Is The Stand by Stephen king a relatively easy read? I’ve not read much by him but I have heard many people say how great this book is!
Is The Stand by Stephen king a relatively easy read? I’ve not read much by him but I have heard many people say how great this book is!
I’m not sure what you mean by “easy.” The language isn’t extremely complicated, but it’s a very long book.
I find all of Kings books to be difficult reads because they all tend to be very, very long and contain A LOT of unnecessary details.
I find his books go quickly because they are very engaging
It’s a long read but I don’t think it’s difficult. It’s in my top 5 favourite books and I’ve read it a few times.
I don’t know how I’d quantify “easy”, but it’s very engaging…just a great book overall.
I agree with just about everyone else – it is a long book but easy to understand and very engaging.
I found it very boring and didn’t finish it. Was afraid to try other books by him for years.
One of my favorite King books. Easy to understand and very engaging which made it a fairly quick read for a longer book.