How do you choose your books? I look on booktube but then decide on the cover rather then the know anything about the book
How do you choose your books?
I look on booktube but then decide on the cover rather then the know anything about the book
How do you choose your books?
I look on booktube but then decide on the cover rather then the know anything about the book
I think sometimes review can sway your view a bit you go in thinking it’s gonna be amazing or avoid it brcause people say its bad
Booktube and Goodreads. On booktube I go with the description of books. On goodreads I check the reviews. Mostly the negative ones because they can point out things I wouldn’t be interested in reading.
If I like the sound of the book I’ll buy it. But also cover buys haha
The cover is what first draws my attention but sometimes I’ll look at title. I usually read the summary before buying though
Mostly from booktube and goodreads!
I ask @Amanda lol.
I usually go to Goodreads and I tend to pick by cover and then reviews.