Hey guys… I have never read Stephen king… going to begin one soon! Can anybody suggest which one should be my first read?
Hey guys… I have never read Stephen king… going to begin one soon! Can anybody suggest which one should be my first read?
Hey guys… I have never read Stephen king… going to begin one soon! Can anybody suggest which one should be my first read?
Pet Cemetary.
Delores Claiborne. I read it many years ago and I can still remember parts of it vividly.
I agree
Salem’s Lot
Honestly, since there’s no mass story line tying everything together, it doesn’t matter which one you start with.
They’re all very good in their own rights.
Have fun!!
Geralds game.
The Stand
Rose Madder
Salem’s Lot
I have had so many people say at the beginning. I read The Shining first. Loved it! He is a hit and miss with me:
I love Stephen King and have read most of his books… find it really hard to name a favourite! ?
Salem’s Lot
I would agree with @Hannah, with Thinner, or The Girl who loved Tom Gordon. Third suggestion would be a less publicized The Game. They slowly coax the reader into King’s dark liar, with a night light. They have you teetering between reality and supernatural. I have for years said that King is a brilliant writer, the master of horror, because he uses everyday, normal things that we all do every day, to scare us to death.
That should be Gerald’s Game for the 3rd.
Salem’s Lot, Thinner, Joyland, Insomnia, Misery
I just finished ‘Salems Lot and it was quite a slow read for me. Not saying it wasn’t a good book, but I wouldn’t start with it.
Dolores Claiborne is an easy read & good.
11/22/63 This is a page turner!! Loved this book!
Carrie geralds game. Christine. Fire starter
Start with the first. Carrie
The Girl That Loved Tom Gordon or Lisey’s Story
The Shining
Lisey’s story or The Stand. My 2 favorites.
Cujo was my first
I read Firestarter as my first, but that was 100 years ago
I first read The Dead Zone when I was a kid, loved it.
The green mile
11/22/63 was my first and I loved it!
The Shining, Carrie & Misery are my favorites, but I haven’t read too many of his.
I’m currently reading IT
Not a good introduction to King. It was one of the first books of his I tried reading and it almost turned me off from King. When I found his collection of Bachman Books, that’s when I fell in love
@Lysa I love it
It’s a good story! I’m reading it right now, but it can be a daunting read to a newcomer
@Lysa I’ll say
Read The Long Walk.
Thinner.. it’s an easy read..
Lol thats a toss up
Green mile series
Don’t start with It. I tried to read It as my first King book about 10 years ago and I couldn’t get into it. This one turned me off from reading his books for a very long time.
I am currently reading Pet Sematary because I wanted to give him a second chance, and I highly recommend it. I will read more of his books for sure.
Pet Sematary scared the hell out of me… it’s been years since I read it, but I think I’ll pick it up again!
I’d start with Needful Things
11/22/63 is an amazing read. I should read it again.
The Shining
This is my first Stephen King.
Christine or thinner. Those are my two favorites.
Needful Things
The Stand
The girl who loved Tom Gordon. I love it.
The cell is a good one too
So few people mention Tom Gordon. It’s one of my favorites!
My favorite too. I really enjoyed it
Me too. It’s so well done
That it is
Yes on The Cell!!
Carrie or Firestarter.
The Mr Mercedes trilogy is a less horror one, more crime with a hint of supernatural so may be a good one to ease in with!
Or 11.22.63 🙂
The Dark Half, IT or 11/22/63 are my personal favourites.
I found it hard to read King’s horrers, as he is lucky enough to have had directors that can adapt the stories to film. At first anyway.
My favorite book by him is Eye of the Dragon, and its about as “horror” as Lord of the Rings.
Its one of his fantasy books
‘Needful Things’ remains with me. The power of literature, eh? Hesitation will, however, just delay the pleasure. Begin. ‘Way leads on to way.’
I was trying to think of all the Steven King books I have read which I liked the best, Needful Things tops the list
@Paulette Whenever I see a new shop about to open on a small parade—windows soaped white to maintain the suspense—I get to worryin’. At the very same time I am tempted to press my face to the glass and squint for a man in a velvet smoking jacket.
Paulette Lancaster Lovely to read that comment. Thank you. ??
I haven’t read his stuff before but I’m about to start reading ‘Sleeping Beauties’ by Stephen King and his son Owen King
Salem’s Lot was my first but The Stand is my favorite!
I just finished my first and OMG- can this man write
Misery or 11/22/63. I wouldnt start with his thick novels (like IT or under the dome) because they can get overwhelming and you might end up getting disinterested. Misery is my first SK read and I fell in love with him ??
I didn’t care much for the draft of the Misery Chastain novel that cut through the middle of the main book though. That ruined it for me. The film is quality too though, ain’t it?
11/22/63 is a monstrosity novel but I absolutely loved every bit of it ?
I listened and the voices made it great
I may want it on audiobook too. I hear it’s also amazing ?
I liked Misery a lot, but The Stand really stayed with me. It’s a long one, but I’ve read it more than once. His short story, “The Body,” which the film STAND BY ME is based on, is good—but there’s nothing paranormal in it.
Bag of Bones?