Looking for books I could ask for for Christmas. I like Salvatore, Markus Heitz, Peter Brett, Terry Brooks as examples of what I like. Suggestions?
Looking for books I could ask for for Christmas. I like Salvatore, Markus Heitz, Peter Brett, Terry Brooks as examples of what I like. Suggestions?
Rise of the Apostate by D R Hill is a great new book!
Have you read Brandon Sanderson? I’m hooked on his Cosmere stuff like crack. Kings of the Wyld and its sequel are super rad fun reads. The Gentlemen Bastards Series is tight as heck…
Try The Gentleman Bastard series by Scott Lynch ?
Abercrombie’s first law series, the demon cycle series, agree with Sanderson mistborn or way of kings, kingkiller chronicles, robin hobb series, start with the farseer trilogy.
Sanderson and/or Hobb
I think Tad Williams (Memory, Sorrow and Thorn), Raymond E. Feist (Riftwar), Fred Saberhagen (Book of Swords) and Dave Duncan (King’s Blades) might be comparable to the authors you’ve listed.
Christopher Stasheff is good