Hi, everyone :-) do you guys typically read one book at a time and finish it then move on to another or read multiples?
Hi, everyone 🙂 do you guys typically read one book at a time and finish it then move on to another or read multiples?
Hi, everyone 🙂 do you guys typically read one book at a time and finish it then move on to another or read multiples?
I am currently reading 3. One classic I love but do a chapter or so at night. One a quick read and reread for discussion group, one my beloved younger son recommended on economics which is a slow climb. However I do not do this all the time. Cheers.
Currently reading Washington Square by James and it was horridly boring, I cant find the flaw nor identify what’s missing. Now I’m between short stories and that
If it’s a really long book, I prefer to accompany it with another book to read.
I almost always have an audio book in the car and a book for reading before bed. Sometimes I will read a third book, especially if the second book is very long (taking a break between sections, for example) or non-fiction (as light relief). Depends really. I rarely have more than 3 on the go at once.
One at a time for me.
I read multiples. Usually have fiction and non-fiction going.
I generally juggle 3 books, sometimes as many as 5 — but I can only read one *fiction* book at a time (non-fiction comes easier for me, even if it’s dense philosophy).
When I was younger, I would often devour up to ten books at a time (again, though, predominantly non-fiction).
I read my own books one at a time, but my husband and I read another one out loud to each other before bed.
Great Q: after teaching English for nearly four decades, I am in the habit of having multiple stories going on at the same time.
I usually have a novel, non-fiction, and an art book going at the same time.
I live one day at a time, I read one book at a time, Yesterday is dead, Tomorrow is blind, and I live one day at a time. (…apologies to Willie Nelson) ?
One at a time
1 fiction in English
1 non-fiction in English
1 fiction/non-fiction in Polish
I usually do one fiction book that I read before bed at a time and then one nonfiction throughout the day.
I always read multiple books. Even my Shakespeare project involves reading multiple books (one complete works set — I’m now using The RSC Shakespeare — the book of critical essays Shakespeare After All by Marjorie Garber, and The Folger Guide to Shakespeare by Louis B. Wright and Virginia A. LaMar).
And recently I’ve added in The Penal Colony: Stories and Short Pieces by Franz Kafka because I want to have the story finished before hearing In the Penal Colony by Philip Glass tonight. And my long drive to hear it and the long drive back will mean listening to an audiobook (I haven’t decided which one yet), because I always listen to audiobooks in lieu of music when I’m going to hear an opera or concert. I don’t want anyone else’s music in my head except the composer’s.
I read multiples. Currently reading 7 books and listening to an audio book in the morning
3 or 4 at a time. Mostly non fiction.
Strictly one at a time.
One,at a time unless it’s reading group time then I usually have two on the go.
depends on the size of the book. Currently reading two at a time. Trying to finish off H G Wells and Hemingway
Multiples! I have an audio book in the car for work commute and other driving, a kindle book for reading in the dark, or at the table if I’m eating by myself, a different audio book in the sewing room to entertain me while I quilt, my main book by my chair in the living room, and often a book on the computer that I was too lazy to send to the Kindle.
I just asked the same thing a couple of weeks ago. It seems the majority read multiples. I cannot start a second book before I finish what I’m reading. It’s strictly one at a time for me.
Multiple books at the same time for me ?
One at a time unless I have some work-related reading to do.
Normally I read one English Literary Classic and one crime series, but something weird happens sometimes and then suddenly ?? I am reading three books … but I draw the line at four ‼️
One book book
One kindle book
One audible book
I’m currently reading four different books?
I usually read one book at a time
usually more than one at a time. ( leave one in car when
have appts , one while getting ready to go to sleep,
and other while watching tv
I read more than one at a time.
Multiples because my mood changes when I sit down to read.
Multiple books depending on my mood and/or location…
3 at a time. Different genres
As many as I can handle.
One in the family room, one in my purse for appointments, my nook and audio.
i usually do 2-3 in different formats
It depends on my mood and/or degree of interest in a book. If it captures my attention sufficiently, I will read one book exclusively and even go without sleep until it’s done. If I’m only mildly engaged, or if the subject matter is heavy and I feel like I need breaks from it, then I may read other books in between. For example, if I’m reading a really tragic novel and am getting to the point where I feel like it’s effecting my mood, I may take a break for a day or two and read something lighter, such as a children’s book or graphic novel.
I usually have 2-3 books cued on my Kindle app at a time so that I can switch if I’m getting bogged down in the first book.
One book at a time
I read many, but usually one will be read faster than the others. I focus on one or two while still making a slower progress on the rest.
Thanks to my job, I have no choice but to read multiple books simultaneously.
At present reading “Jude the Obscure” on ma Kindle and hearing to the audiobook of “Madame Bovary”… In between I finished three non fiction books ?
One book at a time. I’m too old and only have one neurone left 😉
My daughter said she was in awe when she discovered I read Game of Thrones (4 vols at the time) and didn’t get confused. One vol in car for traffic, one in kitchen while waiting for whatever to cook (became surreal during scene with Fryes); one in rocking chair. They would float from place to place. Can’t do recording; fever from measles did a number on my hearing in the 50’s. Hear sounds but they don’t make sense.
I can read more than one non-fiction at a time, but only can do fiction books one at a time. Otherwise, my brain has to work too hard!
Lots of them. 🙂
Read multiples but if I’m closing to finishing one I just focused in that one then go backbto multiples