Have any of you ever had someone get upset because you did not enjoy a book they recommended?
Have any of you ever had someone get upset because you did not enjoy a book they recommended??
Have any of you ever had someone get upset because you did not enjoy a book they recommended??
Yes, but I also take it badly lol ?
I always get upset when I recommend a book I liked to someone and they refuse to read it ??
As a former librarian, a big part of my job was what we call “readers’ advisory”. Basically, matching people with books. You have to know a little about the person, their interests, likes, dislikes, etc before you can match them with a book. You can’t assume someone else will love a book just because you did.
Oh yes!
No & I would laugh at them if they did. We can’t all be the same.
@Suzanne -EXACTLY!!!!!!
No, we all have different tastes
Sometimes you just have to respect that we all have different tastes.
yes, and I have gotten mad when someone told my that the book I had suggested (it was a life changer for me) was boring
@Deborah same here
Don’t really care if they didn’t like my book selection or not.
Basically the books most of have loved has been been overwhelmingly loved and accepted. There are some that we disagree on, so what? It’s ridiculous that anyone is offended that somebody doesn’t like the book they loved..geez
I have felt bad saying I didn’t like a book a good friend recommended to me…at all. lol
When I recommend a book to someone, I go no farther. They can read it or not. If they do, they can love it or hate it. Whatever they think, they can let me know or not. What will be will be, and I just . . . let it go. ?
No. we are all different, even those that say, “Oh, we’re just alike.” People reading is what is important.
I would hope that never happens! That would be sad
Well, that is the reason I stopped recommending books to friends so many didn’t like the book I loved
That’s okay if they don’t like my favorites but I usually know who likes the same books
No. ?
No. ?
not yet =)
I had a coworker who saw a book I rated 5 stars on goodreads and decided to buy it and read it for herself. She hated it. So she then tried to make me feel stupid for liking it. So I stopped rating books on goodreads. ?
@Courtney This makes me sad because I rather enjoy reading book reviews. It amazes me how differently people can see the same book.
@Courtney keep rating books on GR. It was her problem that she didn’t like the book, not yours. No one made her read the book. You are entitled to your experience with the book. No two people read the same book.
@Courtney: I am so sorry you let anyone influence you to stop rating books. Shame on that coworker!
@Courtney -oh no! Did you enjoy eating books? I’d hate to see you give up something you enjoy because of a nasty person
mostly when people enjoy books that I don’t I think I must be stupid not to be able to enjoy them. I am almost hurt when they don’t enjoy a book I love………those characters have become my friends!
I’ve gotten upset when someone doesn’t like a book I recommend. What do they mean it was “ok”? It was fabulous-they just don’t know good lit when they read it ??
Not really but I was a pariah in 6th grade because I didn’t like the MONKEES…I was an outcast.
@Toby yup, you either liked them or you didn’t.
Being a square peg has always been a challenge
No, I haven’t.
Not.me. i
No. I usually give a noncommittal response when asked and that’s that.
I’m always leery recommending books because I’m afraid people are going to think I am just wacky for what I recommend.
Real Housewives and Girlfriends of Book Club! Ha, ha! My bookclub every month and then we eat, laugh and get over it!
No. But I really love it when someone does read something I recommend to them and they say how much they loved it. Where the Crawdads Sing is the big one that comes to mind.
Yes and movies too!
@Carol Yes! Movies and TV shows.
No, but I didn’t like a book my mother loved and recommended. I stopped at the end of the first chapter four times. On the fifth try, I forced myself to finish it. I still didn’t like it, but I did it for my mother. The book was Toni Morrison’s Paradise. I must say, the first sentence was the most unnerving beginning of any book I’ve read. It kept me reading but left me unsatisfied in the end.
No they just feel disappointed for a second and get over it
Not really. We all enjoy different things!
@Alice I love all of her books including her JD Robb series.
No, I get more upset with people who DON’T read or even listen to audio books or ANYTHING! That, I do not understand.
@Alice I do too! I own a ton of her books
That’s just silly
lmao nope and hopefully never will :O
Yes, to the point where name calling was involved because I didn’t agree with how they felt about the book.
It’s just a book…everyone reads a book differently
Expectations are a curse on needs to lose to be content.hard though
Yes but that’s life. I’ve been upset too but I don’t comment because that’s my problem, not theirs.
No, we all have different taste in books!
Yes unfortunately
Don’t think so….everyone has their own opinion which is a good thing.
Yes. Several times.
I think people do not like to listen a different opinion.
Yes, and it does not bother me, for I have not like books they have recommended.
No fortunately
Yes and boy did i get bitched out. I’m almost 70 years young and never in my life have i done that to anyone else. Never responded to that person figured them all hot air.