Have you ever been reading in public and burst in to tears and if so, what book? One of mine was The Boys in the Trees…
Have you ever been reading in public and burst in to tears and if so, what book? One of mine was The Boys in the Trees…
Have you ever been reading in public and burst in to tears and if so, what book? One of mine was The Boys in the Trees…
I haven’t tried bursting in tears while reading in public, but I’ve tried bursting with laughter. I was reading in a fastfood waiting for my order, there were a lot of people. The people occupying the next table looked at me like I’m an escapee from the asylum?
I started silently crying, on public transportation while reading The Bridge to Terabithia… ??
I, too, have laughed aloud! I don’t cry so people notice, in public.
Did anyone ask what it was you were reading?
Me? No…
I think it was Pretties, in the uglies series by Scott westerfield
The Bridge to Terabithia comes to mind, though I know I’ve done this countless times before. I had gotten locked out of my house and picked up the book from a Little Free Library (love those things) and then the kids and I went to the library but I read Bridge because I had it, and had some idea I’d cry based on the movie, but I cried a lot, ugly crying…it was bad.
I try to avoid anything that’ll make me cry, but I have burst out laughing before. Once or twice, @Barbara, bystanders have asked what I was reading, but mostly I’ve just gotten strange looks.
I didn’t exactly burst into tears but I definitely tried to hold back & make it look like allergy season- this darn pollen- was the cause for my watery, red eyes! LOL! It was towards the ending of Sugar by Deirdre Riordan Hall or Hall Riordan-I forget! I was bored w/ the novel at first but glad that I stuck w/ it & there was a silver lining. 🙂