I wish you could just listen on overdrive without having to sync to a library. Where I currently live they don’t have much for audiobooks and I’m moving in a few weeks so I don’t have a card at the new place. ? I just want to listen to my Dexter books, haha.
You might want to check and see if you can use another library nearby your current residence. I have library cards for two different counties and one city. I didn’t have to make anything up to get them either. All legit. I don’t know if you can do inter library loans with audio books, but you might want to check into that as well.
My library has them on CD but I also listen through 3 different digital/audio app companies my library offers (Hoopla, RB Digital, & Overdrive). They’re all free!
Library, audible, scribd.
Hoopla sand Overdrive
OverDrive, Hoopla, And TuneIn Radio
I’ll check those out!
Good luck and happy listening
Thanks. I’m moving and was thinking I’d listen to my books while I pack. Lol.
Audible member for many years.
Also, YouTube sometimes has audio books.
Libby by overdrive, audible and Playster.
Vermont has a loaning library for audiobooks. I use overdrive to listen on my phone.
Audible, but that is a pay system obviously.
how do you do that?
@Layla you type in your title and see if you find it. It’s not a guarantee.
true but i found most of mine on there, the bothersome part is they are broke up in parts so you have to watch for which video to listen to next
LibreVox—free audiobooks!
I tried bt didn’t fing good narrators… Can u suggest some books with good narration?
Local library through Overdrive. Vast selection and free!
Overdrive and Cloud Library from my library. ?
If you have Spotify ive seen some classic like like Pride and Prejudice there.
Oooooo I’m looking now. Thanks!
Spotify? Really? Wow. Tks!! Didn’t know that.
Library mostly (on Overdrive). I download at least 2-3 a month from my library.
Librivox has free audiobook classics that are in the public domain. It can be hit or miss but I’ve gotten a few good ones from it.
I have Amazon prime and that gives me a llimited selection of audiobooks from Audible as a benefit.
I’ve got amazon prime also. How do u get audiobooks? Is it free on audible as benefits?
Might vary from country to country but I’m able to listen to a selection of books on the audible app using my Amazon account
The library!
Hoopla has a few.
? Really?
Overdrive, Hoopla, YouTube, library , Libirivox
I accidentally discovered pirated readings on youtube
secretly, I think fan reads sound a lot better than the hired voice
Our library’s online checkout system gives access to audiobooks and Kindle downloads.
In the car.
Overdrive! You’re just checking them out from your library online for free ?
I get my audio books from my library and listen to them on my phone. I listen to them while at work so the day doesn’t seem so long…
Overdrive connects to my public library
I wish you could just listen on overdrive without having to sync to a library. Where I currently live they don’t have much for audiobooks and I’m moving in a few weeks so I don’t have a card at the new place. ? I just want to listen to my Dexter books, haha.
You might want to check and see if you can use another library nearby your current residence. I have library cards for two different counties and one city. I didn’t have to make anything up to get them either. All legit. I don’t know if you can do inter library loans with audio books, but you might want to check into that as well.
Living room
I get them from the library
My library has them on CD but I also listen through 3 different digital/audio app companies my library offers (Hoopla, RB Digital, & Overdrive). They’re all free!
In my car, I borrow them from the library
I borrow them from the library.