Darkness Visible by William Styron; Had anyone read this nonfiction account of depression by world famous author, William Styron? 23 answers
Looking for a nice excitement of series of vampires books I just finished Alexandera ivy within the darkness book collection anyone anything similar? 14 answers
If it’s the second book of the Castor Chronicles, it was really good. Read the whole series.
Barely started the second one. ??? I’m hooked
I read them all before the movie came out. Still yet to see the movie.
Don’t. You will save yourself a lot of pain…book was better…
I think I did. Is this the series with Lincoln in it?
I read this series. I think Lincoln is from a different series.
Link is Ethan’s friend in the series if that’s who you’re thinking of
Yes Link. 🙂
Ooooh I see. The Beater lol
Great title.