There’s nothing to be ashamed of. If she loves her book then she can show it however it feels best for her. I love to write and highlight and fold my favorite pages over because I want to interact and journal my experience. It’s how I show love for the story. At the end of the day it’s just paper and ink.
I am a dog-ear person too. I also write in my books. I love them and make them mine. I would never do anything like that to a library book. I actually like seeing a tattered book. It signals to me the book is well loved.
Yes! Sometimes I used to make a little pencil note in the margin but sticky notes have fixed that problem. I have sticky flags, sticky arrows, sticky everything!
my kids got grounded for doing that. my grandkids think i am a fanatic when they ask to borrow my books. but they all learned. it is like pulling the hair out of your friends head. or scratching their arms. books are a special friend to care for FOREVER!
I love my books so much that I annotate them. I journal my reading experience within them. I highlight my favorite passages and write and underline and make notes and marks. I like looking back and seeing how I felt and what I learned while reading it.
My grandbaby removes my bookmark in whatever book I’m reading when he visits. I started dog- earing the page again although I swore off the practice decades ago!!!!
She can do what she wants with her own books – get over it! As long as she isn’t doing that to loaned or library books (and I sincerely doubt she is going to the public library for her books!)
I love when I lend books to people and they come back with notes next to mine! It’s a wonderful experience and I treasure their experience there in my bookshelf. 🙂
I never dog ear pages. If I don’t remember the page number, I will stick whatever I have handy in the page, even if it is just a paper napkin. But.. if it is your personal copy, you can do what you want…. just don’t be shocked if I cringe when I see it done. 😉
I thought the same thing. I am a folder to and would never admit to it on tv in front of a bunch of book peopl. Lol I feel I am not alone now and will admit it to all. They are my books and I want to enjoy them my way.
@Christal if you owned the book its your business what you do with it. if its a library or borrowed book i have more of a concern, but as much as i love books there are more importabt things to worry about
I don’t have any objections to highlighting or making notes in a book. That shows you connected with it and leaves evidence of your thoughts to yourself later and to those who may read your books after you. We’ve gained so much historical knowledge from those who made notations in old manuscripts, I’d hate to deny that to future generations.
I have to admit I’ve been known to dog ear a book. But only copies I own and they must be paperback. I won’t do it with a hardback. I do try to avoid it though.
So do I when I lose track of my bookmarks. Turning down the pages really does not help like my bookmarks. Forgive Sara Jessica, she is reading. That is what matters.
SJP’s book was obviously super loved. A bookmark is for keeping your place so you know where to continue. She dog-eared dozens of pages, so it was more about marking important passages.
Yes. I was confusing why people kept saying, that’s why I use bookmarks. But 1984, for example, I have a few pages dog eared, along with a few others. I own them, no regrets.
I do too I annotate all my thoughts and feelings in my books and I highlight my favorite passages. I just journal my experience with the book. It’s wonderful to look back and see how I felt and what I learned.
Is it my OCD kicking in or my old ladyism that I cringe at the idea of dog earing pages or writing in books? After I have read a book, I like for it to look as pristine as when I first picked it up.
Me as well. I stopped being a purist when 10 years after I took Shakespeare in college I pulled out my Signet to read King Lear before going to see it at the theater and was so so pleased to have all my notes in the margins. ?
Funny…the first thing I thought of was my Shakespeare. I looked for the most annotated copy I could find when I bought it in college. It was raggedy then, and I would never part with it.
I own my favorite novels in hardback and paperback. I read the paperback, saving the hard copy because I tried to get first editions for the new novels.
I wouldn’t mind that too much if she keeps them in her own library, but books have a way of being sold on or donated. Those of us who buy used books know that dog-earing a page causes it to break apart where the fold is as the paper ages.
Lmao! How can anyone dog ear a book page? If I let anyone borrow a book, I let them know up front that there will be no dog ears or they will have to buy me a new book.
Lol. I encourage people to write their thoughts in my books. I like to read what they thought and I like how it feels like we shared a personal experience and have it forever journaled in my book.
I would not do that to a borrowed book, but I might to a paperback. I have a book I am reading (now for the 2nd time as a refresher) that is required for my job (new wellness program.) That one is dog eared & has red ink underlines & notes.
I write in some books. I used to fret about dog earring pages and writing in books. Keeping them looking pristine. But they are to be used and enjoyed. It’s like the fine china — use it, don’t just keep it.
I don’t like it either, but I think in this case it proves how much she loves the book, wanting to remember where important or touching parts are. Now, if it is a borrowed book or one she is just reading for fun, that is different!
It’s okay….IF it’s your book. It shows your thought process and keeps track of your thinking. It’s proof that you ARE thinking! Dare I say that written thoughts in a book are good, too?? It shows where your mind was when you read that book. “Like footprints in the snow.” (Can you tell I’m a retired teacher who was always getting my kids to think?!! I used to tell them how proud they should be of all of their wonderful thinking.)
I recently was in a group of people (readers). There were 4 of us, we each chose a different book and wrote and highlighted in it. Then we sent our book on to the next person. After 4 months, we each got our book back and it was fascinating to read everyone’s comments and what they highlighted. Different kind of book club 🙂
I cringed at the dog ears in her favorite book… aunt smacked my hand the first time I did it and said never ever do that again…hence the bookmark collection.
Geez………I think she can afford TWO copies of any book!! One for her dogears, highlights, notes and underlines. Like my Mama’s Bible – it is a treasure!!
That is an irrelevant correlation. I have many books in my collection that are cherished and have been reread time and again – nary a one has an intentionally bent page.
Oops! So sorry I offended you. I didn’t mean to say that books that are in pristine condition are not cherished. I just meant that it was evident that SJP really loved her book.
Yes, it’s her book and she can do what she wants. However, it’s disrespectful to dog ear library books. It doesn’t show love,; it’s lack of respect for somebody else’s property.
I must say though,I get thrown off when I get a book from the library and it has crud on it from people’s hands(jam,chocolate,and heaven’s knows what else)
It’s her book. She can write in it, tear out pages and god forbid dog ear the corners. It’s her’s. Now a library book or a book someone lends you is another story.
I either use the inner leaf of the extra cover to tuck into the pages or use a picture or something that I won’t lose if it’s a book I borrowed. My own, they definitely look well used and well loved!
If it’s a library book DON’T DAMAGE IT, if it is a borrowed book DON’T DAMAGE IT! But if it is my book I read it, if I like something in it I underline it or highlight it, I might dog ear a page but not across type, because it has said something that if important to me and I want to be able to go back to that page quickly. A great book is like a great stuffed toy, you love it too death then you keep it. I have a shelf of my favorites that are all brand new and shiny so that when the first one falls apart the new one is waiting to be loved.
If you lose bookmarks and you don’t like to turn the corners – use the post-it stickies for the page and if you stop in the middle of the page, take another sticky and mark where you stopped.
I could have cared less if she dogeared her pages or not (they are her pages, after all)…I was too busy being absolutely enamored and enraptured by her love affair with this book. The way she held it, tenderly turned it around, the way she lovingly unfolded that “favorite quote on p. 9” or that “lovely passage on p. 62.” The way she so passionately, quietly spoke of her love for this book. Her physical handling of it alone was heart-meltingly beautiful. The way she clearly has passed on the love to her child, who feels that dogearing “hurts the book.” (Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and practices; I hold no judgment as to whether you do or you don’t dogear. What I care about is the love behind the act of dogearing or not dogearing!!!!). We share a common love of books, and that should extend to respecting the way each one of us chooses to physically interact with that book. If dogearing is your thing, do it (but only if it’s your book). If underlining and highlighting is your thing, do it. If bookmarks and nondogearing are your things, do those things. Just love the book. Love the experience. It’s a lifelong love affair, reading is.
My “best books” are sometimes falling apart, either because I’ve read and re-read them so often, or have dog-eared so I can go to a specific passage and remind myself of its wonder. When they do fall apart, I buy another copy. Some authors are “other members of my family”; I dote on them and support them.
I homeschooled my three children. I still cannot read a book without writing in the margins, underlining passages or making notes in the back of the book. My children have long since graduated from university and grad school. Old habits die hard.
@Patti , yes! I would never do such to borrowed book. The children had their own copies of books. The ones that were so well loved by myself and written in, were mine alone. My children never even saw the inside of my book until they had completed their reading and assignments using their own. Now, they like reading what I wrote! ?
Hey, it’s her book — I presume she paid her $12.95 for it and if she wants to dog ear a page — or highlight with a yellow marker, why the heck should she not???? It’s a book, not a holy icon.
If I’m reading a borrowed or library book and come across a dogeared page, I read more carefully in case it is more than a stopping point. A fellow reader may be leaving a “pay attention” sign.
My main objection to dog-eared pages is that it can cause the pages to actually fall apart. I will dog- ear paperbacks because they are less durable to begin with, so won’t last that long anyway. But I only dog-ear the very top of the page where text won’t be lost if the folded part eventually does fall off. My issue with SJP’s folds was that it was almost half the page folded. She’s entitled to do whatever she wants with her own books, of course, but I feel for her when one of those folds separates from the rest of the book and she’s actually lost essential text.
You are actually supposed to gently crack the spine evenly before you read it. It prevents breaks from occurring and ruining the spine when it is read.
@Leslie Oh yeah I hate it when you have to fight every page to keep the book open. If I get a library book that doesn’t open right I know it must be a bad book and no one else has bothered to read it.
I am thinking that this may be a book club for anal retentive, very judgmental people. Why do y’all care so much about what others do with THEIR books? Has anyone ever taught you that kindness matters? Ugh. I thought that this would be fun, and in one day, l see that most people are not here to talk about a book, only the ‘sinfulness’ of others. Is there not enough of that in this world right now?
I don’t get the sense that a single person on this thread is actually condemning SJP for dog-earing her book. It’s more a tongue-in-cheek “outrage” and way to discuss our feeling about how we treat our books. The “monsters” comic is all in good fun, not serious. Sometimes it’s good to have a sense of humor about things.
@Jennifer yes! You said it perfectly. I think people mean their ”outrage” as tounge in cheek. The hard part about comments is that you can’t hear tone.
I also read alot of currant books I have read almost all of Oprah’s book club it turned on to alot of authors I probably would have never read it widen my reading world
Some of my favorites were on Oprah’s list that Camden summer the poison wood Bible where the heart is love these there is many more but these three are my absolute favorites
Mary Jane Hawver McEntire I find Oprah’s choices contain a lot of pathos…I can understand not liking this but I also feel it strikes a cord in some of us
I have always dog-eared my books (not borrowed books) instead of a bookmark. I see nothing wrong with it. My oldest daughter (8) does it too, but I don’t know who she picked it up from since I mainly read in my kindle anymore.
now there is another topic..reading an e-book versus a hardcopy book…I have a few downloaded e-books but do not like it so much. I really like holding a paper book in my hand.
@Sherrie I started using my kindle when reading in bed several years ago. It’s so much easier for me to hold than a 1000 page book! I do get actual books from the library at times.
I love the feel of the book and smell tried my daughter’s Kindle but because of my bad hand it was hard to hold and turn the the page not much feeling so I would turn too many pages lol
So interesting to learn how different we are in expressing our love for books from reverence to the love a well-worn stuffed animal gets. Vive la difference!
I did not do it for a bookmark but rather to mark something profound. I have been known to use receipts, paper clips, and even unused tissues for bookmarks!
Hey if I own the book, I dog ear the page, and highlight sections I’ve loved as reading. I do use paperclips on Library books, to keep a section to go over again.
My adored grandmother read like I do. In some of her books she underlined passages. But I can’t tell where they all are or why she underlined them. So I dog ear the bottom of the page, underline & say why in the margin. And I’ve told my kids that is what they should look for in my books. I think sometimes, dog earing your pages are about loving your books, Velveteen Rabbit style. And that’s ok in my book.
There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the standard sets and best-sellers—unread, untouched. (This deluded individual owns wood-pulp and ink, not books.) The second has a great many books—a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. (This person would probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.) The third has a few books or many—every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back. (This man owns books.)
I’m the third. I don’t dog ear (and don’t balk people who do), but my husband is always nagging at me for wrecking the spines of books. I am very careful with the books of others, but MY books are for reading and loving and that is not always a neat thing. I have a vast library of books and if I want a book to look pretty I buy a special addition, and don’t read out of that one.
My mother folded down the pages and wrote comments in the margins of her books. She died in 2005. I’m so glad that I have that part of her still with me. Those folds, underlined passages and comments are a beautiful insight into my mother.
That’s such a beautiful treasure. I write in my books too and I hope one day it gives my daughters insight on who I am/was and how my books changed me and helped me grow.
I think an author would love to see a person who love and enjoyed their book so much that the reader interacted with the story by annotating and dog earring and highlighting the book. A book is just paper. What’s important is the story and how it moves and changes you.
A book isn’t something sacred. It’s just paper, audio or a digital file. It’s the words you hear or read. It’s what it means to you. The physical book maybe one day be in your recycle bin making the landfill unhappy or sold at a used book sale for charity or enjoyed by a family member or friend. It’s for them to enjoy it or hits the trash. Get over it.
I don’t feel like it is fair to judge the way another reads a book. It’s her book to enjoy as she wishes, and it is obvious in the video that she truly enjoys that book.
If it is her book, fine. I feel strongly that library books should be treated with great respect. If someone borrowed a book I owned, I would ask them not to do that. I write in my own books, but would never fold a page. I have bought books st estate sales and have found wonderful writings and marks from previous owners. To each their own.
Not only do I dog-ear, I “page”-ear. Meaning I’ll fold the whole darn page into triangles so it sticks out at a different angle than the other pages I’ve “page”-eared.
@Linda I don’t check out library books. If I did, I wouldn’t do anything to the books as I don’t own them. That’s a different matter altogether. I do what I want to my own books, and I don’t consider that treatment a “habit.”
Case in point. When I presented this to the author at a book signing he was flattered. Said he’d rather see this happen to his book than it sit pristinely on a shelf. He could tell his book was well-loved and inspiring, just the way he hoped it would be when he wrote it.
I’m not being critical of her. I borrow so many books from friends and the library, so I don’t like to dog ear pages. Plus, as an English teacher I used to cringe every time pages in textbooks were dog eared or written in.
No biggie. If you’ve ever worked in a bookstore, you’ve seen what happens to the books that don’t sell. Old books with sentimental value are one thing but new books…meh.
I am both a bookmark user (when I am reading a book), and a dog ear person (only my own book, and only to make it quicker to find something I want to refer back to).
I loved how passionate she was about the book. Eh, I don’t usually dog ear but I’ve been known to mark them up. As long as it isn’t a library book, you do you ?
I forget where I read it, but the author said that reading should be an interactive affair; write in the margins, highlight, underline and pose questions.
@Jessica you are my kind of reader! Read the words, speak the words, Sing the words ! I will be honest here only once have I ever intentionally written in a library book. I was reading a mystery by Patricia Cornwell and suddenly it no longer made any sense. Perplexed, I reread the 2 chapters… still not getting it so read one more chapter only to find that these chapters had been printed out of order totally losing and sense of events and continuity. Had to get the red pen out…
I LOVE the highlight feature on Kindle. I know not everyone likes e-readers, but I love my book on my phone, highlighting, reading embarrassing books without anyone judging my title….
Dog ear all the time and it is coded! Upper right, where I left off reading. Lower left, something written on that page impressed me, lower right it was on that page. Upper left there is something on either page that has made me curious and I want to learn more about it. I use bookmarks too but they often get lost.
My current copy of “To Kill a Mockingbird” came from a used book sale and it was owned by a Junior High girl. Her marks, highlights and doodles are precious.
I think it is a scream that your comment has generated so much response! I like that so many folks have her back about being allowed to do what she wants with her own book! Dog-earring is not my thing but, hey, let’s read and let read!!❤️?
If it’s your own book, you can love it however you want. Besides, I would much rather see a messy, dog-earred book that has been read than a pristine book unread.
I saw that too. I won’t lie to you, I shuddered.
I never ever do that. Shame on her.
There’s nothing to be ashamed of. If she loves her book then she can show it however it feels best for her. I love to write and highlight and fold my favorite pages over because I want to interact and journal my experience. It’s how I show love for the story. At the end of the day it’s just paper and ink.
That was my reaction too!!
I thought the same thing!! ???
As long as it’s her own copy.
Yep. You do what you want with your copy. No dog ears for me!
True. It’s her book. She’s the boss of her reading! ?
I know! I was like WTH?! Love that her daughter chastises her for it! ?
I’m a proud page folder!
I said the same thing! ?
I am a dog-ear person too. I also write in my books. I love them and make them mine. I would never do anything like that to a library book. I actually like seeing a tattered book. It signals to me the book is well loved.
I cringed! Her book her rules…
Apparently, she’s not heard of post it notes to mark special passages or make notes! ?
Yes! Sometimes I used to make a little pencil note in the margin but sticky notes have fixed that problem. I have sticky flags, sticky arrows, sticky everything!
At least it was her own book and not one from the library!
Well it’s not up there with child beating but I’d rather she didn’t. ?
It’s her own book and she can do with it as she likes.
Understanding what you can do with what you own, and what you borrow.
It was a paperback.
It is her book…and must be important to her.
I saw that! The horror!!!!?
I used to get mad at my daughter because she did that with every book I gave her.
? I never cared for her anyhow…and last night’s episode re-affirmed it for me
my kids got grounded for doing that. my grandkids think i am a fanatic when they ask to borrow my books. but they all learned. it is like pulling the hair out of your friends head. or scratching their arms. books are a special friend to care for FOREVER!
I love my books so much that I annotate them. I journal my reading experience within them. I highlight my favorite passages and write and underline and make notes and marks. I like looking back and seeing how I felt and what I learned while reading it.
Gosh, judgey much? They are her books.
My grandbaby removes my bookmark in whatever book I’m reading when he visits. I started dog- earing the page again although I swore off the practice decades ago!!!!
She can do what she wants with her own books – get over it! As long as she isn’t doing that to loaned or library books (and I sincerely doubt she is going to the public library for her books!)
She went on the I won’t lend books to list.
I love when I lend books to people and they come back with notes next to mine! It’s a wonderful experience and I treasure their experience there in my bookshelf. 🙂
I’m not a page folder, but as long as it’s your own copy and not a borrowed one…make that book yours!
I never dog ear pages. If I don’t remember the page number, I will stick whatever I have handy in the page, even if it is just a paper napkin. But.. if it is your personal copy, you can do what you want…. just don’t be shocked if I cringe when I see it done. 😉
I shuttered when she admitted that! NOOOOOO! Bookmarks!!
If this is all we have to complain about, we must be having a pretty good day.
haha i laughed when she said that and sais “people in the groupe are going to freak”
I thought the same thing. I am a folder to and would never admit to it on tv in front of a bunch of book peopl. Lol I feel I am not alone now and will admit it to all. They are my books and I want to enjoy them my way.
@Christal if you owned the book its your business what you do with it. if its a library or borrowed book i have more of a concern, but as much as i love books there are more importabt things to worry about
@Kristina, I want the pages marked for my continued enjoyment. I wouldn’t see the use of doing it to a borrowed book.
And her own book.
I was surprised too.
Several years working in a library and it still makes me cringe a little.?
Her daughter uses a book mark though. Why not put a post it note near a passage you want to remember?
Because they fall out.
Me tooo! And I annotate! (My own).
Meeee toooooo my books look like journals! I annotate my experience with the story. It’s an amazing habit!
That did make me cringe.
Let’s flood her with bookmarkers!!!
Lol!! What a great idea!!
That’s what I told my husband when we saw it! Some people (like me) would freak out and she’d be flooded with bookmarks!!!
It’s her own book, but I get it!
Who cares… as long as it’s her own property
I recently started. Pulling out bookmarks is my toddler’s favorite game. As long as I own the book, I don’t see why it’s a big deal.
I loved that! Just like a real person!
Her daughter is right, she shouldn’t do that!
I’ll only dog ear my own books… bookmarks fall out when you have your kids bring you your book. ?
[Won’t mention that he sometimes highlights his favorite quotes so he can come back to them later when needed]. Yeah, some people, huh? 🙂
I don’t have any objections to highlighting or making notes in a book. That shows you connected with it and leaves evidence of your thoughts to yourself later and to those who may read your books after you. We’ve gained so much historical knowledge from those who made notations in old manuscripts, I’d hate to deny that to future generations.
I have to admit I’ve been known to dog ear a book. But only copies I own and they must be paperback. I won’t do it with a hardback. I do try to avoid it though.
I use post it notes too. Doesn’t fall out as easily.
That is how I survived reading books for my dissertation – many of which I did not own…. was more permanent, but much less damaging.
The only way to read. (Books that I own of course!)
Me too!
So do I!
I have on paper backs,only on mine,never a loner
So do I when I lose track of my bookmarks. Turning down the pages really does not help like my bookmarks. Forgive Sara Jessica, she is reading. That is what matters.
I never understood why that bothers people, unless it’s a borrower book of course.
Eh. As long as she’s only dog-earing books she actually owns and that aren’t, like, rare first editions, I don’t care.
So do I! It shows how well a book is loved!
This was my thought too
SJP’s book was obviously super loved. A bookmark is for keeping your place so you know where to continue. She dog-eared dozens of pages, so it was more about marking important passages.
Yes. I was confusing why people kept saying, that’s why I use bookmarks. But 1984, for example, I have a few pages dog eared, along with a few others. I own them, no regrets.
I do too I annotate all my thoughts and feelings in my books and I highlight my favorite passages. I just journal my experience with the book. It’s wonderful to look back and see how I felt and what I learned.
I do it, but only in books I own.
Is it my OCD kicking in or my old ladyism that I cringe at the idea of dog earing pages or writing in books? After I have read a book, I like for it to look as pristine as when I first picked it up.
I’m afraid SJP may never live this down. ?
If she owns the book she can do what she pleases…it was a paperback, no?
She’s in good company…so long as the books are hers!
My Father would turn over in his grave!!!
Me too. Only paperbacks. And I’m not ashamed!
Sooo disappointing!?
If it is my book – I’ll highlight it, underline it, dog ear it and relish every minute
Me too! I like books that are not only loved well, but look it. So yes to all of the above.
Me as well. I stopped being a purist when 10 years after I took Shakespeare in college I pulled out my Signet to read King Lear before going to see it at the theater and was so so pleased to have all my notes in the margins. ?
Funny…the first thing I thought of was my Shakespeare. I looked for the most annotated copy I could find when I bought it in college. It was raggedy then, and I would never part with it.
I do too ever since my toddler kept pulling my bookmarks out!
I cherish my collection of Antioch bookmarks, I like to match the mark to the story 🙂
I own my favorite novels in hardback and paperback. I read the paperback, saving the hard copy because I tried to get first editions for the new novels.
I wouldn’t mind that too much if she keeps them in her own library, but books have a way of being sold on or donated. Those of us who buy used books know that dog-earing a page causes it to break apart where the fold is as the paper ages.
Though I do love coming across a highlighted passage or note in the margin of a used book.
Such disrespect! Lol. Really though, I dont do it, but to each his own.
I love her even more!
But at least her daughter has learned to use bookmarks. Must be Matthew’s influence.
Sign of a loved book.
I do if they are my books, not library books
Lmao! How can anyone dog ear a book page? If I let anyone borrow a book, I let them know up front that there will be no dog ears or they will have to buy me a new book.
Lol. I encourage people to write their thoughts in my books. I like to read what they thought and I like how it feels like we shared a personal experience and have it forever journaled in my book.
My book, my rules. Love it
I would not do that to a borrowed book, but I might to a paperback. I have a book I am reading (now for the 2nd time as a refresher) that is required for my job (new wellness program.) That one is dog eared & has red ink underlines & notes.
I write in some books. I used to fret about dog earring pages and writing in books. Keeping them looking pristine. But they are to be used and enjoyed. It’s like the fine china — use it, don’t just keep it.
I know!
I do it to paperbacks, but not hardbound. They are mine to enjoy as I see fit! ?
SJP mentioned that her daughter uses bookmarks.
When I saw that I told my son that she’s a ‘monster’! ?
I know. Scandalous!
I used to but I’ve reformed. ?
I don’t like it either, but I think in this case it proves how much she loves the book, wanting to remember where important or touching parts are. Now, if it is a borrowed book or one she is just reading for fun, that is different!
Aaaahh I know! I was horrified when I saw that. ?
I know right?!?! I was like, no girl. No. We can’t be friends.
I dog ear mine…..
@Jessica I know you do!!! You’re so lucky you’re my sister. I have to be friends with you. ? ❤️
@Jessica I’m sure there are times where it would be acceptable but you know me. I just….ugh. I can’t. ?♀️
On a positive note, it DOES show how loved the book is…..
That’s exactly what I said! LOL!
It’s okay….IF it’s your book. It shows your thought process and keeps track of your thinking. It’s proof that you ARE thinking! Dare I say that written thoughts in a book are good, too?? It shows where your mind was when you read that book. “Like footprints in the snow.” (Can you tell I’m a retired teacher who was always getting my kids to think?!! I used to tell them how proud they should be of all of their wonderful thinking.)
I recently was in a group of people (readers). There were 4 of us, we each chose a different book and wrote and highlighted in it. Then we sent our book on to the next person. After 4 months, we each got our book back and it was fascinating to read everyone’s comments and what they highlighted. Different kind of book club 🙂
@Jamie Love that idea!
I do it also! But only when I love the book a lot. And I’m not afraid to write in the margins. If I want a clean copy I have e book! Old schoolers!
A dog ear makes it YOUR book!?
Paperback yes. Hard back no. only on books I own.
I cringed at the dog ears in her favorite book… aunt smacked my hand the first time I did it and said never ever do that again…hence the bookmark collection.
I used to but now I wont,I grab bookmarks from library every time I go.
Oh, I’ve done that many a time. Books are to be read and loved! She loves her book!
Monster! ?
Off with her head!
Geez………I think she can afford TWO copies of any book!! One for her dogears, highlights, notes and underlines. Like my Mama’s Bible – it is a treasure!!
I know many people who write in their Bibles!
Reminds me of The Velveteen Rabbit. Sarah Jessica Parker’s book is loved and read and reread. It doesn’t just sit on a shelf and gather dust. ?
That is an irrelevant correlation. I have many books in my collection that are cherished and have been reread time and again – nary a one has an intentionally bent page.
Oops! So sorry I offended you. I didn’t mean to say that books that are in pristine condition are not cherished. I just meant that it was evident that SJP really loved her book.
Oh, for sure. I love that it’s obviously dear, it just makes me cringe. No worries, book friend. 🙂
This is a TOTAL pet peeve of mine.
Yes, it’s her book and she can do what she wants. However, it’s disrespectful to dog ear library books. It doesn’t show love,; it’s lack of respect for somebody else’s property.
As said above, IT IS HER BOOK! I can’t believe this is such a topic of conversation. Getting people to read is the whole point of the show.
@Patricia because for generations, ppl were taught not to deface their books unless it was your study Bible.
I can maybe handle a small dog ear on the tip of the page but SJP dog ears were like Bassett hound ears!
And worse, she made dog ears an art form!
I know! But at least her daughter uses bookmarks.
I guess, she owns the book, she can do what she whats. LOL
It was a book well read
This doesn’t bother me as long as she owns the book. If it’s from the library then I would throw a fit
Oh, the years I spent telling my students not to do that!
God love you for trying to train people to respect their books! <3
What a monster!!! ?
OH come on people…books are like’s about the content, not the vessel that holds it!
Two types of people… y’all and us. LOL
I must say though,I get thrown off when I get a book from the library and it has crud on it from people’s hands(jam,chocolate,and heaven’s knows what else)
Or smells like cigarette smoke!
@Lora that’s the WORST.
@Sherrie ew! Me, too.
Hurts my heart!!!
If it’s her book, why not? She’s just showing her love for her book.
It’s her book – now if it was a borrowed copy from the library, that would be another thing.
She even mentioned it bothers her daughter that she does that, and her daughter always uses a book mark. ?
Oh my, I do too. And underline and write notes in the margins.
Me too! How else are we going to be able to go right to our favorite parts again?
Someone needs to speak to Sarah about this!
no no no no no no no
I’m guilty of that, too, especially the pages I love to reread. The book is loving me back with dog ears, sort of like “The Velveteen Rabbit”.
No! I agree!
It’s her book. She can write in it, tear out pages and god forbid dog ear the corners. It’s her’s. Now a library book or a book someone lends you is another story.
I either use the inner leaf of the extra cover to tuck into the pages or use a picture or something that I won’t lose if it’s a book I borrowed. My own, they definitely look well used and well loved!
I just love what an intimate relationship she shares with this book and how passionate she is about reading. ❤️
I do it too! I always lose bookmarks!
OK, I’m deleting this thread of conversation. Just too much energy being wasted when we should be supportive, not critical.
If nothing else, it shows we readers are passionate about our books and not afraid to express our opinions?
If it’s a library book DON’T DAMAGE IT, if it is a borrowed book DON’T DAMAGE IT! But if it is my book I read it, if I like something in it I underline it or highlight it, I might dog ear a page but not across type, because it has said something that if important to me and I want to be able to go back to that page quickly. A great book is like a great stuffed toy, you love it too death then you keep it. I have a shelf of my favorites that are all brand new and shiny so that when the first one falls apart the new one is waiting to be loved.
If you lose bookmarks and you don’t like to turn the corners – use the post-it stickies for the page and if you stop in the middle of the page, take another sticky and mark where you stopped.
and she talked about it like it was no big deal! I guess it’s ok if it’s your own book but never do it to a library book, please!
After reading all the critical comments about SJP I am wondering why I want to be part of this book club.
Remind me never to loan her a book!
If the book is hers, no problem.
I could have cared less if she dogeared her pages or not (they are her pages, after all)…I was too busy being absolutely enamored and enraptured by her love affair with this book. The way she held it, tenderly turned it around, the way she lovingly unfolded that “favorite quote on p. 9” or that “lovely passage on p. 62.” The way she so passionately, quietly spoke of her love for this book. Her physical handling of it alone was heart-meltingly beautiful. The way she clearly has passed on the love to her child, who feels that dogearing “hurts the book.” (Everyone is entitled to their own opinions and practices; I hold no judgment as to whether you do or you don’t dogear. What I care about is the love behind the act of dogearing or not dogearing!!!!). We share a common love of books, and that should extend to respecting the way each one of us chooses to physically interact with that book. If dogearing is your thing, do it (but only if it’s your book). If underlining and highlighting is your thing, do it. If bookmarks and nondogearing are your things, do those things. Just love the book. Love the experience. It’s a lifelong love affair, reading is.
This love of books is our common ground!
Quite a few of their endorsing guests were tearing up talking about “their” books. It was poignant.
I have the same views! The books we love minister to our hearts and souls. A worn book is a sign of a well loved book.
My “best books” are sometimes falling apart, either because I’ve read and re-read them so often, or have dog-eared so I can go to a specific passage and remind myself of its wonder. When they do fall apart, I buy another copy. Some authors are “other members of my family”; I dote on them and support them.
She totally sold me on wanting to read that book!!!!
I had the same thought!
Kathleen Kelly Halverson.
You put my thoughts so beautifully.
Thank you.
I homeschooled my three children. I still cannot read a book without writing in the margins, underlining passages or making notes in the back of the book. My children have long since graduated from university and grad school. Old habits die hard.
i do if it’s my book. or it’s for learning something.
@Patti , yes! I would never do such to borrowed book. The children had their own copies of books. The ones that were so well loved by myself and written in, were mine alone. My children never even saw the inside of my book until they had completed their reading and assignments using their own. Now, they like reading what I wrote! ?
I use book marks…..
Hate dog ears
Exactly what I thought!! Never, never, never dog-ear pages in a book!!
Hey, it’s her book — I presume she paid her $12.95 for it and if she wants to dog ear a page — or highlight with a yellow marker, why the heck should she not???? It’s a book, not a holy icon.
@Elizabeth In my opinion, books are holy icons.
Hmm. No mention of eBooks anywhere. Before anyone attacks, they’re not a sacrilege.
If I’m reading a borrowed or library book and come across a dogeared page, I read more carefully in case it is more than a stopping point. A fellow reader may be leaving a “pay attention” sign.
What a beautiful response!!
@Johanna Thank you.
i saw that and I cringed!!!!!!!
I think SJP is going to catch a lot of heat for this gravest of bookworm sins.
I don’t necessarily see it as the gravest of sins. Plus, why the surprise? She’s a mere mortal.
I love the way she said her daughter is appalled by it!!! 🙂
The horror!!!
I saw that too!
My main objection to dog-eared pages is that it can cause the pages to actually fall apart. I will dog- ear paperbacks because they are less durable to begin with, so won’t last that long anyway. But I only dog-ear the very top of the page where text won’t be lost if the folded part eventually does fall off. My issue with SJP’s folds was that it was almost half the page folded. She’s entitled to do whatever she wants with her own books, of course, but I feel for her when one of those folds separates from the rest of the book and she’s actually lost essential text.
I just can’t that’s like breaking a bone
The first thing I do when I open my new book is crack its spine. It’s my favorite thing. <3
You are actually supposed to gently crack the spine evenly before you read it. It prevents breaks from occurring and ruining the spine when it is read.
I will crack it in four places so it lays good
@Leslie Oh yeah I hate it when you have to fight every page to keep the book open. If I get a library book that doesn’t open right I know it must be a bad book and no one else has bothered to read it.
I am totally on board with that. DOG-EARERS, UNITE!
I think I might start dog earing as my own personal rebellion against everyone who makes such a big deal about it. ??Who the heck cares?!
@Alex And because I love my books to death, I will not borrow them from others. I am a considerate mauler of books. 🙂
I love it! I do it too. That’s what paperbacks are for…writing, dog ears, highlighting.
I will write comments in my book but my writing is in pencil and my handwriting has to be my best
Yup, right there with you
I don’t have a best handwriting I am afraid.
I am thinking that this may be a book club for anal retentive, very judgmental people. Why do y’all care so much about what others do with THEIR books? Has anyone ever taught you that kindness matters? Ugh. I thought that this would be fun, and in one day, l see that most people are not here to talk about a book, only the ‘sinfulness’ of others. Is there not enough of that in this world right now?
far too much righteousness in the world…makes people feel superior I guess
Your comment is just as judgmental. Just pass on it
@Cheryl no, not really
@Cheryl whatever. My point is shut up about others. Talk about your book, and be kind. Sorry if that offends.
Cheryl Comento this could go on ad infinitum
@Trish You just made my point
This is the song that never ends……
I don’t think people are being so judgemental as they are just voicing their opinion on how they feel about the matter..
@Mary I think maybe calling people who dogear monsters is a bit judgemental.
@Sherrie Guess I just take comments with a grain of salt and move on. I’m really enjoying this group.
@Mary well so far this is my first day….hopefully it will be more about the content of books and less about how they are physical manipulated?
@Sherrie Start reading another thread. Some of the conversations are really interesting. Welcome to the group.☺
@Mary will most certainly do
@Mary I agree that people are not judging! Just sharing a different thought. I find the thread humorous and love how everyone is different.
I don’t get the sense that a single person on this thread is actually condemning SJP for dog-earing her book. It’s more a tongue-in-cheek “outrage” and way to discuss our feeling about how we treat our books. The “monsters” comic is all in good fun, not serious. Sometimes it’s good to have a sense of humor about things.
Funny…I took this all to be in fun….I’m sure SJP, would see it that way too….
@Jennifer I actually have a great sense of humour…when things are funny
@Jennifer yes! You said it perfectly. I think people mean their ”outrage” as tounge in cheek. The hard part about comments is that you can’t hear tone.
I am well into my sixties and I still love the children’s classics
It’s hers. She loves it. Who cares.
I also read alot of currant books I have read almost all of Oprah’s book club it turned on to alot of authors I probably would have never read it widen my reading world
If a book is on Oprah’s like I am almost guaranteed not to like it. Aren’t we all lucky that there are so many books in the world to choose from.
Some of my favorites were on Oprah’s list that Camden summer the poison wood Bible where the heart is love these there is many more but these three are my absolute favorites
Mary Jane Hawver McEntire I find Oprah’s choices contain a lot of pathos…I can understand not liking this but I also feel it strikes a cord in some of us
Just wrong.
I have always dog-eared my books (not borrowed books) instead of a bookmark. I see nothing wrong with it. My oldest daughter (8) does it too, but I don’t know who she picked it up from since I mainly read in my kindle anymore.
now there is another topic..reading an e-book versus a hardcopy book…I have a few downloaded e-books but do not like it so much. I really like holding a paper book in my hand.
I love my Kindle. Its been years since I read a dead tree book. If my Kindle died I would have a panic attack. I carry around 400 books at a time.
@Tere sorry for liking”dead tree books”
@Sherrie I started using my kindle when reading in bed several years ago. It’s so much easier for me to hold than a 1000 page book! I do get actual books from the library at times.
@Sarah yes they are easier to hold
I love the feel of the book and smell tried my daughter’s Kindle but because of my bad hand it was hard to hold and turn the the page not much feeling so I would turn too many pages lol
@Audrey I’ve got a Kindle, a Kindle Fire, my iPad, and my phone….I still buy real books. I love the feel of them and the smell!! ❤️
Desperate times call for desperate measures #dontjudge
I do that
Yeah, loads of books on a Kindle for travel.
Saw that, admit I cringed, her book to do with what she wants however
Well, we’ll just have to send her a bookmark.
I’m guilty of that also!
Also guilty…but I don’t actually feel any guilt or shame, lol.
Me too! So what.
I think that if its your book then its okay. The nerve wracking thing for me is when people borrow books from library and do that.
So interesting to learn how different we are in expressing our love for books from reverence to the love a well-worn stuffed animal gets. Vive la difference!
I read an interview with an author I can’t remember but he did say that he liked to see people dog ear because it proves it;s getting read?
I do it too. I also don’t keep most of the books I read. I love to pass on books to other people who would love them too.
If I love it, I keep it.
I resell the ones that didn’t quite get to me. But it gives me a reason to be in the second hand bookshop …..
My books are marked by laying flat I’ve dropped a few in the bath tub by falling asleep lol I dry them and keep on reading
Love it!
Laying them flat will break the spine eventually…
Yes but I’m guilty only on my own books I don’t borrow books if I like it I want it in my library
Guilty as charged! But only if it’s my own book.
I do that too but like carolyn, only if it is mine. I can never find a bookmark when i need one and often they drop out anyway.
I use my check-out slip 🙂
I’ve lost sooo many bookmarks and scraps of paper
I did not do it for a bookmark but rather to mark something profound. I have been known to use receipts, paper clips, and even unused tissues for bookmarks!
I will make a notation in the cover if a passage I want to remember
I don’t mind dog-earing at all. Books should be read and enjoyed.
Hey if I own the book, I dog ear the page, and highlight sections I’ve loved as reading. I do use paperclips on Library books, to keep a section to go over again.
I was horrified myself, at least her daughter know better and uses bookmarks.
Arrrrrrrgh!!!! Say it isn’t so!!!
It’s her book. lol
Mine I make hula skirts!
Horrors!!!! I had NIGHTMARES about that last night!
My adored grandmother read like I do. In some of her books she underlined passages. But I can’t tell where they all are or why she underlined them.
So I dog ear the bottom of the page, underline & say why in the margin. And I’ve told my kids that is what they should look for in my books.
I think sometimes, dog earing your pages are about loving your books, Velveteen Rabbit style. And that’s ok in my book.
When my books fall apart at the spine & the loose pages are tucked back in there, those are the books that will help my kids know me better.
I know. I was shocked.
I’m very careful with my own books, and use book tabs to mark pages. But to each his or her own, when you own the book/s, imho.
If you own the book it’s fine but don’t deface a library book. Makes me crazy!!
I do that too.
But it’s her book. Borrowed books = Never.
I think it shows great love.
I do too and I write and highlight and fold full pages
I do on paper backs, if their mine!
Her daughter already admonished her for it. She doesn’t need us to….
Read this! It’s funny and changed the way I read. Might inspire someone else.
There are three kinds of book owners. The first has all the standard sets and best-sellers—unread, untouched. (This deluded individual owns wood-pulp and ink, not books.) The second has a great many books—a few of them read through, most of them dipped into, but all of them as clean and shiny as the day they were bought. (This person would probably like to make books his own, but is restrained by a false respect for their physical appearance.) The third has a few books or many—every one of them dog-eared and dilapidated, shaken and loosened by continual use, marked and scribbled in from front to back. (This man owns books.)
I’m the 2nd lol
I’m the third. I don’t dog ear (and don’t balk people who do), but my husband is always nagging at me for wrecking the spines of books. I am very careful with the books of others, but MY books are for reading and loving and that is not always a neat thing. I have a vast library of books and if I want a book to look pretty I buy a special addition, and don’t read out of that one.
For me it’s like murder ?? I have 100’s of bookmarks lol
Lol I do to. Bad habbit
It’s a great habit as long as it’s not a library book or a friends book.
Ughhhhhhhhh! I feel so betrayed
My mother folded down the pages and wrote comments in the margins of her books. She died in 2005. I’m so glad that I have that part of her still with me. Those folds, underlined passages and comments are a beautiful insight into my mother.
That’s such a beautiful treasure. I write in my books too and I hope one day it gives my daughters insight on who I am/was and how my books changed me and helped me grow.
By reading the book and reading her comments would be like reading the book along with her
I wonder what an author’s opinion on this subject is.
It would probably be as varied as these comments are..
I think an author would love to see a person who love and enjoyed their book so much that the reader interacted with the story by annotating and dog earring and highlighting the book. A book is just paper. What’s important is the story and how it moves and changes you.
@Natalia I agree. I bet an author would be honored to see their book so well loved as to be marked and interacted with
Thank you. Hate getting a book from the library where someone has done that.
I like getting books like that. Makes me think about who read this before, and why did they stop there.
I dog ear and use whatever else like an envelop.
I dog ear my phone now.
A book isn’t something sacred. It’s just paper, audio or a digital file. It’s the words you hear or read. It’s what it means to you. The physical book maybe one day be in your recycle bin making the landfill unhappy or sold at a used book sale for charity or enjoyed by a family member or friend. It’s for them to enjoy it or hits the trash. Get over it.
I knew there was a reason I didn’t like her?
I don’t feel like it is fair to judge the way another reads a book. It’s her book to enjoy as she wishes, and it is obvious in the video that she truly enjoys that book.
If it is her book, fine. I feel strongly that library books should be treated with great respect. If someone borrowed a book I owned, I would ask them not to do that. I write in my own books, but would never fold a page. I have bought books st estate sales and have found wonderful writings and marks from previous owners. To each their own.
I agree that if you borrow a book, it should be treated with respect. And, I also agree with; to each there own 🙂
ok, she’s worth how much? Do you think she’s hitting the library?
I dog-ear pages and write in the margins and highlight. Books are tools. Not sacred objects.
writing and highlighting is not the same as dogears!
Not only do I dog-ear, I “page”-ear. Meaning I’ll fold the whole darn page into triangles so it sticks out at a different angle than the other pages I’ve “page”-eared.
I fold pages too lol if I feel like I want to highlight the whole page I just end up folding it instead
@Birgitte I hope you don’t do that to library books. It’s a bad habit.
speak for yourself.
@Linda I don’t check out library books. If I did, I wouldn’t do anything to the books as I don’t own them. That’s a different matter altogether. I do what I want to my own books, and I don’t consider that treatment a “habit.”
Case in point. When I presented this to the author at a book signing he was flattered. Said he’d rather see this happen to his book than it sit pristinely on a shelf. He could tell his book was well-loved and inspiring, just the way he hoped it would be when he wrote it.
Yeeeeessss! This is pretty much what my books look like except I have tons of highlights in them lol!
@Natalia We’re obviously book-soul-mates. <3
I’m not being critical of her. I borrow so many books from friends and the library, so I don’t like to dog ear pages. Plus, as an English teacher I used to cringe every time pages in textbooks were dog eared or written in.
No biggie. If you’ve ever worked in a bookstore, you’ve seen what happens to the books that don’t sell. Old books with sentimental value are one thing but new books…meh.
I love her. I picked up the book she suggested today.
As long as it’s a privately owned copy it’s fine. If it’s a library book I consider it a hate crime to all future readers.
I am both a bookmark user (when I am reading a book), and a dog ear person (only my own book, and only to make it quicker to find something I want to refer back to).
I used the mini post it stickers to mark pages in books and my Bible.
Post it’s and dog ears don’t fall out like bookmarks ??
But eventually the dog earned corners will break off.
Her book so she can dog ear her favorite parts if she wants.
I hate that. I’m a book mark girl and I go nuts if I don’t have one ready
I loved how passionate she was about the book. Eh, I don’t usually dog ear but I’ve been known to mark them up. As long as it isn’t a library book, you do you ?
…just read…..
My books look like they have been read, just sayin.
I only have one rule: never take a hard cover book into the pool! Paperbacks, yep!
I prefer paper back books over hard cover.
I saw that too. ?
That was a lesson learned!
She reads every night before bed.
It was her personal copy
I do! Not to save the page, but if something resonates and I want to go back and read it again. They’re not library books, I buy them ?
Which book did she recommend?
I think it was Things Fall Apart.
I was upset about it too.
If the books are hers, fine. If they came from the library, PLEASE don’t do this!
I like flags myself.
But her daughter uses bookmarks!! ( good girl)
Her book her edges!!!?
Allow me to confess, I dog ear pages in paperbacks, but not hard cover books. I am not a barbarian 🙂
No, no, no!!!
Readers are passionate about this topic. It’s generated more discussion than practically any other topic.
Let me explain; Paperbacks are useful, easy to pack along. Once I read a book and decide it’s a keeper, I replace it with a hardcover.
I dog ear, underline, circle and write in the margins.
I heard that too!
I just appreciate her love for Things Fall Apart. I loved this book, as an English major during college.
I just read this last year, and it’s a terrific book!
I forget where I read it, but the author said that reading should be an interactive affair; write in the margins, highlight, underline and pose questions.
If it’s your personal copy, fine. But please,don’t do this to library books!
At least she reads!!!!!!!!!!
Maybe only the paperbacks…
If I buy a book at a thrift store that’s well used I dog ear. Or actually if I pay for it. It’s MINE
It’s my book and I’ll fold if I want to… fold if I want to… Fold if I want to. You would fold too if you paid for it… (It’s a sing along)
Totes agree
Who cares?
(book snobs… ?)
@Jessica I reckon! 🙂
@Jessica you are my kind of reader! Read the words, speak the words, Sing the words ! I will be honest here only once have I ever intentionally written in a library book. I was reading a mystery by Patricia Cornwell and suddenly it no longer made any sense. Perplexed, I reread the 2 chapters… still not getting it so read one more chapter only to find that these chapters had been printed out of order totally losing and sense of events and continuity. Had to get the red pen out…
I LOVE the highlight feature on Kindle. I know not everyone likes e-readers, but I love my book on my phone, highlighting, reading embarrassing books without anyone judging my title….
Dog ear all the time and it is coded! Upper right, where I left off reading. Lower left, something written on that page impressed me, lower right it was on that page. Upper left there is something on either page that has made me curious and I want to learn more about it. I use bookmarks too but they often get lost.
I do the same system! ?Only on my own books, of course.
Had to laugh when she said her daughter gets upset with her about it!
Why not ?
Too cute!
Haha. If my mother saw that, she would have a cow.
I loved it……
I dog-ear too! No shame in my page marking game!
At least she does it to her own books, and not God forbid, to library books!
Or borrowed books!!! ?
She reads! I like that.
I don’t dog ear but I have started to allow myself to underline parts I find particularly inspiring. It’s my book and I can do that. Lol
It’s YOUR book..who am I to tell anyone what they can or cannot do with their own book? I do what I want with mine…if it’s borrowed, no.
I do. Adds character to a book.
I enjoy reading marked up pre-read books–the different emphasizes can be very interesting.
I love used books specifically because of other’s insight and markings!
My current copy of “To Kill a Mockingbird” came from a used book sale and it was owned by a Junior High girl. Her marks, highlights and doodles are precious.
I hate that! I respext the books. I do not damage them. Do I damage my jewelry or car? No because I value them. I VALUE the books!
It was funny, she doesn’t know the term ‘dog ear’ either I don’t think. I liked her recommendations and enthusiasm though lol
It is her book!
I use post-it notes!
I do it to all books! Sssshhh
I think it is a scream that your comment has generated so much response! I like that so many folks have her back about being allowed to do what she wants with her own book! Dog-earring is not my thing but, hey, let’s read and let read!!❤️?
If it’s your own book, you can love it however you want. Besides, I would much rather see a messy, dog-earred book that has been read than a pristine book unread.
Don’t dog ear pages use a bookmark. Also remove post-its as if left too long they destroy the paper in some books.