My book club is wanting to read a good, light-hearted Christmas book. Any suggestions? Kaye #recommend
I was wondering what are some good romance or Sci-Fi books? Heather #questionnaire #romance #science fiction
I just finished Dark Places by Gillian Flynn…I just have to say it’s an awesome book! Jen #review #novel
Do any of you have “Book Sisters” – those who love the same books you do and vice-versa? Rosemarie #questionnaire
I’m looking for recommendations for my 8-year-old who reads middle-school age books. Penny #recommend #kids #science
How do you keep track of your TBR book list? Notebook, good reads,random pieces of paper Leslie #questionnaire
I’m 14 and I think I’ve read all the good books. Can you guys suggest a good book(s)? Anjera #recommend