What apps do you use to keep track of TBR and new books? I’ve found the Goodreads app but are there others besides kindle? 6 answers
Do you DNF books? If yes, how far do your read until you DNF a book? Also do you count it towards your goodreads challenge as a read book? 66 answers
So I’m thinking about getting a Kindle. If you have one what’s your opinion on it and how often do you use it? 153 answers
All the time. This site is deadly. I keep seeing an intriguing book and I have to go to GoodReads to add it.
A lot but I’m annoyed with the quote that disappears before I can read it and the tiny print. I went to settings and changed the print to large and ITS STILL TINY. So I’m having a love hate relationship with Goodreads.
All the time! I added you ?
See you there! ?
All the time. This site is deadly. I keep seeing an intriguing book and I have to go to GoodReads to add it.
So addictive!
Better than random pieces of paper floating around. That’s how I use to track books.
A lot but I’m annoyed with the quote that disappears before I can read it and the tiny print. I went to settings and changed the print to large and ITS STILL TINY. So I’m having a love hate relationship with Goodreads.
Almost every day I visit there. ?
I made an account haven’t really used it, but I’m trying to get into it now
Daily. After breakfast. Always in the evening.
Often, but not daily
Pretty much daily
Every day
Several times a day.
A lot
I probably look at it about once a day, to look something u
I use it to rate books I read so I can keep better track of where I am im series.
Everyday for me!
Whenever I finish/start a book.
Nearly every day.
Once a year when I remember I have it and have fun out of book ideas
All the time