I listened to this on BBC Radio a few months ago. I thought that it was an interesting sequel. It considered aspects of how as we grow up we realise that our parents are flawed, human, and perhaps not as infallible as we believed them to be. I love To Kill a Mockingbird and everyone should read it at least once in their lifetime.
While this novel is set after the time of To kill a Mockingbird, I think it’s important to remember that it was written before Mockingbird. Seeing the writer that would become Harper Lee of Mockingbird was wonderful.
I don’t believe Harper Lee ever intended for it to be published. It was the manuscript she sent in for publication that was rejected and later was made into what we know as To Kill a Mockingbird.
The conversation between Atticus and Scout near the end of the book is really quite astrounding and brings all parts of the story together. It’s also where we see the underpinnings of Atticus as a man of honor.
I love TKAM, but I did not like this one. I didn’t like who Atticus was, and I can see why Lee was told to change it. It is hard to imagine that the characters are the same people in both books.
I knew the premise before starting, and that it was basically her “first draft”. For what it was, I enjoyed it, but to me it simply cannot compete with TKAM.
I thought it was perfect. I can see how people dislike it, but I felt like I had a better understanding of TKAM than most. And I’m 31, so after reading TKAM many times, thru the years, and being raised similarly, I understood the progression of the characters. It made me sad, but it’s realistic. ❤️
@Elizabeth I don’t know. It just is one thing that really upsets me more than it has a reason to; it’s not like we are friends or I have a stack of things sitting around I’m concerned someone else will publish without my persmission …
It makes total sense. As an artist/author you should be able to choose what you want shown off. Perhaps she only wanted her best work, To Kill A Mocking Bird, to be shared with the world.
@Elizabeth Yes. And I also think it’s possible that she had a draft and it is NOT what she intended Atticus Finch to me. The idea that this somehow informs TKKMB seems flawed to me. Maybe she was experimenting with different treatments of the character. Publishing this work in this way is, to me, utterly inappropriate at a fundamental level. I’m happy to meet someone who sees how this could be construed as overstepping.
I will never be the sequel everyone wanted, but if you really read it—take your time, absorb the words—you may find you understand what she was going for. Don’t let the knee-jerk reaction command your thoughts.
I thought s few thingd were really interesting. To Kill a Mockingbird is told from Scout’s point of view as a child. Go set a Watchman is told from an adult Scouts point of view, and as it is pointed out in the book (confused her father with God), it’s Scouts first time seeing her father through clear eyes rather than the innocent eyes of a child. What I thought was most interesting is the reader reacted to Atticus in the same way that Scout did. Disbelief, anger, betrayal, etc… Other than that I thought it was slow, lacking a plot, and pretty disappointing in comparison to To Kill a Mockingbird.
It was ok. No where near as good as Mockingbird. And speaking of which, I was in NYC this weekend and saw the broadway play To Kill A Mockingbird. Beyond Fantastic! If you’re close, it’s a must see!
I really liked it, I am a huge To Kill A… fan, going to see the show in NY this summer, but here’s my review of Watchman. https://pennyformythoughts-nona.blogspot.com/2015/07/go-set-watchman.html?m=1
I listened to this on BBC Radio a few months ago. I thought that it was an interesting sequel. It considered aspects of how as we grow up we realise that our parents are flawed, human, and perhaps not as infallible as we believed them to be. I love To Kill a Mockingbird and everyone should read it at least once in their lifetime.
I liked it, but prepare to see a very different Atticus to the original novel…
Struggling to keep reading
I didn’t finish it!
While this novel is set after the time of To kill a Mockingbird, I think it’s important to remember that it was written before Mockingbird. Seeing the writer that would become Harper Lee of Mockingbird was wonderful.
I don’t believe Harper Lee ever intended for it to be published. It was the manuscript she sent in for publication that was rejected and later was made into what we know as To Kill a Mockingbird.
I read it and didn’t care for it. Waste of time. ?
Tried it but just couldn’t see the point so never finished perhaps I should try again?
The conversation between Atticus and Scout near the end of the book is really quite astrounding and brings all parts of the story together. It’s also where we see the underpinnings of Atticus as a man of honor.
@Maryann yes! It was powerful.
I loved ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ and studied it in school so I thoroughly enjoyed this one too.
Didn’t like it at all
I read it in 2015 and loved it. I re-read To Kill a Mockingbird first.
I love TKAM, but I did not like this one. I didn’t like who Atticus was, and I can see why Lee was told to change it. It is hard to imagine that the characters are the same people in both books.
I’m afraid to.
It was so different from “To Kill a Mockingbird” I’m not sure Harper Lee wrote it.
I listened to the audio and enjoyed it very much. Reese Witherspoon was a great narrator who was an excellent choice to give voice to Scout.
I liked it but loved to kill a mockingbirg
Not close to being as good as mockingbird
I liked it,but not my favorite.
Didn’t like it at all. Ruined my love of To Kill A Mockingbird
I couldn’t”t finish it.
will stick with the classic–donated it to the library as soon as I finished it. Not Good .
It was a huge disappointment.
So glad TKAM came out first!
I was disappointed, but still love To Kill a Mockingbird.
I knew the premise before starting, and that it was basically her “first draft”. For what it was, I enjoyed it, but to me it simply cannot compete with TKAM.
It was hard for me to read about a different side of Atticus Finch!
Me too @Kay! I hated the book – loved TKAM so much and always loved Atticus.
I thought it was perfect. I can see how people dislike it, but I felt like I had a better understanding of TKAM than most. And I’m 31, so after reading TKAM many times, thru the years, and being raised similarly, I understood the progression of the characters. It made me sad, but it’s realistic. ❤️
@Jeanna very realistic. I liked it. But it is sad truth.
I agree. It is a realistic approach to the issue. I found it fascinating.
I did not care for it at all from a writer’s perspective. I found the story disjointed and rambling, lacking much focus.
I’m still wrapping my head around the fact that the author is not the one who chose to have it published.
I agree, that is kinda wild.
I wonder how that legally works?
@Elizabeth I don’t know. It just is one thing that really upsets me more than it has a reason to; it’s not like we are friends or I have a stack of things sitting around I’m concerned someone else will publish without my persmission …
It makes total sense. As an artist/author you should be able to choose what you want shown off. Perhaps she only wanted her best work, To Kill A Mocking Bird, to be shared with the world.
@Elizabeth Yes. And I also think it’s possible that she had a draft and it is NOT what she intended Atticus Finch to me. The idea that this somehow informs TKKMB seems flawed to me. Maybe she was experimenting with different treatments of the character. Publishing this work in this way is, to me, utterly inappropriate at a fundamental level. I’m happy to meet someone who sees how this could be construed as overstepping.
@Gina agreed. I’ve seen a lot of people’s mindsets change on TKMB in repo seton reading this one which is sad.
@Elizabeth I think, for me, that is the saddest part.
I read it , did not like the portrayal of Atticus in it.
Wasn’t impressed. Boring
Did not care for it.
TKAM is my favorite book out of the thousands I’ve read in my long lifetime, but I hated Watchman.
A real disappointment.
Thank you to everyone for the very helpful feedback!
Read but a bit of a let down
I’ll never get those 2 days back.
I gave up reading it after a few pages but would like to try again.
It’s interesting if you take it as the First draft of TKAM
I found Scout to be beyond whiny. I wished I hadn’t read it.
I enjoyed it. I loved To Kill a Mockingbird and didn’t feel like Go Set a Watchman was of the same caliber, but I still thoroughly enjoyed it.
Hated it! Wish I had never read it
Did not like it at all
I will never be the sequel everyone wanted, but if you really read it—take your time, absorb the words—you may find you understand what she was going for. Don’t let the knee-jerk reaction command your thoughts.
I thought s few thingd were really interesting. To Kill a Mockingbird is told from Scout’s point of view as a child. Go set a Watchman is told from an adult Scouts point of view, and as it is pointed out in the book (confused her father with God), it’s Scouts first time seeing her father through clear eyes rather than the innocent eyes of a child. What I thought was most interesting is the reader reacted to Atticus in the same way that Scout did. Disbelief, anger, betrayal, etc… Other than that I thought it was slow, lacking a plot, and pretty disappointing in comparison to To Kill a Mockingbird.
I have and it wasn’t good. It was boring, made no sense and didn’t tell a story.
I loved it-can’t compare to Kill a Mockingbird.
read it, I’m used to her talking a like a child, so it was weird for me for her to talk in an adult voice.
I loved it. Was glad to hear who the woman was, who was Scout.
Nope. Couldn’t bring myself to read it once I heard that Harper Lee didn’t want it published.
Wouldn’t recommend.
Did not enjoy ?
Tried but could not get into it.
Loved it. Second favorite only to mockingbird.
Not as good as i had anticipated. May read again.
I enjoyed it but preferred how to kill a mockingbird. Also, harper Lee didn’t want it published… So wasn’t sure on the ethics of the. Publication..
It was ok. No where near as good as Mockingbird. And speaking of which, I was in NYC this weekend and saw the broadway play To Kill A Mockingbird. Beyond Fantastic! If you’re close, it’s a must see!