What words in a book blurb or review turn you off and let you know, maybe this book isn’t for me?
What words in a book blurb or review turn you off and let you know, maybe this book isn’t for me. Mine are:
Sad, cried, heartwarming, heartbreaking, fantasy, zombies, thriller, murder, bloody.
I do read some sad books but I don’t seek that out as the biggest theme of the book.
This only happened to me once. . . I thought the movie, “Of Mice and Men” with Gary Senise and John Malcovich surpassed the book.
I read Of Mice and Men when my daughter had to read for college.
Yes! Yes! Yes! ?
Romance, love story, heartbreaking and 2nd world war
It just cracked me up but completely agreed with ZOMBIES!
i don’t like bloody, zombies, vampires, romance, heartbreaking
Turn offs: Romance, chicklit, biography, love story, heartwarming. Grabs me: disturbing, mystery, dark, horror, apocalyptic, bloody.
heartwarming, dystopian, hilarious, zombie, werewolf, vampire
Good question. I’m curious what words get you interested?
Words that get me interested are good writing, great characters, page turner, family dynamics, quirky, bookstore and unusual titles sometimes reel me in. But more than anything I start a book bc a friend has told me it’s good.
Supernatural, horror, gruesome, and heartbreaking to name a few.
Also magical realism and unreliable narrator, no, no, no
If I see magical realism or unreliable narrator I’m in! Hard pass on zombies or vampires though.
The new Agatha Christie, the new Robert B. Parker, etc.
If they describe the lifestyle of the main characters as:: Wealthy, socialite, rich, blue blood, uppercrust, or millionaire. I just put that book back on the shelf,
Edgy, fierce, challenging, serial killer, dog.
In the book deal emails I get, I hate it when it starts with something like “with over 100 five star reviews.” I hardly ever look at those let alone buy them.
No word, actually… I consider the book as a whole and one word may turn me off but I give the first lines a go… But that is the ultimate acid test!
Sad, Heartbreaking,Cried, Zombies
Mine is cursing I hate it