressive but not as impressive as any things done in HP by lesser Wizards than Albus.
@Trevor Let’s just agree to disagree. I think the magic and power of LOTR is much deeper and more ingrained than that in HP, more elemental even. HP magic is kind of flashy and shallow to my mind.
@Garry we can agree to disagree. Though it’s not very shallow really. The magic that saved Harry from being killed was deep and intricate stuff. LOTR would be better described as druidic / cleric magic.
@Trevor Is Sauron more powerful than Voldemort? If he is then the people who opposed him are more powerful than they appear.
I doubt it. Even Voldy was extremely powerful.
@Trevor Not convinced he could take Sauron.
I disagree, just because Voldy was second to Albus, doesnt mean hes second to Sauron too.
Voldemort was a sucker for a magical artefact. Offer him a ring of power and he’d take it. Bish bash bosh he’s Sauron’s servant, no duel needed.
Could not stand hp.
Not really, only artifact he ever really wanted was the Elder wand. He could care less about the other deathly Hallows.
Ha. I had this discussion with my 8 year old. His opinion was Gandalf as he’s seen Lord of the Rings. Although he’s partial to bad guys and offered up Sauraman into the mix. ?
I think Dumbledore would win a duel. The magic in hp is more suited to dueling. Its fast and very dangerous. In any battle Gandalf mostly uses his sword and staff physically.
@Gwen most magic in HP is not deadly. They are more annoyance spells then anything else.
There might only be a few spells that are deadly but they still have plenty that can cause harm and are fully capable of incapacitating someone. Dumbledore might not kill Gandalf but I think the nature of magic in the hp world would give him the upper hand in a duel.
Gandalf hands down.
I think they are both way too classy and wise to duel but they might sit down for a game of knucklebones and a natter about fantastic beasts. ?
Guide her well, @John.
I’m not going to lie, I first read that as Ganondorf, and I thought man Dumbledore would be dead all over again … Then I realized it was old crusty beard. Dumbledore will definitely win ???
I would read a well written fanfic
No way to measure how powerful their spells are, but the spells in HP seems alot more versatile as far as we see at least. And overpowered in many ways since many are basically insta win ones unless Gandalf is resistant somehow. Too little info to go on 😛
I really hope these are the debates I’m having with my children in five years. #goals. ?
Magic is very different in HP and LOTR. I wouldn’t care to pit Dumbledore against Gandalf because of this. Also, what Hellish reason would they have to fight at all? To a 7 year old child, this is what I would answer, because powerful beings don’t engage in conflict without a VERY GOOD reason.
Gandalf all the way
Dumbledore has Gandalf beat in terms of flash-bang magic, and may appear to win for the time being, but he is, at the end of the day, human. Gandalf survived falling with a ballrog into a pit of lava I suspect he might be able shake off an avada kedavra.
Fell into an underground lake. He also died and was brought back as Gandalf the White.
Gandalf’s magic is much more restrained – even though we do not knoe the limitations of magic in LoTR we do not see Gandalf use magic in any truly extraordinary way. In Harry Potter magic totally absurdly powerful magic is VERY common and the rules to it are poorly defined and Rowling breaks her own rules constantly… Magic in the HP universe is presented as vastly more powerful than anything in LOTR.
Gandalf isn’t really well defined for magical abilities. We never see him do anything super crazy with his power whereas in Harry Potter the rules of magic are inconsistent and frequently broken even by the author ( magic in Harry Potter is very poorly thought out) and the limitations are also not set out and defined..
Based on what we see the magic of each do, it is safe to.assume Dumbledore would win such a fight.