Depends on how busy my week is and how much time my boyfriend, his son and I have together. I definitely don’t read as much as I did before I had my nice little family.?❤️
Depends how long I can devote to it. I am usually a 2 book a week person now that I work full time. When I stayed home I could get about 4 books in. I haven’t finished but 1 book a week the past few weeks. ?
about a 4-7 days depending on the book and my time – I usually try to only allow myself to read at night and if out waiting somewhere – drs. office, etc.
If I’m into the book right away and i have absolutely nothing going on 2 days. If my kiddos and i are super busy and life is in the way it could be a week or two.
I hate to admit it but it’s. The reason why I only buy books of the authors I adore…2-4 hours per book. Speed reading was a gifted handed down from my mother to me and one of my brothers. It’s a blessing and a curse
Depends on the book. A good, shorter book? I’ll devour it in a day. I’ve read monster tomes in two dedicated reading days. But, it can take several weeks if the book isn’t pulling me in or contains content I need to “process” before continuing.
Weeks. Really. I read 2 or 3 books at once (different genres), but I only read for about 30 minutes each evening. And I’m a slow reader! Still … I love to read!
So glad to hear it, @Pat and @Elizabeth. I already posted that I take weeks to read a book, but perhaps you didn’t see it with so many comments on here. There’s room for us slowpokes, too. 😉 Read is reading, regardless of the time it takes.
I usually listen to one during the day when I can while working etc. and then read at night. Only prob is I tend to get carried away at night and then am so tired at work next day.
Same! There are some authors (ahem, I’m looking at you, @Cathy) that I have to race through to find out what happens and then immediately reread to take my time with it and catch stuff I may have missed the first time.
Depends on what is going on in my life, but if nothing 1-2 days
Depends on how good. I can do 1 day or usually no longer than a week or two
A day usually
Depends how good it is, Ive finished a book in a day, If I have the time. Normally two, three days.
1-2 days for 300-400 pages
Depends on how busy my week is and how much time my boyfriend, his son and I have together. I definitely don’t read as much as I did before I had my nice little family.?❤️
About 10 to 14 days. I don’t have much spare time/energy.
Depends on how into I am and how I’m feeling (several chronic illnesses). Anywhere between 1-7 days. More of feeling cruddy.
I’m with you on this one.
Hope you feel much better-I was depressed after my mom passed away-took me a long time to start reading again❤️ And physical pain is just as tough!
It used to be a day, now between 2-4 days. I need to make more time for reading.
Depending on the way things are and the book. Anywhere from 5-10 days but on a very rare occasion 2 days
2-3 days unless I have nothing else to do, which rarely happens.
Depends how long I can devote to it. I am usually a 2 book a week person now that I work full time. When I stayed home I could get about 4 books in. I haven’t finished but 1 book a week the past few weeks. ?
2 days
About a week! I’ve got three small kiddos and a business to run— if it wasn’t for that (which I wouldn’t trade?), it’d be 2-3 days!
If I’m free, one day is enough for a 600 pages book. With some breaks to keep my brain fresh
A couple of days on average
A week on average.
I used to read a book a day. Now it’s like one a month.
I’m with you!
Depends on the book length and what kind of week it is but on average 2-7 days
If it’s a really good one 1 day otherwise 2 or 3 days.
about a 4-7 days depending on the book and my time – I usually try to only allow myself to read at night and if out waiting somewhere – drs. office, etc.
1-2 days
3 days
2-3 days
If it’s interesting, a few days. If it’s boring, forever.
If I’m into the book right away and i have absolutely nothing going on 2 days. If my kiddos and i are super busy and life is in the way it could be a week or two.
Depends on the book.
10 years lol no just kidding..depends on how good it is..1 week to 4
A day! I’m retired!
Usually in 1-2 days, all depends on whether or not my eyes get too tired; or, whether or not it’s on my Kindle so I can adjust the size of the font.
It depends on how many kids I have at the time and their ages and medical conditions. I am a bookaholic foster mom.
2 days
Depending on the book and hats going on in my life.. but when I’m in my reading mode it’s usually a book in 2 days or less
I hate to admit it but it’s. The reason why I only buy books of the authors I adore…2-4 hours per book. Speed reading was a gifted handed down from my mother to me and one of my brothers. It’s a blessing and a curse
I’m a super slow reader. 7-14 days for a typical 400 page book. Audio books I get thru faster because I’m multitasking.
1-2 weeks….love to read but i have other passions too ?
Use 2 take me 2days my ? are bad now up to a week or two
Depends on the book. A good, shorter book? I’ll devour it in a day. I’ve read monster tomes in two dedicated reading days. But, it can take several weeks if the book isn’t pulling me in or contains content I need to “process” before continuing.
2-3 Days
Depends on how many interruptions?
no kidding!
To read, 2-3 days. To write, about a year. 😉
About two days
Depends on how good it is. I average 4-6 days
Two or three days usually
For me it depends on what else I have going on at the time.
Depends on my work schedules and other circumstances but I can usually knock out a book in about 2-3 days.
If audio, two days.
Written, at least a week.
I am retired so I can usually finish a book in a day, but if I have stuff to get done, 2 days.
Usually ~1 week
It depends on schedule but I always have one with me
I used to read one a day, now my eyesight will not permit it, so like a week.
I usually read a book in a day.
Depends on the book. If I’m loving it, less than 2 days.
3 to 4 days depending how how long the book is
A week or more just depending on circumstances.
A couple of days. I read 2-3 books a week.
2 weeks sometimes more
Weeks. Really. I read 2 or 3 books at once (different genres), but I only read for about 30 minutes each evening. And I’m a slow reader! Still … I love to read!
Wow … you people read fast! Sometimes I spend several weeks on one book reading only a couple of chapters at a time.
Thank goodness. It takes me a while too. I thought I was a bit slow…
So glad to hear it, @Pat and @Elizabeth. I already posted that I take weeks to read a book, but perhaps you didn’t see it with so many comments on here. There’s room for us slowpokes, too. 😉 Read is reading, regardless of the time it takes.
Depends on the book some one day some two to three days
One day. Lmao. I just finished The Misadventures Of A boss
3 days.
This year I’ve been averaging about 2 books per month. My book reading amount is way down from a couple years ago. Not sure why.
Depends on the book!
Maybe a week.
2 to 3 days to read….I try to fit in about 100 pages a day. ?
2-3 books weekly
Average is 2-3 days
Depends on the book.
One to two days. I’ve been known to stay up all night to finish a good book ?
A week but I do wish I didn’t have a life so I could shrink that time down.
2-3 a week But one of those I listen to. Also I have a few going most times. I love to read.
2 days
2 days
I can churn out audiobooks like nobody’s business but physical book normally take me a week or two
I’d say average 5-7 days…unless on vaca, then i can get through 2, 2.5 in 7 days. I’ve noticed i spend alot of time reading about reading ?
2-5 days, depending on how busy life is at the time.
I usually listen to one during the day when I can while working etc. and then read at night. Only prob is I tend to get carried away at night and then am so tired at work next day.
A week to 2 weeks
Depends…anywhere from 1 day to a month!
Me too! Depending on the book, my free time and mood, how exciting it is (or isn’t), length of the book, etc.
Two to three days depending on book.
Shorter books I can usually do in one day !
2 days if life doesn’t get chaotic.
Ive been working so much lately that im about 5 days per book. When i have lots of time to devote to it, its more like 3 ish days depending on length
2 or 3 days but sometimes longer if the grandchildren are here.
Within a week unless it is super lengthy.
Anywhere from 1 – 4, depending on the book and what I am doing while reading it; working, busy with family, etc.
Which is why I stopped requesting books from Net Galley! Hurry and give us a review!
It depends on the boom but a day to three days.
Depends on the book
5 to 7 days
If I read every day, about a week. If I don’t read every day about two weeks.
2to 3 days, unless it’s awesome and then a 1 day all nighter has taken place. Still no audio books for me.
Ditto what @Kathy said.
It depends on the book and how crazy my life is at the time?
1 day
3 or 4 days
Depends on the book!
2 weeks to 2 months!
Maybe a week. Forever if it drags though.
Depends on the book, one day, two or a week.
It really depends on the book. There are some that I can whip through in a couple of hours, and there are some that take me longer to read.
On average, about 4-7 days
1-3 days depending on how much I like it
Depends on if I read every night. I would say about 7 days!
Depends on the size, story, how tired I am, if a meds treatment day, but usually one to three days.
Sadly, just a day… but I do enjoy rereading my favs to treasure how well the story was written and crafted ❣️?❣️
Same! There are some authors (ahem, I’m looking at you, @Cathy) that I have to race through to find out what happens and then immediately reread to take my time with it and catch stuff I may have missed the first time.
Depends on the length, but I’m known to finish up to 500 pages in a day. I’m on my 23rd book for the month of June.
I am so impressed! Good for you!
@Elaine ty! I’m disabled and unemployed bc of it, so reading is how I amuse myself.
WoW Katherine thats impressive
A day or two. Three if I am busy
5-7 days.
2 maybe 3 days