I find that if I can stick with reading a book till page 100, then I am pretty sure to sit through the whole book.. What is your threshhold page ??
I find that if I can stick with reading a book till page 100, then I am pretty sure to sit through the whole book.. What is your threshhold page ??
sometimes it takes a while for the book to get really good.
My stopping point is chapter 3. If I can’t get into book by then, I quit!
I’m also a hundred page person. There are times I do go further and give up. Maybe, I’ll try again in a few months.
I can’t quit, it drives me crazy. I have to finish the book no matter what.
I have to finish. I get wrapped up in them
50? No less than 50 anyway
I feel like I have to get a good 6 chapters of solid reading. I can’t start a book at. Ugh this and only get a chapter and then go to sleep and pick it back up the next day.
As far as DNFing I’ll do that fairly early and not often.
I’m a mood reader so I’ll start a lot of books and then stop
I think i should lower mine. Now its 150
Chapter 10 usually
But I haven’t really given up on any books besides The House of Night series and The Winter Witch
75 – 100 pages depending on how big the chapters are.
I don’t have a particular point. As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that there are too many books I want to read to waste time reading one that doesn’t interest me. When I was younger, if suffer through them because I’m not a quitter.. lol
I don’t necessarily have a point either. In fact, *usually* I stick it through for the most part. I do however have a theory that the first sentences in a book usually solidify whether or not I am immediately interested in carry on. Even if it’s a few simple words
If i am not into the book by Chapter 4 then i give up
My mom always taught me to give a book 50 pages, but I usually lie stuff anyway!
Ch 1
I will give a book about 10% of the total pages. If I haven’t noticed that I’ve gone beyond that I good to go for the rest of the book. lol
It depends, I have to at least get through the first chapter
100 for sure!
If I started in general I have to finish.
I’ve gotten much more ruthless with age! Sometimes I can tell by the first two pages if I will read anymore. Can’t stand “rich and famous” characters or poor (in my opinion) writing. For other books, long descriptions make me impatient to get on with the story, so I may give up on a book like that. I have no threshold page.
50… after that it’s read it, return to TBR or make it a Goodwill donation.
also 100
I almost ALWAYS finish a book. Even if I don’t really like it, I keep “giving it another chance” and by then I’ve read too much to quit, so I invariably finish.
Nothing is set in stone. If I really can’t finish a book it’s 50 to 100 pages in. Most of the time if I don’t like a book, and am finding it really hard to read I will just skim to the end.
I have a really hard time not finishing even bad books. But, I usually know by the end of the first chapter.
About right.
20 pages
50 pages. If I can’t get into the book by then forget it. There are too many books on my to read list, to waste my time on a book, that is just not interesting.
around 50 pages or if its a shorter novel around 20 or 30
Around 50 pages unless the writing is really bad or the author uses profanity/ sex as shock value. I’m okay with profanity and sex if used correctly.
The first few pages.
If it doesn’t grab my interest quickly, I won’t read it…
I read every book all the way through. If I hate it, I put it up. then the next time my house is going through a decluttering, as I run across these books I hated, I set them aside and read them again. Sometimes a book doesn’t speak to me *today*, and there are a million reasons for that, but in a year or 2 or 5 or 10, that book may be just what I need.
Although I ran across one book that was horrid the first time I read it. About 10 years later I ran across it again and decided to re-read. It was even worse the second time around. In fact, it was so awful that instead of taking it to a used bookstore, I burned the thing. It was THAT bad.
Which book was that ?? Just curious
“God’s Other Son” by Don Imus.
Not a specific page, but I’m good if I can get through the exposition.
I usually know in the first few pages if the writing style suits me.
Depends on the size of the book but I have the 100 page rule as well
I can only get to page 30 or so then if it’s not good I put it down to maybe try again much later.
In the past 15 years there is only one book I haven’t made it through. The Luminaries . I’ve tried 3 separate times.
3 chapters is my limit if im struggling.
First 2 or 3 chapters
If the first few pages can’t grab my attention, that’s it! I move on to another.
First chapter or two. If it doesn’t grab me by then, it won’t. Having to read for school was of course criminal, having to plough through books that didn’t really interest me…
I judge by the first paragraph and then I’ll give it 50 pages. After that, if I’m not liking it I’m not going to keep wasting my time
half way thru sometimes
not page per-say. first chapter or tvvo.
50 or so…
Well u guys are gonna find this crazy,but I don’t look at pages when reading, when I start a book I set my mind on finishing it