The synopsis has a bigger bearing than the cover. It might catch my attention but I won’t buy the book if the summary doesn’t interest me. On the flipside, if I pick up a book at random and the synopsis strikes me as particularly interesting, an ugly cover won’t put me off. There’s really only been one series that I hardcore lusted after directly because of the covers. Throne of Glass. I love the dual sided factor of them. It’s so neat and they’re gorgeous. After reading them I can say that I do not regret those purchases at all.
It’s usually what makes me pick up a book to read the synopsis if I haven’t previously heard something about it. I am turned off by movie and real peoples faces on the cover.
Quite a lot – it is the first thing that gets me to pick it up. As to actually buying … well, I have to read the blurb and then have a look inside first.
A lot! I’ve even not bought books that sound really good because the covers were not attractive and I never buy books,with half naked people on the cover.
All the time. The covers are the ones that help me find books. They catch my eye and then it all depends on the cover and blurb whether or not I like it
Most of the time. I can always tell what kind of book it is by the cover (science fiction, dystopia, fantasy). I then read the blurb, read the reviews and then make a decision❤️
Quite a lot if there are a lot of books to sort through in a short amount of time. Title is pretty influential, too. I have had instances where I get a description (for example) in an email for free kindle downloads. The description might be enough for me to click the link and find out more about it. But if I see a cheese bodice-ripper style cover or something very poorly done, I’ll probably pass over it.
If the cover really catches my attention I might look up what the book is about and if it interests me I will probably add it to my wishlist or buy it right away.
Unless it’s been previously recommended to me, I’ll pick up a book almost entirely because of the cover. But before buying it, I flip through it and read the first paragraphs, so I guess it’s a combination.
If I’m going into a bookstore blind (without having one in mind) then I usually buy a book based on the cover. If it’s a book that has a film adaptation, and I want to read it before watching the movie, I do NOT want the book with the movie poster cover.
Mostly it is the author or the blurb on the back that draws my attention but on occasion I have picked up a book because the cover art was interesting…
They make me initially pick up a book or read the synopsis.
Not much. Hate movie book covers
Me too … I hate them so much
Oh ghods yes, those awful movie tie-in covers!
Think they influenced me more when I was younger. I’d get attracted to anything pretty. ?
Now it’s less about the cover and all about the synopsis.
They’ll draw me to look at a book, but not to necessarily buy it.
A pretty cover does catch my eye but I have veen fooled by a pretty cover many times lol
On kindle not at all. For hard copies I like something that is dynamic and fits with the mood of a book.
The title usually makes me pick a book up, not so much the art work.
They do say never judge a book by its cover !
I may pick up the book to read the back but if it isn’t good enough, I don’t buy
The synopsis has a bigger bearing than the cover. It might catch my attention but I won’t buy the book if the summary doesn’t interest me. On the flipside, if I pick up a book at random and the synopsis strikes me as particularly interesting, an ugly cover won’t put me off. There’s really only been one series that I hardcore lusted after directly because of the covers. Throne of Glass. I love the dual sided factor of them. It’s so neat and they’re gorgeous. After reading them I can say that I do not regret those purchases at all.
It’s usually what makes me pick up a book to read the synopsis if I haven’t previously heard something about it. I am turned off by movie and real peoples faces on the cover.
not very much. i buy a book if i like what the book is about, it doesn’t hurt if ithas a pretty cover too
Quite a lot when buying a paperback. Not at all when I read on the kindle. Weird in a way!
A decent amount.
They have to atleast grab my attention. If it’s a recommendation or something I’ve been looking forward to, then it doesnt matter.
Mostly the cover will catch my attention, but if it doesn’t pass the book flap synopsis the cover does not win me over solely.
Same here…
Only if it’s a movie cover, strongly dislike those!
Too much!!
Me too!
More than I’d like to admit, I but if the cover is cool I check out the blurb and decide then 🙂
Me too 🙂
And me. x
Will draw my attention to pick that book. For buying I put emphasis on synopsis.
Not at all because first of all I I’m very selective about books. Secondly I’m not rich enough to by any book just because it looks good ????
Quite a lot – it is the first thing that gets me to pick it up. As to actually buying … well, I have to read the blurb and then have a look inside first.
More than I would like to admit ?
They are what first catches my eye. Then the title and author. If it is an author I’ve read before then it cover is not factored in so much.
Always. Then I read the the first few pages to see if I will like it
A lot! I’ve even not bought books that sound really good because the covers were not attractive and I never buy books,with half naked people on the cover.
not really? one book can have many diffrrnt print covers
A cover/title will often cause me to pick up a book in a store, but I buy only after I read the blurb on book and if it sounds like one I would enjoy.
I’m guilty of cover judging, and no I’m not ashamed
A lot. Great covers that hooked me were Eragon, Stalking Jack The Ripper, the Infernal Guard trilogy, Nevernight etc.
But I also read reviews
I’m a librarian and I admit I purchase mostly on reviews but a lousy cover really puts me off.
All the time. The covers are the ones that help me find books. They catch my eye and then it all depends on the cover and blurb whether or not I like it
Not as much as it would other people I suppose? I’m more interested in the title and description.
This reminded me of a YA book, “So You Want to be a Wizard”. The book “snagged” the main character’s hand. She was meant to read it.
Most of the time. I can always tell what kind of book it is by the cover (science fiction, dystopia, fantasy). I then read the blurb, read the reviews and then make a decision❤️
Pretty much every time unless it is a favourite Author
A pretty big amount
I don’t buy a book just cuz of the cover but sometimes the cover will make me pick it up and read what it’s about.
But it’s usually the title that gets me.
Quite a lot if there are a lot of books to sort through in a short amount of time. Title is pretty influential, too. I have had instances where I get a description (for example) in an email for free kindle downloads. The description might be enough for me to click the link and find out more about it. But if I see a cheese bodice-ripper style cover or something very poorly done, I’ll probably pass over it.
It’s the first attraction.
a lot actually
I was like that but not anymore
A lot.
More than they should, but I do have to admit I’m a sucker for a good cover. Doesn’t mean I’ll read it, but I’ll definitely give it a second look.
A good cover catches my eye but if I don’t like the way the synopsis sounds I won’t buy it.
That can happen.
They are what draw my eye then I read the jacket.
If the cover really catches my attention I might look up what the book is about and if it interests me I will probably add it to my wishlist or buy it right away.
Me too!
Probably more than I want to admit.
None whatsoever. It is the contents of the story that counts.
The cover encourages me to check the book out not necessarily read it.
The title or book cover, the title usually influences me to buy the book.
A lot but they suprise me when i read the resume
Not a lot, actually.
Not to buy, but I get easily interested
Most of the time alot..but I have just as many books with just words or titles on the covers..( you can never judge a book by it’s cover).
More than it should
Unless it’s been previously recommended to me, I’ll pick up a book almost entirely because of the cover. But before buying it, I flip through it and read the first paragraphs, so I guess it’s a combination.
If I’m going into a bookstore blind (without having one in mind) then I usually buy a book based on the cover. If it’s a book that has a film adaptation, and I want to read it before watching the movie, I do NOT want the book with the movie poster cover.
I must confess most of the time
Unless I know the author, the cover is very important to my choice.
Not much. There are so many bad covers out there.
Mostly it is the author or the blurb on the back that draws my attention but on occasion I have picked up a book because the cover art was interesting…
Not at all. I go by my book list completely, so it’s just whatever is next that I can find at the library or whatnot.