What do you all do when reading a book that you just aren’t enjoying? Do you keep at it or give up?
What do you all do when reading a book that you just aren’t enjoying? Do you keep at it or give up?
What do you all do when reading a book that you just aren’t enjoying? Do you keep at it or give up?
I give up. I hate to admit that, but I have too many books I want to read. I don’t have time to spend on something I’m not enjoying. I never get rid of the book though and usually try and go back and read it again at a later time.
I keep going a few more chapters and if it still isn’t cutting it I quit
Give it up. Life is too short to read boring books!
I’ve been known to push through pretty much anything to the end. The only book I really ever DNF was Alice in Wonderland because I could not stand Alice. That book literally gave me a headache trying to read. And it was a children’s book! lol. If it’s a series, I’ll finish the first book and if I didn’t like it I won’t continue the series.
Thanks everyone! I am just about halfway through it and I think I’m just going to give up with it. Maybe come back to it another time.
Plus I’m not the fastest reader in the world to begin with – so reading something I’m not enjoying REALLY takes me a long time lol.
i give up immediately unless it is required for something important. There are too many good books to waste time on bad ones.
I think I feel that I have to read it otherwise it’s a waste of my money buying the book…
Well if I don’t like it from page one I give up, no review nothing… However, if I keep reading hoping for something to change and in the end I don’t like it still I review saying in details what I didn’t like and what could have been written differently. I don’t like giving up on book when I’m 70-80% done with it.
Don’t give up easily. Try it after some time, after reading some other author or so. Exceptionally some book convince me that it is in wrong hands…
I usually give a book about 100 pages. If I still can’t get into it, I set it aside to try again later. There are so many good books out there… I have returned to books and found them more enjoyable. I have also completely given up on some.
I keep reading normally the only book i can remember not finishing is needful things i just couldnt get into it
If I start a book, I HAVE to finish it. In most cases I’m glad I didn’t give up.
I give up sometime I will go back and try again at a later date
I gave up on girl on a train then got it again from a charity shop, lost it and have just got another copy from the charity shop! Curious to find out how it ends but still dont like it. I usually never go back to a dumped book!
I check out the previews on my nook and if it doesn’t pull me in i don’t buy it.. like all the shades of grey books.
I give ↑, if I do get into the book by the end of the second chapter I’m done.
Life’s too short — move on!
Give it up! Life is too short and there are too many good books out there to waste time.
It depends on how far I am in it. I’ve only given up on 3 books. That I can remember anyway. 🙂 I feel like a failure when I do. But, then I get into another book, and get over it. 😀
After about 100 pages I give it up
move on!!
Let it Go…Let it Go…??. Lots of books out there for one to waste time on a bad one!❤?❤
Usually keep with, sometimes it becomes one of my favorite books.
I’ll give it up but if it has led me far enough with the plot I might skip to the end.
I either give up or read the last few pages, life is to short to read crappy books!
I give up…..
I stop reading. There are too many books to waste time on one I don’t enjoy
Keep on reading ?
Give it up. I always have plenty of backup
I usually keep on reading until the end. The only book I ever gave up on was The Life of Pi ?
give up … so much books so little time
A professor in college taught me the 10% rule; no, it’s not like a tithe. It’s like read the first 10% of a book before you decide if it’s a piece of shit. After, that… well, whatever you do with books that you don’t like, but Sweet Jesus, life is too short to spend reading books you don’t like.
Keep at it. Because my mine wants to know what happens. Plus i dont like stopping a book i start
Shane – that’s interesting to me tho’ I’ve never read it. I generally give a book fifteen to twenty pages to draw me in. I read a LOT, so the library sees a lot of me.
give it up, ..life is too short, and there is always something else, waiting to be read!
Stop reading it and read another. Try it again where I left off
If I can’t get into a book by my certain amount of pages limit, I’ll just give up and if it’s kinda good. Maybe later. But if can’t full get into, I’ll give up and will not go back to it
Ditto! On all three comments. Especially, the first one. Life is definitely too short to waste trying to read a book you can’t get into.
Put it back on the shelf
Skip around to see if it might get better
I give up cuz it’s one book and I have tons of better ones I haven’t read yet
At 54 years old I move on . I use to read all books from start to finish no matter what. Too many books out now to read something you just do not care for. I know 100 pages in if I do like it or do not or will not !Yes I buy all my books on kindle but I still do not care about the money. If the book is not good to me a 100 pages in, I’m out and on to the next.
I am presently reading A Man Called Ove that I did not like or feel compelled to read until p. 153! I’m glad I kept reading!
I agree, sometimes the more I plug away the more I end up loving it in the end
I used to suffer through and finish every book I started reading. I stopped doing that a few years ago. Now if the book isn’t holding my attention after the first 50 pages, I call it quits! I just have to many books on my TBR pile that are begging for my attention!
Keep reading. Find out why it sucked
I try to keep going until I just can’t stand it anymore.
I just gave up on a book the first few pages were good but essentially there was no story just a guy commenting
Life’s too short & my TBR list is too long to keep reading a book I don’t like!
I read the whole book because you never know it might improve