What would your literary roller derby name be? Mine is Phantom of the Choppera.What would your literary roller derby name be? Mine is Phantom of the Choppera. Kimberly #questionnaire
Anyone here has named/is planning to name their children (or pets) after literary characters? I’d like my firstborn son’s name to be Aslan. :) 89 answers
I need girl name ideas…and what better ones than literary character names?! Can you share your favorites with me, please? 17 answers
Thank you, @Addison 🙂 It took me all of a second to come up with it- apparently I have a hardcore derby girl in me 😉
Fifty Shades of Pain ?
Catcher in the Eye
These are great but yours is the funniest! ??
Thank you, @Addison 🙂 It took me all of a second to come up with it- apparently I have a hardcore derby girl in me 😉
The Killing Dame… ???
Tess of the Derby Villains (D’Urbervilles) ???
Pride and Extreme Prejudice.
Moby Chick
the skates of wrath.
These are all awesome!
Blades of Deception
The Cherryriot (reference to Emily Dickenson’s The Chariot)
One Flew Over the Derby Rail
The Scarlet Blood Letter.
Shades of blades
Lord of the Rinks
Emily Deckerson!!
JK Rolling
Hmmm. Helen Killer? (in reference to one of my favorite books, The Miracle Worker)
Jane Sceyre
Wuthering Fights
One Hundred Years of Attitude
The Bloody Mile (first I wanted to write Countess Monty Fisto but that’s more of a porn name)
Toe-Killer Mockingbird.
Skates of Wrath
Scarlett O’Killya