what site or sites do you think are best to start selling books online?
Bookish friends, I want to start selling books online… what site or sites do you think are best?
Bookish friends, I want to start selling books online… what site or sites do you think are best?
I work for Usborne Books & More, which is a direct sales business for children’s books. Is that kinda what you were thinking? Or were you looking to open your own online book boutique of sorts?
Oooooh, you meant selling your used books. Lol, duh!
@Brynn yes, I’m sorry, I should have specified that! ?
Haha, I just read it too quickly I think!
Brynn, I’m interested in understanding how to be a children’s author. May I ping you for more information?
@Mohita I’m not sure if I can help. But I’m happy to chat about it if you’d like!
@Brynn it’s possible I need more coffee! (If possible = definitely) ?
http://half.com/ no longer exists, I used to love it and it was so easy. Now you have to deal with eBay and PayPal which I don’t want.
Really I didn’t know that wow .
Amazon. Kindle
http://paperbackswap.com/ is a really nice site to swap ur books and u get points for every swap. Look it up I have used it.
http://bookmooch.com/ is a trade for free site. I’ve used both and jumped ship when Paperbackswap started charging per trade.
Bookmooch I noticed after a while people were inactive and the books were not available like paperback, yes then they started to charge. I still use it not that often use my kindle and library on line it’s great.
I’ve had great experiences on bookmooch, but I’m willing to wait as long as necessary. I’m also not looking for super popular titles most of the time.
Me too
What kind of books? Non-fiction perhaps?
All sorts ?
@Jaimie any quantum mechanics books?
@Joseph alas, no! But I’ll keep an eye out!
You can sell your used books on Amazon. I used to do that for years before I stopped buying real books (almost only Kindle for me these days!)
Thank you for all the suggestions so far, folks! This is very helpful!
I’ve sold on eBay. Have you looked at a
I’ve sold books to Powells and Thrift books.