Depends on how the book set up the plot. Sometimes a tidy ending is perfect, sometimes it’s trite; sometimes a cliffhanger is exhilarating, sometimes it’s enraging (I’m looking at you, George R.R. Martin?)
Well if it’s a really really good book I hate all endings cause some books I just want to be eternal… other books tidy ends, I don’t mind a cliffhanger unless it’s one at the end of a series …. you know what I mean… the itch you can never scratch or the false hope that there will be more… no one likes their heart toyed with like that ?
Cliffhangers are good for series of books but I do want the last part to clean up the ending or else it will leave my frustrated haha. Sometimes a good cliffhanger works amazingly well.
I like cliffhangers in a series knowing I have the next book? if not, I’m not happy. I do enjoy a jaw-dropping cliffhanger especially when you don’t expect it. ?
I usually prefer a somewhat tidy ending, especially with stand alone books. However, with series, a cliffhanger can be exciting.
Depends on how the book set up the plot. Sometimes a tidy ending is perfect, sometimes it’s trite; sometimes a cliffhanger is exhilarating, sometimes it’s enraging (I’m looking at you, George R.R. Martin?)
Depends on the book. The genre. Series. Etc.
Got to love a jaw dropper!
Depends on how it starts like a little shake up at times
both … depending what book Im reading
Well if it’s a really really good book I hate all endings cause some books I just want to be eternal… other books tidy ends, I don’t mind a cliffhanger unless it’s one at the end of a series …. you know what I mean… the itch you can never scratch or the false hope that there will be more… no one likes their heart toyed with like that ?
Depends on the book. Jaw dropping is more memorable
I hate cliff hangers
Cliffhangers are good for series of books but I do want the last part to clean up the ending or else it will leave my frustrated haha. Sometimes a good cliffhanger works amazingly well.
I’m the same
I like cliffhangers in a series knowing I have the next book? if not, I’m not happy. I do enjoy a jaw-dropping cliffhanger especially when you don’t expect it. ?
Tidy ending please. I hate cliffhangers ?