Who were the people in your lives who inspired you to become a reader, who directed you to wonderful books?
Who were the people in your lives who inspired you to become a reader, who directed you to wonderful books?
Who were the people in your lives who inspired you to become a reader, who directed you to wonderful books?
My parents. ?
My parents always read, and I started out reading everything I could reach on the bookshelves (when I ran out of library books, which was only occasionally, since we went weekly) — including one for sure, but maybe two, Harlequin romance novels at the age of 9 or 10. Mom put an end to that as soon as she caught me – I wasn’t too disappointed, they were only mildly interesting. I also had a grade school librarian who recognized a fellow reader in me and directed me to wonderful children’s books above my grade level (I was apparently an advanced reader) — and even allowed me to take out TWO! at a time instead of the one to which other students were limited.
My parents
No one, I figured it out on my own.
My parents
Mary Pope Osborune. The author of the Magic Tree House series. I fell in love with her books.
My grandma, who taught me to read when i was 4, my parents, who bought me books for birthdays Christmas and just because, and my 5th grade teacher, who let me read in class after my work was done
My mother!
I had a problem reading in school. Like lots of other kids i started to read comic books. My sister was horrified that my mother allowed that.My mother said ” Once hes tired reading comics. Hes going to move onto books.So you leave him alone” Mom was right
My dear foster mother. She put a copy of “Little House on the Prairie” in my hands WHILE I was watching it on television.
Reading it showed me that Laura Ingalls was a real person, who wrote the stories based on her life, and the tv show was Michael Landon’s creation 🙂
she passed away in 2001 but she always holds a special place in my heart as an influential parental figure.
Same book only it was my 4th grade teacher and way, way long before a TV show was even thought of for it.
My Grandmother
Nobody, I came to it on my own… but I’ve given my daughter’s a love of reading and that feels amazing ☺
My Dad read to me every night.
My middle school teacher Ms. Donovan, and my high school librarian Mr. Beadle. 🙂
My mother.
Absolutely no one. I am the only one in my family who reads. Started going to library when i was 10 and haven’t stopped since (I’m now 65!).
Parents and teachers. And I had a great curiosity about things, which lead me to read and learn. Still.
My mom
my dad, even though I have a very crappy/non existent relationship with him otherwise
My dad and I do not have much in common, except for books. We both love to read and we like the same kinds of books.
It runs in the family. Books everywhere. 🙂
My parents, particularly my mother as she always has at least one book on the go.
My aunt and my mom
My parents ,my grade five teacher and my siblings
My step mum x
My mother. My aunts and uncles who read to me also. Then an assorted group of teachers who cheered me on–including a tall man who walked with a terrible limp, dragging his leg behind him, who had had polio when young and could not encourage (or bedger) me enough. God bless them all. I really do love to read.
As a child, I was frequently locked away; reading became my salvation.
My brother who is 14 yrs. older than me. I still have hard cover copies of the Jungle books, Grimm’s fairytales and Robert Frost poetry book he gave me many many years ago.
My teacher in junior school
My father.
When they opened the public library in my neighborhood, my father took us to get our first library card and book, Then Every Thursday was library night, So we read that book fast to get a new one next Thursday, After that we would stop to buy refreshments and my mother would make pop corn. Nice memories
Thanks, Audrey, for this post. I will keep reading. The comments are thoughtful and completely engaging–and sometimes, very sad.
I love them, too – fascinating.
My mom mostly…she started by reading to me as a baby and by the time I was 3, I was reading the newspaper to her. Now we share books and talk about them together. Luckily, my gram and my sister are book lovers too so I guess you could say it runs in the family <3
My mom, a lifetime reader to age 97.
The love of story came from my mother. When she wasn’t around in boarding school I had no choice but to figure out how to read for myself?
My Mother and Grandma (she gave me books)
My mom and my dad
Totally my father.
My grandmother and my dad.
No one, I used to hate reading when I was younger, I wanted to go out, play with my friends until one day I picked up Harry Potter and I lost myself! It was like a drug, I have read ever since! I don’t read alot of books due to work and being a dad but I manage about 15-20 a year!
My mom. We always had magazines in the house, and go to the library every week.
My teacher
One of the few good things my Dad guides me to!
My grandmother taught me to read when I was 4. Once I started, I always read what ever sounded and looked good
My mother got me started on reading. It was one of the positive things about her I hung on to tightly when she was at her most difficult in her last months.
My grandmother was a librarian and she passed on her love of books to my Mom and she passed it on to me. ☺
My second grade teacher who signed me up for a book club for free. She gave me three books and told me I could keep them forever. And I did. I still have them on my shelf fifty years later.
My Dad was a life-time reader — I used to read his books when he was through. Thus, I read Valley of the Dolls at 9 years old.
I remember sitting on the arm of Dad’s chair and he read and explained the funnies to me. I was about 5.
My dad both of his parents my mom’s dad . They would always buy me books when little and as I grew give me gifts of money for books.
My parents and teachers and several friends
My mom, my teachers
My Mum and my Nan plus a relief teacher who’s name I can’t remember but he read The Hobbit to us.
my dad.
Several years ago I was sitting in a hospital room for 6 months & my Urologist started bringing me books and he is the main reason I am still reading as we exchange books still
Definitely my mom!
my dad,
My mom.
it’s genetic i guess … from my dad’s side .. 🙂
My grandma and her neighbour. They made a point of buying me new books every week since the age of 2. God rest their beautiful souls
My mom, and my moms daddy my Papa. They gave me my love for reading and was always buying me or give me money for books. Plus they never told me you have too many or enough books. Thanks mom
Paternal and maternal grandfathers
My dad. He took me to book fairs and book shops, bought me encyolopedias and novels at a very young age. That kept on going. To this day, he brings me books. Since he travels a lot abroad and you can’t find a lot of books in Pakistan, I send him the list and he searches for them. Just saw a book in the morning on the table as he came from China Yesterday
Aww that’s wonderful!
Parents and grandparents. We always had books in the house and went to the library a lot.
No-one. Once I learnt to read, I realised I loved reading books. My Mum discouraged me.