Extremely difficult question. I like many kinds of books, but most of my absolute favorites share a few attributes: Beautiful, ornamental language, fantastical happenings and some more serious thoughts.
Depends what kind of reading mood I’m in at the time but I do like cosy books like Nora Roberts a bit of mystery, fantastic location, descriptive scenery that I can just imagine myself there. Just an all round feel good book.
Any book that holds my FULL attention, that grabs me and pulls me so far into the story, I forget I’m reading, forget that I’m not actually EXPERIENCING the Tale myself—and I can’t put the book down, all I want to do is read, read, and read some more until the very last word on the very last page, and even then, the characters continue to stay with me, making me smile whenever I remember them—and I have to harass others to buy the book!?
Extremely difficult question. I like many kinds of books, but most of my absolute favorites share a few attributes: Beautiful, ornamental language, fantastical happenings and some more serious thoughts.
True stories or based on true events.Biographies.
Depends what kind of reading mood I’m in at the time but I do like cosy books like Nora Roberts a bit of mystery, fantastic location, descriptive scenery that I can just imagine myself there. Just an all round feel good book.
Any book that holds my FULL attention, that grabs me and pulls me so far into the story, I forget I’m reading, forget that I’m not actually EXPERIENCING the Tale myself—and I can’t put the book down, all I want to do is read, read, and read some more until the very last word on the very last page, and even then, the characters continue to stay with me, making me smile whenever I remember them—and I have to harass others to buy the book!?
You took the words right from my very thoughts! ??????
@Cameron ?????
For fiction books, combination of romance, humor, with some suspense and action.
Any book. That make you get on the wrong bus because your so engrossed. Or off at your stop….lol
I have trouble putting down. Once I do put it down I can’t stop thinking about it. Then once I finish it I’ll reread it immediately.
Completely depends on my mood… bt if i have to choose… romance comes frst followed by murder mysteries and then magical/vampire/ghost??
Beautiful writing, good story, likable characters. ?
To me mood and content are important to pick the books.