Has anyone ever read the whole bible from start to finish. Not really a religious person but im curious
Has anyone ever read the whole bible from start to finish. Not really a religious person but im curious
Has anyone ever read the whole bible from start to finish. Not really a religious person but im curious
I have. I went to Catholic school.
Many times! 🙂
Working on it now…
Once. I err went through a bit of rebellious stage as a teenager and took off for a week or so lol Part of my punishment was when I got back no phone, no computer, no books other than a bible left on my bed. Actually a very interesting read
Hmm interesting! How was it compared to the other fiction books you’ve read?
Let it also be known that on Friday February 17, at 1am, the laughing faces outnumbered the angry faces! Love always wins!! ❤️❤️
It was pretty arduous and helped turn me away from religion… but interesting lol
Yes and the bits that didn’t make it in
Nope. No desire
I want to!
I did, but I got impatient and read parts of it not in “cover to cover” order.
Me too…
Yes I have read it in 4 different translations.
Lyndel Johnson Did you find significant difference in interpretation?
The Message was quite different. NIV, Living Bible and ESV were more similar.
Yes. When I was 14. Grew up in a home without a Bible. Felt pulled to it so went and bought myself one. The bookstore gave me a little card to help me read the Bible in a year. 🙂
Started a good few times but never got to finish it. I have read alot of passages and chapters randomly and during aome studies. Reading it in chronological order is still in my bucket list.
Nope. Not read the Bible, Quoran or Torah – why would I? I’ve been brought up to just be who I am. I was christened Church of England and went to Sunday School but as I got older and questioned I became an atheist. And the person I am now is one that thinks that imaginary friends are nonsense.
I know its a strange question. Do you ever read your stars ect
@Lee No, I don’t. I don’t believe the stars/moon have any impact on our lives or future. Total nonsense.
Some people do read their stars its just fast food religion. Im only interested in this stuff was once in love with muslim girl more trouble than it was worth
They are just books, you can read them without believe whay they say, I’ve read most religious books including the kama sutra, that won’t kill you and won’t make you magically believe
Also an atheist who thinks we’re all far too old for imaginary friends – but also thinks a good story is a good story and the bible happens to contain many good stories!
@Sarah Yes,the bible is full of fairy tales. On a par with the Brothers Grimm!
Agreed, they make good fodder for rewriting too.
And this thread should be about good books we’ve read! Small Great Places by Jodi Picoult is the last one I read and it was tremendous!
Loved that. I’m reading Priestess of the White at the moment. So far so good.
I’m reading a Fiona Walker at the moment but struggling to get in to it – it’s very English!?
Make sure to throw in the ole racist card.
No, i don’t read much fiction ?
not funny in the least!
He didn’t ask you 🙂 ^
Lol though. ????
Fiction is more non-fiction than the bible because you can actually reach out to the author if you have any questions!!
I couldn’t think of a worse way to punish myself! ?
Every year it’s my priority to read The Bible and also use what I learn in my day 2 day life bc it benefits me personally. Great Question.
Yes, apart from the psalms which got too tedious if you forget that you’re supposed to believe any of it it’s actually a rip roaring yarn about a maniacal dictator who tortures everyone mercilessly, then learns the error of his ways and turns over a new leaf. Gripping stuff!
I’ve started and given up on the OT, but I did read the entire NT once. Kinda sad, since I teach at a Christian school, LOL.
That being said, I DO want to read it all, so I just ordered a version called “The Voice” which is in a more reads-like-a-book style. Bonus that the cover is purple and sparkly orange.
I’ve not seen “The Voice” text therefore I can’t compare.
The best and easiest version I have read is “The Message”. Various times through the years my resolution was to read the Bible before I allowed myself to read any other books.
The Voice is apparently formatted to read more like a story. We shall see. I do like the Message, too!
Yes, three or four times total.
Yes in my teens. So much more too it than i realised.
I have…I read it just under a year. I dated it every time I read. (Passages) won’t claim I understood it all, because I didn’t.
Yes. Not always with understanding or enthusiasm, but I have.
No I haven’t. I prefer to let it fall open and let my eyes fall to where I need to read. Most of the time it’s what I need at the time.
I have tried. It bores me
Most of it in a Disciple class, over one year you read the Bible. Mostly read certain books in bible study classes or audited classes at seminary.
Yes, twice
Yes. You can get the Bible app which has a bunch of plans where you can read it in a year..they break it into daily readings.
When I did this I had been diagnosed with a brain tumor and when I got too sick to read, each section also had a audio button where you could listen. It was actually very cool.
I have when i was in school..we went to a private christian school from 8-9th grade
Yes, and I am happy I finally did.
Our son gave me the Chronological Bible for Christmas and if you read 4 pages a day you can finish in one year. I happened to begin on January 1 and completed reading on September 1.
That is the edition I am currently reading …
Yes! Such an enlightening experience! I am very religious though!
No but I have read the entire collection of fairy tales by the brothers Grimm. Does that count?
The Brothers Grimm is more believable.
Very similar, so yes.;)
The Bible…..Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth.
Yeah, a couple of times. Having done that I must say I’m none too sure you should actually read -through- it in the traditional sense of reading through, but I do believe it is a book to read.
Yes. St James version. Twice
No, but I am working on it! I am in the book of Matthew.
People who think it’s fiction don’t need to grow up…their belief can be respected also. It’s called mutual respect.
I don’t mean to start something, but there are Christians who have no problems telling non-believers (or of a different religion) that they are going to hell.
No. I wanted to so I could understand my family that are believers more, but the bad apples of the religious community turned me off of reading it. I want nothing to do with thinking that certain people will go to hell such as non-believers, people of a different faith, and gays. The thing is that I’m a very caring person and I care when people I don’t even know get hurt or die no matter their background. I never want to be lumped with those “loving” Christians.
I can understand that. I think you need to have a look at it though and make it your own. I don’t believe that religion is the problem. I believe that people are and I think they hide behind religion.
I think people invented religion to justify how awful they are to some groups of society.
Multiple times. I’m not religious too.
Tried, but it got soooo boring.
Tried, but it go soooooo very boring.
Like the little boy in The Emperors New Clothes, they are just being honest. It is fiction. There are many lovely passages and good stories that we can learn from so it is worth a read.
Last year, I followed two separate daily Bible reading programs, and read the entire Bible through twice.
Yup. Twice. Yay for 10 years of parochial school ? I don’t think I was really able to understand it all at those times though
Grew up in schools,with Bible classes cans,read it all
Yes, a few times
Reading the Bible is wonderful, it is God’s very own words. But it is easy to get hung up on some parts. Before reading the whole thing, most people read the parts of the Bible that talk about salvation in the new testament…like The book of Romans, the gospel of John. It also helps to attend an Adult Sunday school class at a local church.
Yes. As I am Jewish, so the whole bible for me is the Old Testament.
Almost. Not read it for quite a while now though.
I do find it interesting that many people I know do just flip to a random page looking for meaning as some do with tarot cards or astrology. Sometimes just seeing our hopes/plans/dreams of whatever in print really grounds people of all belief systems.
@Schuylar people can think it’s fiction but it’s the attitude I’m talking about. I see on my newsfeed every day that Christians are being ridiculed. Yes you’re right there should be mutual respect.
Yes, a long time ago. Not religious, but I went through a period in my a late teens when I read a lot about different religions and supernatural stuff… because I was, er, really cool?
Being interested and open minded is cool in my opinion ?
Yes, and the living bible, which is the bible in modern English
I went to Sunday school as a child and although not particularly religious as such now, I know the bible stories influenced me. I really enjoyed them. As for the adult version, the scriptures, I was a teenager and becoming less interested in church by then, so can’t say I listened much, nor read them myself. Although once in a blue moon I picked up a Bible and picked a bit out.
It’s funny because to this day (i’m 43 now) I still feel a pull to a little Methodist chapel when we explore towns and villages in the UK where we live x
I tried once when I was a teenager and it bored me to tears and I gave it up before I got out of Genesis, lol.
I started once but gave up when I got to the list of begets. That many generations and we would have been dinosaurs ?
Start with Genesis 2:15 through 3:19. Genesis 3:15 the main Theme of the Bible and it’s carried all the way to Revelation. In Eden rulership over mankind passed from our Creator to the serpent Satan who has been ruling man ever since. Adam chose Satan rule over God’s rightful rulership Adam passed suffering & death onto every human bc Adam is man’s father Romans 5:12. God is going to rule over His earth He made very soon that’s what Armageddon is God’s War to end Satan’s rule of suffering over all mankind.
This is fascinating. I’ve read your post several times. Very thought provoking. I’m a Baptist and have never heard this before. It would explain a lot and I will look into it further. Thank you for posting.
I would love to learn more about the bible and religions in general. Despite going to church historically, I don’t really know much about Christianity.
@Emma, I would also like to learn more about Hinduism, Budism, ect. I taught Sunday school. To kindergartens, so I know the same stories you do. We worked on John a lot , the love chapters we call them.
This woman’s post is very thought provoking.
Oh that’s gorgeous, the love chapters. I know my grandparents Methodist influence really touched my life. Living simply, not wanting material things, helping others. Not even talked about it, but leading by example. Love is the key xx
If only we were neighbours @Febinger we could learn together xx
Yes I did as a child. Not for religious reasons (being I’m an atheist) but for the incredible stories.
I tried because i wanted to know whats in it. Didnt finish?.
I have. The experience made me an atheist.
Cant be true, no one can read the bible without being completely transformed. Awnser yourself.
I transformed into an atheist ?
I’ve done it twice actually. Many years apart.