What is your least favorite Harry Potter bookWhat is your least favorite Harry Potter book Tim #questionnaire
The cursed child ???? I’m a huge harry potter fan, but if I had to choose it would be half blood prince
I loved all of them, but thought Prisoner of Azkaban was hard to follow. It’s the only time I liked the movie better than the book.
watched the movies now reading the books about to finish the last chapter in chamber of secrets within the next hour
All the Harry Potter’s were over rated in my honest opinion. They were ok but the hunger games those books were epic.
Chamber of secrets was nearly unreadable, the cursed child was horrifically bad but apart from that I thought the other ones were amazing
Other than cursed child which I don’t consider canon I didn’t find any of them bad I loved all of them.
I had a difficult time getting into The half blood prince. That was a slow read for me.
Prisoner of Azkaban.
The Chamber of Secrets.
5…the height of the angsty whineyness and scholastic misery
The cursed child ????
I’m a huge harry potter fan, but if I had to choose it would be half blood prince
Prisoner of Azkaban
Philosophers stone
Chamber of Secrets
Goblet of fire
Chamber of secrets
All of them ??♀️
I can’t even pick. They were all fabulous.
The Order of the Pheonix
None this is blasphemy to me ?
I loved all of them, but thought Prisoner of Azkaban was hard to follow. It’s the only time I liked the movie better than the book.
Prisoner of Azkaban
Seven. Just because ya know. People got killed off left and right.
Either Goblet or HBP
Chamber of Secrets
There is no such thing
Prisoner of azkaban
All of them!!!! ?
Loved them all.
Chamber of secrets
The order of pheonix, hate it
I didn’t care for the book or the movie
It’s the only one in the series that seriously dragged on for me.
All of them!
The chamber of secrets
Loved them all
Order of the Phoenix
watched the movies now reading the books about to finish the last chapter in chamber of secrets within the next hour
The Order of the Phoenix
All the Harry Potter’s were over rated in my honest opinion. They were ok but the hunger games those books were epic.
Loved them all
The last one about his son.
The last book
This is a hard one. I wanna say Deathly Hallows, as unpopular as that opinion may turn out to be.
I thought deathly Hallows part one was very dry
Chamber of secrets
Chamber was awful for me and I almost gave up on series because of it
Goblet of fire wasn’t over struck x
I didn’t like order of the Phoenix
Loved them all!
No plans to read any. I don’t like kids books – apart from Enid Blyton!
Goblet of Fire
None of them
Cursed child was awful! Why ruin something that ended in such a high!
Chamber of secrets was nearly unreadable, the cursed child was horrifically bad but apart from that I thought the other ones were amazing
Other than cursed child which I don’t consider canon I didn’t find any of them bad I loved all of them.