Reading News of the World. Has anyone read this? Thoughts on it?Reading News of the World. Has anyone read this? Thoughts on it? Agnes #review
I’m reading I’m Thinking of Ending Things by Ian Reid. Has anyone else read this book? Thoughts? 9 answers
Has anyone read “The catcher in the rye, J.D Salinger” ?? If so what are your thoughts, I’m thinking of reading it but need to be convinced hahah! 12 answers
I was thinking of reading David Eddings, Belgariad series. Does anyone have any thoughts on it? Is it a must read? 4 answers
Loved this book. Tender without sentimentality,and historically interesting without boring detail. And the characters and their relationship made me love them.
Book Club selection this past year. Soooo good. Not something I would have chosen for myself but I was entranced.
I loved it.
Loved, loved it.
Absolutely wonderful. The writing is superb
Great! I’m thinking of it for our book club. Just started it.
Loved this book. Tender without sentimentality,and historically interesting without boring detail. And the characters and their relationship made me love them.
We did it for bookclub, we had a good discussion. There is a movie in the works.
I couldn’t finish it. I was bored out of my mind. It was soooooo slow.
I thought it was interesting.
Surprised by how much I liked it! Enjoyed the characters, their relationships, and the writing.
Paulette Jiles is an awesome author. I love Enemy Women and The Color of Lightning.
Book Club selection this past year. Soooo good. Not something I would have chosen for myself but I was entranced.
Loved this book!
Loved it!
Currently reading for a book club meeting this Friday……
Loved it – hated for it to end!
I loved the ending
It’s on my shelf, but I’ve not yet read it. Sounds good though.
it was good- well written. tender. but not a page turner by any means.
such a charming story…loved it
I loved this book.