Boundaries with Kids by Cloud and Townsend, healthy boundaries are important for all relationships, including those with our kids. This book helps guide the reader in teaching their children to take responsibility for their actions and emotions.
The Positive Discipline series by Jane Nelson. It’s grounded in Adlerian theory that’s been proven effective over decades. It’s based on mutual respect, encouragement and responsibility, which expands children’s capacity for self-reliance and resilience. She has both general overview books, and also additions geared to specific ages. You’ll probably also find positive discipline parent education groups/classes available in your area and online.
Janet Lansbury’s No Bad Kids and Elevating Child Care. They’re about respectful parenting and being calm, empathetic, and understanding of children and their development. Can’t recommend them enough.
The Whole-Brained Child. It helps you understand not just how your child’s brain works but also your own. It was very enlightening.
Check out The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind, Survive Everyday Parenting Struggles, and Help Your Family Thrive by Daniel J. Siegel
How to make children mind without losing yours by dr Kevin Lehman… because it made sense, wasn’t difficult, and it worked! My kids are 19 and 22, and one that isn’t mine but I helped raise is 25. They are all three self sufficient, well adjusted, contributing members of society.
I always refer to Reviving Ophelia and Raising Cain when I see a child/parent struggling. They are about rebuilding and maintaining the emotional health of our children
When I was 16, I had to read “How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk” by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. I’ve always applied those same practices to every day life (with both kids and adults alike!), and I would highly recommend that book to anyone!
For early years, the Happiest Baby on the Block and Happiest Toddler on the Block. I’ve also started Peaceful Parent Happy Kids by Laura Markham and find her insightful so far.
Boundaries with Kids by Cloud and Townsend, healthy boundaries are important for all relationships, including those with our kids. This book helps guide the reader in teaching their children to take responsibility for their actions and emotions.
The Positive Discipline series by Jane Nelson. It’s grounded in Adlerian theory that’s been proven effective over decades. It’s based on mutual respect, encouragement and responsibility, which expands children’s capacity for self-reliance and resilience. She has both general overview books, and also additions geared to specific ages. You’ll probably also find positive discipline parent education groups/classes available in your area and online.
Go with your gut, and Trust your instincts that was my own personal book… it was phenomenal… and i have the best children ever! Xoxo
Children don’t come with a book or manual.. you are on your own baby!
Janet Lansbury’s No Bad Kids and Elevating Child Care. They’re about respectful parenting and being calm, empathetic, and understanding of children and their development. Can’t recommend them enough.
Protecting the Gift by Gavin de Becker. I recommend it to every parent who will listen to me!
Because it’s evidence-based, clear, practical.
The Whole-Brained Child. It helps you understand not just how your child’s brain works but also your own. It was very enlightening.
Check out The Whole-Brain Child: 12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind, Survive Everyday Parenting Struggles, and Help Your Family Thrive by Daniel J. Siegel
This book saved my sanity!
Any in the Love and Logic series. I still use this philosophy with my 14yo
Parenting with Love and Logic by Foster Kline and Jim Fay.
Boundaries With Kids!!!!!
When my children were little, I loved to watch T. Barry Brazelton. “Every Baby Knows.” He had so much wisdom.
Mine too
@Elaine I just thought he was wonderful. So much common sense.
I loved him!
123 Magic, helps with setting limits and boundaries, something all kids need.
Everybody Poos… (or in the US I believe you say Poop!)
I think parenting books have their place when you need to know something… bit the best books were the ones that I read to my son!
The sillier the better!
Love and Logic
How to make children mind without losing yours by dr Kevin Lehman… because it made sense, wasn’t difficult, and it worked! My kids are 19 and 22, and one that isn’t mine but I helped raise is 25. They are all three self sufficient, well adjusted, contributing members of society.
That was the BEST book on discipline. Logical consequences. It was hard work, but laid a great foundation.
I always refer to Reviving Ophelia and Raising Cain when I see a child/parent struggling. They are about rebuilding and maintaining the emotional health of our children
1, 2, 3 Magic is also great
Love and logic
When I was 16, I had to read “How to Talk so Kids Will Listen and Listen so Kids Will Talk” by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish. I’ve always applied those same practices to every day life (with both kids and adults alike!), and I would highly recommend that book to anyone!
I second this recommendation!
How not to make your parents mistakes when you raise your own children. Might not work for some. But helped me!
For early years, the Happiest Baby on the Block and Happiest Toddler on the Block. I’ve also started Peaceful Parent Happy Kids by Laura Markham and find her insightful so far.
How to Raise an Adult