I have never read epic fantasy. What would be your first “go to” for an epic fantasy read?
I have never read epic fantasy, but would like to give it a try. What would be your first “go to” for an epic fantasy read?
I keep hearing wonderful things about “The Way of Kings” by Brandon Sanderson, but have also heard it may not be the best if you are a first time reader of that genre.
Any recommendations?
I’d start with Joe Abercrombie. You can read any books by him but if you want a “lighter” read then start with his “Shattered Sea Trilogy”.
Yep just about halfway through book 3 for the second time Abercrombie has to be my favourite.Start here.@Cindy
NK Jemesin’s Broken Earth trilogy is pretty great
The Lord of the Rings trilogy by Tolkien is the original, for me, and still the best I have ever read but there are many great ones.
Agree. Get your feet wet first with The Hobbit.
Game of thrones, lord of the rings.
I’d go more for Lord of Rings instead of Game of Thrones. For me, I want my epic fantasy to be a bit more light-hearted.
Book of Words Series by JV Jones. Starting with Baker’s Boy, it’s three books and no spin offs or anything, for a first time it’s brilliant. Another to look at but it’s more involved is Robin Hobb, start with the Farseer Trilogy (one of the best out there) and then if you like it, it continues in other series. David and Leigh Eddings have The Belgariad (5 books) and then The Mallorean (5 books). But the grandmasters of high fantasy are arguably the Dragonlance originals by Weiss and Hickman. I’m shutting up now ?
Oh boy, oh boy!Books me up for months if my library has them.
The wheel of time series
Deborah Harkness” A Discovery of Witches, plus 2 more
I think Mistborn by Sanderson is an excellent entry place. But The Way of Kings will blow your mind. I cant think of a more amazing place to start.
I really want to try it. I keep hearing that same sentiment.
The dresden files series by jim butcher
I think Sanderson is a good start for epic fantasy, but I’d recommend the Mistborn series as a good place to start rather than The Way of Kings. It really enhances the reading experience if you’ve read Sanderson’s other Cosmere books before starting TWoK!
I have never read anything by him. Hmmm….decisions decisions. Lol
He’s a great author. You could start with Warbreaker, it’s a single. But Mistborn is probably a better one to start with than Way of Kings (which are all Huge)
Agree. Mistborn is wonderful and a bit more approachable. I’m a loyal fan and still get bogged down with Way of Kings from time to time (currently on second reading).
@Kat agreed! I just finished Oathbringer, and there’s so many other Cosmere references bleeding in at this point … I can hardly keep up ?
@Nicole His mind is a black hole of data and it’s insane!
Oh yes! ANYTHING by Brandon Sanderson…
Game of Thrones
Here to signal boost the women. Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern Series. Tamora Pierce’s Protector of the Smalls Series, (plus others) is a good place to start. Andre Norton, Mercedes Lackey and Katherine Kerr all have fantastic series. P.C. Cast for YA fantasy. I’ve read Tolkien and George, couldn’t get into the Robert Jordan Wheel of Time series. Love Fantasy and SciFi but connect with Women writers point of view better.
Agree! Have you read the Broken Earth Trilogy?
I second these women, all of them. Add in Lois McMaster Bujold, and her Vorkosigan novels. As well as C.J. Cherryh.. Judith Tarr!
Adding to my list again…
@Mikah No. Who is the author?
Maryellen Burdwood-Porter Can’t believe I forgot Cherryh. Although that’s probably for more advanced fantasy readers….?
NK Jemison, Broken Earth…
@Maryellen thank you. Adding to the list.?
Sherri Tepper? James Tiptree? (Alice Sheldon’s pen name, cuz NO-ONE would publish her books…) Octavia Butler, altho she is a Buckle Your Seat Belt, and Gird Your Loins kind of read…
Love this sub-thread! Octavia Butler is on hold for me at the library right now.
Yes! Anne McCaffrey doesn’t get enough love! Also Bujold, Butler, and so many others. ❤️❤️
Game of throne ?
Not exactly “fantasy” but it has spirits and witches and classic/sensual (no sparkle) vampires…
Anne Rice’s The Vampire Chronicles
The Kingkiller Chronicles by Patrick Rothfuss.
Uglies Series by Scott Westerfeld.
I’m not a huge fan of fantasy fiction, but am currently really enjoying, Daugheter of Smoke and Bone by Laini Taylor. Not too heavy/dark, pretty absorbing, good characterisation.
The Crystal by Mary Stewart
The Hobbit followed by Lord of the Rings
Robin Hobb
Best …..series…….ever.
With a Fitz Wolf Fool at the end.But is it the end?Would it be the same without Fitz?
My whole family has done several series. I definitley recommend the way of kings (storm light series)
BUT- the name of the wind )king killer series)is probably our favorite. It’s fantastic.
I’ve not started anything by her yet but Ursula Le Guin is an author I see pop up a lot in fantasy recommendations. I’ve read some very good reviews of her writing and stories as well.
She is fantastic. I’ve read all of her books, and several essays. Interesting, intelligent, and stretches boundaries.
Sanderson is the master.