My husband claims that he hates reading and refuses to read anything. It makes me so sad!! Am I alone?
My husband claims that he hates reading and refuses to read anything. It makes me so sad!!
Am I alone?
My husband claims that he hates reading and refuses to read anything. It makes me so sad!!
Am I alone?
My S.O claims he doesn’t mind reading occasionally however I’ve never seen it with my own eyes. Which makes me sad because I’ve purchased at least 4 books for him and the most he’s done is flip through a bit and put them on a self.
Thank God I’m free, single , and disengage
My hubby surprised me by saying that now he wants to start reading!!!! Am looking for options which once he reads he will continue forever
I hope he finds something he loves.
Me too
Start of with subjects he likes or has been curious about. Head to your local library (If doable, that is.)or used bookstore. Have patience with him and don’t push.
@Sarah… thanx for the advice..wl do just that
Mine has a bookshelf of books that he never reads. He says he doesn’t like reading however he has a shelf. It doesn’t make any sense.
My partner started reading after about 3 years of us being together. He doesn’t read very often and only reads sports biographies and history books but it’s still more than he ever did before he met me and it makes me deliriously happy.
Mine thinks he’s too cool to read ??
Mine reads newspapers and magazines and journals but not books. After 20+ years, it’s not a problem for me.
My hubby says he doesn’t read but in fact he just doesn’t read books. He reads all the time, scientific articles, news, gadget news, lots of things. Besides the world would be terribly boring if we were all the same. I am sure your husband has hobbies that don’t interest you.
Yes, he has other hobbies. I just wish he would give reading a try. I believe that we are all readers but the majority of the people have never found the book to spark their interest.
There is a certain intellectual patience that book reader have, in no trump (pun), and non-book-readers do not. In some cases, it’s a learned skill :):):)
I let my spouse be who he is. He’s not a big reader, and I’m okay with that.
My hubby doesn’t like reading either. He will listen to audiobooks. But only autobiographies or historical things. No novels what so ever. Not even historical novels. And he listens to a lot of sports podcast or something. Don’t know what it is but it’s all sports stuff he listens to.
Sounds like mine. Sports, biographies and history only!!
omg yes!!
Nope. My husband says he’s never been able to visualize anything he reads. He’s a totally movie buff.
Mine says the same thing!
I feel too that he hasn’t given it a try in his adult life. This was based on his childhood.
I am the only reader in my family. Along with my friends and my boyfriend nobody reads but me.
My hubby is the same, but he has dyslexia
Mine buys books and has about 20 to 30 but never reads. There are books there i bought him for his birthday last year that he hasnt even read yet and its his birthday again in ten more days. He says he likes to read but if he starts a book he has to finish it, he cant just start a book and read a chapter or two then put it down for a while. Is this a thing or?
Unless you count the stats that scroll across the bottom of ESPN as actually reading… then no, you are not alone. ???
He might be dyslexic without realizing it.
Am in the same boat with you
I love to read, my fiancée reads a bit here or there but not avidly. Does it make me sad? No. He has other interests, he has creative outlets and makes models of classic aircraft. That is not something that I would find interesting to do but I admire that he enjoys and is good at it. Each person has their special outlets 🙂
My other half is totally an online buff, his interest is more into visual media. I have accepted and respect him as who he is.
Mine is the same way
That is sad. People who don’t read MISS So Much!
Both my brother and his fiancé don’t pick up books at all – the books they have just lay there gathering dust, which makes me very, very sad. I am very tempted to rescue these books and take them to a better place, but can’t. 🙁
Those that do not like reading most likely have not reading the right book. There is always something for somebody!
I agree! I believe that if my hubby finds a great book that he will enjoy he would be hooked.
Me alone too my dear.
Mine only reads the sport part of the papers but he dose buy me books so ill let him off ?
My husband finds it boring but doesn’t care that I read
Grounds for divorce …. ?
I would like to add that he does in fact read to our children which is huge! He often reads at bedtime and I love it. And of course I love him for who he is. We are all different and enjoy different hobbies. It just makes me sad because the school system made him hate reading (among other things). He was put down by a lot of teachers and it affected his performance at school. He basically gave up trying to learn and do school work because of it. He is very bright but he truly believed otherwise. Of course that is no longer the case though. I praise him so much for his intellegence. I just believe that if he found the right book and the right encouragement he wouldn’t hate reading now.
Divorced now, but my ex also did not read. Very annoying when you have just read a good book and would love to share that.
It would be nice to read a book together and get lost in it together. I do talk to him about all the books I read and he pays attention to me and gets excited about it so that’s a huge plus. He is constantly on the lookout for new books for me to read too.
You are so lucky!
I agree. I shouldn’t and wasn’t trying to complain on my post it just makes me sad how he got to the “I hate reading”.
I must say being single gives me a lot of reading time in peace and quiet. I sometimes read until 2 – 3 o clock in the morning. Even on the beach I just love to lie in the sun and read my book
That’s great! I often read until 3am also. I shouldn’t do it much but can’t help it. Haha. Reading on the beach sounds amazing!
I am lucky. I stay in Durban South Africa. The kids love going to the beach. So my book always in the bag. I must be boring, but the books are so good.
That’a awesome! You are not boring at all. Books are the opposite of boring.
I know! My biggest fear is going blind!!!
Oh no! Do you have sight issues?
Yes. Wish I could win the lotto so I can have my eyes fixed by laser. But I am changing my medical aid so hopefully I would be able to do it in a years time.
I’m sorry hon! I really hope you are able to get it fixed soon ♡
Thanx have a lovely day!
You too!
No you are not alone!
Find a topic that they love – even if it’s just a hardware manual and start there. Then get into the history of that certain thing they love by very gently saying did you know ” x was invented by … back in ..” drop the book near a favorite spot and walk away. Say no more! Eventually curiousity WILL take over!
We’re here.
Same here but I love him and we have other things in common. He does support my love for books. He likes to fish and I dont. We compromise. The lake is my favorite place to read.
And you married him anyway??? 🙂
sometimes being different is a good thing at least you can not argue about something you both are very passionate about …and emotions can heat up if you disagree 😉 you got us and I am sure many friends who love books to talk about books and books and sometimes about books 😀
No my husband hates to read too
Nope mine says its like being a kid and having to it makes him tired. Although i did get him to let me read aloud to him from my tales of beedle the bard by j.k. rowling
My husband loves to read. And we met because we are both science fiction and fantasy fans. I’m sorry your husband hates reading. 🙁
Nope mine too but it works. He always listens when I tell him about a book I’m reading or share interesting things I’m learning.
Mine too!
Same! My husband hates reading
I have a lot of friends who would rather watch soap operas than read. When I recommend a book the response is no time to read. I cannot go to bed without reading at least ten pages.
I would turn on the tv when in eating lunch at home. When I see soap operas I wonder what in the world possessed me to watch them when I was younger. I turn the tv off and read while I’m eating. Same here. Even if I’m so tires I still have to read a few pages to feel good and then go to sleep.
My hubby is the same 🙁
Mine prefers video games. His loss. On the plus side his nerd time gives me lots of reading time of my own ❤
My hubby is a librarian & we read together everyday ??
My prefers to watch television. That means I get to buy books and he can’t say anything . Reading and bingo are my two favorite hobbies.
Love bingo, too!!
I think he is alone..not you! 😉 ??
My husband doesn’t like to read either. He says it puts him to sleep. He spends time on Craigslist drooling over old cars and tools he’d like to buy. I do wish he enjoyed reading, but everyone is different.
My hubby also.
No your not…I use to hate reading but until I found the book that really got me, I can’t stop buying books and reading. ?
I agree, you have to find the book that triggers it all…it becomes a cascade. My sister was a school librarian, and books such as the “Percy Jackson” series, or the “Captain Underpants” series made readers out of kids who hated books. Now they can’t get enough! What is your husband really interested in? Say it’s football…get a book about a coach or a player that might intrigue him, and then casually let drop, “Oh, I read this about such-and-such”. Do this a few times, and then leave the book around. Or maybe he likes beer…there are all kinds of neat books about beer, its history, its role in cultures around the world…don’t push, just mention, and then leave the book where he can find it.
My ex husband was the same way .. hated reading .. but believe it or not he read the amityville horror whilst we were still married , I was amazed! But he admitted to liking the book!!!
Mine too. He claims he doesn’t like it either
Years after we’d been married I discovered my husband’s dislike of reading was actually that he had dyslexia. He was always incredibly supportive of my reading though. He bought his first kindle when he discovered that it had text to speech and he could listen as he read. He reads almost more than I do now!
That’s wonderful. And dyslexia is often a reason people don’t read.
Mine only reads on the toilet, but at least hes reading a bit!!
Amen! That’s where mine does most if his reading as well. We jokingly refer to the bathroom as “the library.”
No, not at all. My husband doesn’t either. Sad huh?
My husband too!???
My business partner’s ex-wife hated reading, told him it was a waste of time.
Unfortunately my husband doesn’t enjoy reading either. I’ve encouraged him but he just isn’t interested. Yeah I know- sad!!!!
That’s a terrible thing to say, books belong to the life 😉
My husband was not much of a reader when we first got together. He rarely read at all. My love of reading eventually sparked an interest in finding something for himself and he reads regularly now. On our last anniversary we had planned dinner and a movie. Half way through our meal he asked ” Let’s skip the movie and just go to the bookstore instead?”.
sounds like you have a great husband, my boyfriend did that a couple of times, we are still together.
Thank you! He’s a keeper!
You taught him well!
Not at all. It’s very tough. My husband battled with language all his school career and was ridiculed and told he was stupid. He has subsequently such a phobia about language. He is incredibly practical and bright actually. Being a teacher myself, I an astounded that his teachers never picked up his phonetic problem ( he has visual discrimination issues when it comes to sounds)
I have encouraged him and started by leaving a magazine about farming lying around. (We are farmers). Slowly but surely his confidence growing. But still very negative about my constant reading and piles of books.
My Philosophy is that people who say that simple hasn’t found the right book yet. Many people, I believe, have their first reading experience ruined, because it is usually a book that their school forces them to read. The whole reading experience therefor becomes tainted by that and is being associated with someone being forced upon them and something boring.
I will say however that you do need another sort of temperament to read a book than to watch a movie. When I had a long break from my books, it was hard for me to get back into, bevause my patience had become so small. I had to train myself to read again and slowly built it up over time.