I need a super intense scary book! And go::I need a super intense scary book!! And go:: Tray #recommend #horror
I want to read a SUPER SCARY book — one that makes me turn off the light and jump into bed real quick. Suggestions? 19 answers
My reading has been wayyyyy too intense lately. I need something light, funny, and not super long. Help! Lol 10 answers
Hi guys can I get some book recommendations? I really love scary or thrilling books, romance, or fantasy. Thanks!! 10 answers
ive been meaning to read it for ages but any old books are expensive and have no success finding an ebook version. The library don’t have hard copies either
Human remains Elizabeth haynes. That story stayed with me for days after I read it ?
Hell House.
Is this available in ebook version anywhere?
Dunno. It’s an older story. Matheson.
ive been meaning to read it for ages but any old books are expensive and have no success finding an ebook version. The library don’t have hard copies either
Found mine on Amazon for around $15.
im in Ireland. I’ll keep looking lol here’s hoping ?
Is there an audiobook?
World of books have it. I’m sure they send to Ireland too.
Check out our Spooky Reads post also
I enjoyed ‘The Creeper Man’!
Frankenstein in Baghdad
Salem’s Lot by Stephen King
@Paula yes read.
Amityville Horror
@Lynn yes good read
Intensity by Dean Koontz
@Gail yes. Very good read
I found The Silent Companions creepy.
Little Heaven by Nick Cutter and American Psycho by Bret Easton Ellis.