Most of mine now are on kindle, if its a history book (my other passion I keep it normally) everything else charity shops or to my mum if she wants to read it
Take back to the library. Some bought ones i keep or take to bootsale to sell some to charity shop or leave some by a bin for people to help themselves.
Charity shop – or pass on to friends and family. Many I keep if I think there’s a chance I might reread. I would never, ever, throw a book away – that’s sacrilege. They are special objects – even if they aren’t to my taste.
depends: The french book stay home and are lent to 3 different family members who live in small villages. The English books I either keep, send to Goodwill or to church for their Bazaars.
I give crime books away to my nephew, unless they’re particularly outstanding and then I keep them. Other books, it depends. If it’s a nice hardback copy, then I’ll usually keep it or if it’s a book I love and will want to read again. Similarly with my Persephone books. They’re collectors items, so I definitely keep all of those. Non-crime books I don’t want to keep, I’ll give to the secondhand bookshop at the National Trust property where I volunteer.
I keep mine. I don’t think I could give them away. It’s like giving away part of me. Plus I love hording books. Dreaming of an awesome library one day ?
Return them to the library usually ? Pass them on to my mum if they’re my own.
I try and pass on too
Pass them on to my mom and when she is done anyone else who may want them. Very rarely do I keep a book.
Chazza shops.
Most of mine now are on kindle, if its a history book (my other passion I keep it normally) everything else charity shops or to my mum if she wants to read it
take them to local hospital
Charity shop
charity shops or the homeless guy outside Greggs who appreciates a crime book!
Library books I take back, they take a dim view of adding them to my own library. Any I buy I pass on
charity shops
Swap sites or charity shops.
Pass them on to friends.
It depends pass them on, charity shops or keep
Ummm am I the only one who keeps them? I can’t give them away, but I really hope I can make a huge library of all the books I have
I can’t get rid of mine either.
Mainly keep them
competitions on my blog, our cbc book fairy group, work, charity, friends xxx
Friends, charity.
I keep them. However, I’m trying to be a bit more ruthless and keep only those I know I won’t re-read
Pass them on, charity shop, or swap library. Don’t keep them as it’s very rare for me to read a book a second time.
I keep them and hoard them of course. Just can’t seem to make myself part with them even if I am not going to read them again.
Just like me … I couldn’t bear to get rid of them .. tho I do pass a lot on to my mum
I often swap mine with my mom but I desperately Want them back… lol..
Hoard them, lol
I donate to my library in town.
Pass them on to a friend,then returned to me and mainly I keep them. The ones I didn’t like I give to Charity shop.
Charity shops or pass to friends
Pass to my step mum, who passes them to her aunt, who then passes them on to the ladies where she lives
Take back to the library. Some bought ones i keep or take to bootsale to sell some to charity shop or leave some by a bin for people to help themselves.
Charity shop – or pass on to friends and family. Many I keep if I think there’s a chance I might reread. I would never, ever, throw a book away – that’s sacrilege. They are special objects – even if they aren’t to my taste.
Take them to goodwill or pass to other people.
Take them back to the library
I was about to type the same response.
Pass on to family.
Pass them on if mine… or return library books …
Charity shop or pass them on to friends (unless I can’t bear to part with them!).
Pass them on to friends, family and charity shops xx
On the bookshelf. I have attachment issues with my books.
Keep some share others with friends or send to charity shops.
Distribute to family and friends or the charity shops.
I keep my all time favorites, and others i donate to charity shops, or to the neighbourhood library boxes for someone else to pick up.
Local hospice
Charity book shop ?, of course! (sorry, couldn’t resist 🙂 )
I keep maybe one out of ten books purchased. The ones I don’t keep, I give away to friends or to the local school’s charity flea-market.
Sell them at half priced books
depends: The french book stay home and are lent to 3 different family members who live in small villages. The English books I either keep, send to Goodwill or to church for their Bazaars.
Assisted living facility!
I pass them on to a friend who then passes them to her friend
Keep them or swop with friends
Donate them to my brothers long term living facility.
Treasure them because they are signed
Charity shop, once I know the butler did it in the library with a rope, I have no need to read them again 🙂
One charity bookshelf closes (Sainsbury’s at Hoddesdon)☹️ but another one opens Tesco Brookfield Farm ?.
Or to Isabel Hospice Cheshunt pond.
Put them on the bookshelf. They’re not going anywhere.
Keep some, pass some to friends, give some to the charity shop, and some out on CBC fairies!
Force my friends to read them ? or charity shop!
Pass them on or to charity shop
I usually donate them to my local Value Village (thrift shop chain). It’s been a good source for books over the years as well.
Thrillers go to my mum, everything else to the Book Recycling Centre down the road, so I can get more. : )
Pass them onto @Sarah!! Xx
Love it! Then i pass them onto @Kate and we pass the ones we’ve read to you! X x x
I give crime books away to my nephew, unless they’re particularly outstanding and then I keep them. Other books, it depends. If it’s a nice hardback copy, then I’ll usually keep it or if it’s a book I love and will want to read again. Similarly with my Persephone books. They’re collectors items, so I definitely keep all of those. Non-crime books I don’t want to keep, I’ll give to the secondhand bookshop at the National Trust property where I volunteer.
Take them to Emmaus to resell….buy a couple more I haven’t read
I keep mine. I don’t think I could give them away. It’s like giving away part of me. Plus I love hording books. Dreaming of an awesome library one day ?
Keep the majority of them lend some give rest to charity shops xx