Where do you guys recommend starting with Stephen King? I’ve never read anything of his and there are so many it’s overwhelming ?
Where do you guys recommend starting with Stephen King? I’ve never read anything of his and there are so many it’s overwhelming ?
Salem’s lot, misery are really good
People I know who have started on SK lately have all started with the short stories – Night Shift is a good collection, as is Everything’s Eventual. The main problem with the novels is that there’s a phase where he was not being edited well but wasn’t really writing well either. (He had drug and alcohol problems and doesn’t remember writing certain novels at all!)
If you’ve the patience for it, The Stand is worth wading through as a first read (the shorter version if you can find it).
@Jacqui Skeleton Crew is my favourite short story collection, followed by Night Shift.
Almost everything is magic! But not cujo, Christine or Gerald’s game. I love The stand if you like a long book. Other good ones too many to mention ?
the gunslinger is a very good read, it’s the first and best in his dark tower series
Misery or Delores Clairborne ?
Different seasons is my favourite collection of short stories. The green mile and misery I love too
Under the dome and desperation are my Stephen king favourites x
Salem’s lot or pet semetery
One of his short story collections. I also love the stuff he wrote under the name of Richard Bachman ? reading Sleeping Beauties at the moment and it is BRILLIANT!! But a big brick of a book.
The Bachman Books is my favourite too. The Long Walk is the best thing I’ve ever read and one of the few books that I re-read regularly.
I’ve just started reading his and I started with his first book and working my way through. Some good, some bad but my favourite so far has been the shining. I still have a long way to go so I’m sure I’ll find more good ones x
Misery is a really good read
the first one i read was cell phone doesnt really matter where you start with it
Bag of Bones is one of my favourites, it’s not typical of his other books but very spooky. I also love The Shining.
Full dark no stars it’s a collection of 4 short stories! Amazing the first one!
I’d love to but I can’t read him. I hate his writing style.
Same here x
Pet semetary.
He waffles on too much lol x
The Stand! It is still a brilliant book and the only book I re-read!
@Michelle I loved the Telly version, but that was mainly because don’t fear the reaper is played in it and it’s one of my favourite songs *vacant*
Joy land is a great little book to start with
The Bachman Books
His Book Of Very Good Short Stories.
When He WroteUnder The Name Of Richard Bachman!
Carrie was my first. It’s a nice little short one and one of his classics
Loved the Stand
Read his short stories and novellas first. That will give you a flavour of his style. There are loads to choose from.
Start with one of the clsssics like Pet Semetary, the Shining or Carrie, then move onto Needful Things or The Stand (my personal fave) x
Shawshank Redemption, it’s very short but absolutely brilliant!
The Shinning, Misery and Under the Dome are my favourites ?
Rita hayworth and the shawshank redemption is a short story also the body. Both were made into films. Stand by me was based on the body. Great stories to get you into hid style
I’ve just finished rereading Carrie and enjoyed it, in February I’m going to reread Salem’s Lot. I’d recommend starting with his early books, Carrie, Salem’s Lot, Misery, Pet Sematary. Lots and lots to choose from 🙂
Dark Tower
The green mile is amazing and not scarily long like some of the others. I loved The Stand but it’s off-puttingly long!
IT was my first Stephen king and I have read it numerous times x
The Stand was my first by him… I adored it. Misery is great, so is Carrie, Cujo and Christine.
Start with his short stories. Having said that, the first King book I read was ‘IT’. Wonderful, beautifully written book.
Carrie and Misery are brilliant ones to start you off. Prepare to end up down the rabbit hole though… His books are outstanding… See you next year! ?
The shining or Carrie imo
One of my favourite author’s read his first one at 14 and it was IT, highly recommend that one or the shining, The stand is amazing!! Yes it is long but if you stick at it you will not regret it♥️♥️
Desperation was the first one I read, which I loved at the time. Firestarter is great as well, I remember I couldn’t put it down. IT, the Shining, Pet Sematary, Misery etc are all excellent classics. The stand is very long but great too x
Love most of them, but the only one I have read more than once is Talisman- a collaboration with another author whose name escapes me for the moment. I absolutely loved the characters.
@Julie i have wished for a movie of the talisman for years….was.it Peter Straub?
@Lesley Yes! That’s it! I have also thought it would make a great film.
@Julie i got all excited to read it again but cant find it.
.going to have to get a copy. Talisman and Weaveworld by Clive Barker are old favourites
Did you ever read the sequel? Black House, I believe it was called. Years after the original, but great. In fact, I think I may have to reread it! ?
@Julie no i never did. Will have to look for that too
@Lesley It was lovely to catch up with Jack as an adult. I was worried that it might be a disappointment, but it was really satisfying. A little like the sequel to the shining, which I also loved.
The first King book I read was Carrie but my favourite is Gerald’s game,it’s not that long either x
My dad gave me Carrie to read when I was young, and I worked through them in order using the list at the beginning of the books – the Castle Rock books remain my favourites though.
On another note, I’ve never found another author who writes prefaces like SK does, I love some of those more than the books.
I would recommend Carrie. Nice and small compared to others ?
His stuff is fab. Green mile. Shawshank redemption. His short stories are so good.
Needful Things x
Just finished Salem’s Lot. It was very good.
Needful Things will grip you straight away. Enjoy! ?
Firestarter is good and all of the above as well.
The shinning!!
@Hayley cos u wanna read him x
@Emily I’m starting with green mile I think what Jack lent me x
The green mile. Not scary but brilliant