What are some good Stephan King books. Ive never read his stuff and i really want to start.
What are some good Stephan King books. Ive never read his stuff and i really want to start.
What are some good Stephan King books. Ive never read his stuff and i really want to start.
The green mile..one of my favorite
I agree, fab book, much better then the film
The outsider but its the only book by him i have read
11/22/63…The Talisman (he wrote with Peter Straub)…The Dome
The Outsider was amazing! I’ve read a few. Salems Lot is good too!
Dead Zone, Christine, The Shining, Doctor Sleep,
11/22/63, The Green Mile.
I just finished Elevation. It is a short book of his and it was excellent. A real page turner. And not a scary/horror novel.
I second the green mile.
11/22/63 is the best book he’s ever written!
Oooh I might have to download this one ?
I loved the Mr. Mercedes trilogy
I havent read much of his stuff either but had always wanted to. The first book by him that I read was Misery and now I’m almost done The Shining. And I have to say both are fantastic. I’m now hooked on his books I have 4 more in my TBR pile just waiting ?
I’ve read King since I was 13 years old. He’s beyond a shadow of a doubt my favorite author ?
11 22 63 is amazing, not horror though, if you’re wanting horror I’d suggest Pet Semetary!
Carrie,Salem’s Lot,Christine,The Dark Tower, Misery, Cujo, pet semetary,The Shining!
I’d start off with his short stories so you can get a flavor for his work. Night Shift a good collection from his early stuff.
@Nikki thank you!!
The stand was the my first King book. I loved it
Needful things. Gerald’s game. It
Many years ago I read Thinner by Richard Bachman which is Stephen King’s pen name. It was a great book!
11/22/63. I’m currently reading The Stand but not far enough into it to give an opinion.
The Stand
Salems Lot
The Shining
The stand
Green mile mabe
I really liked Desperation
IT and Rose Madder
Needful things is amazing
Thinner is good too
I’ve read Revival first and loved it. I’m reading IT now and am loving it
Carrie, his first.
11/22/63 is amazing. It’s long but perfect!
The shinning, Cujo, Christine, Pet Cemetary, Mr. Mercedes trilogy(finders keepers is my fav), Bag of Bones, Firestarter…I could go on and on but theses are my recommendations to start. I think I’ve read everything he’s put on paper ???
@Niki I liked Finders Keepers best too!
@Sandy great minds Sandy, great minds ?
I’ve never read it, but I understand The Stand is purportedly his best
In the beginning of The Stand Stephen King states that he doesn’t think it’s his best work. I thought that was interesting.
Which are not horror ones? Just bought 11/22/63 on eBay
The Stand, The Green Mile, Pet Sematary, Salems Lot
Oh yes and IT
The Girl Who Loved Tom Gordon and Cell are my two faves which is maybe a bit against the grain !
The Stand fantastic
My favorite!
I’ve never read his stuff either, I’m planning to start with Carrie soon!
11/22/63 is one of my all time favorite books. Could not put it down.
You know, I still have not read that one!
@Elyse Read it and then watch the mini series on Hulu.
If just starting Carrie, Pet semetary, firestarter, some of his best but very long are the stand, it, under the dome and 11-22-63
The Stand!
Needful things is my favourite
Watch my above video. There is a really serious reading order !!
I read my first Stephen King book last month, it was IT and I really loved it!
11/22/63 I think his best work – not a horror story-
@Paige really want to read this one
@Paige I’m not a fan of horror and really enjoyed this! It’s great especially if you like historical fiction and time travel.
@Jef I agree- it had an added attraction for me because I remember that day do well, Yes I am that old
I loved his Dolores Claiborne
11/22/63, IT, Joyland, The Shining and Christine are just some that I read and I really enjoyed. His one of my favorite authors.
All of them. Get his bibliography up and work through it.
It’s a hell of a journey.
Firestarter is a good one to start with.
OMG… he’s amazing. Some are the most incredible books on the planet. IF you like horror a good start is THE SHINING or IT. If you like kids and abilities, start with FIRESTARTER or THE GIRL WHO LOVED TOM GORDON. If you like apocolypse good/evil, THE STAND is amazing (and my all time, most favorite book – it’s long but I’ve read it multiple times) and if you like fantasy THE GUNSLINGER series is a must. A MUST. If you just want some short stories to start, he’s got a bunch of great short story collections such as DIFFERENT SEASONS or SKELETON CREW (which has a story called the Jaunt that haunts me to this day). But there are so many other books that are absolutely amazing and leave you feeling something afterwards. If you find you like him, you’ll be reading for years. Please, start today!
Misery and The Shining
The Talisman, a book he co-authored with Peter Straub
Bag of Bones
The shining
The Shining, Salem’s Lot
@Patricia Salems Lot was my first SK book. I also called in sick because I was up all night reading. This was a very long time ago. Been a fan ever since
Just start with Carrie and proceed from there.
I absolutely loved Dreamcatcher!
Just finished Salem’s Lot and daaaaamn! a vampire thrill ride. beginning is slow with lots of ppl and town description, but when it gets going, the creepiness really builds to a horrifying crescendo. LOVED it. Mr. Mercedes trilogy was awesome. some ppl did not like that the 3rd book got a little more supernatural, but i thought it was a great addition (since he writes a lot about the supernatural, i was used to it). The shining book was SO much creepier than the movie. not a spoiler but the lawn animal scene ?? i was freaking out! also lots of description in the beginning, but just sludge thru it. the payoff is great! the long walk was a very short read and waaaay messed up. or course i loved it! lol. carrie is a messed up short read as well. enjoy! i am off to read a few other suggestions from here. think i will start with needful things, dreamcatcher, and the gorl who loved tom gordon. thanks, all!
and if you like Stephen king, i suggest phantoms and intensity by dean koontz. fantastic horror/thriller novels i could not put down and have reread!
His best-written book is probably The Dead Zone, but It and The Stand have got to be close, too.
If you like Stephen King, you might want to consider his son (Joe Hill), as well. Interesting, scary/creepy, but much shorter (normal length?) novels.
I loved his early books up to Tommyknockers. I read and enjoyed Needful Things after that. BYW… I love your name and as far as I am concerned it is spelled correctly….not that anyone else does ??
@Melodie you are the first person who spells it like me!
@Melodie my Mother said that the “ie” at the end reflects a persons name
@Melodie my mom said she didnt want it to be so “original” and wanted it to be more unique
Needful Things
Misery, Thinner, Geralds Game, The Shinning…
The Stand. Best Book Ever.
Dark Tower series. EPIC. I’ve read it twice and listened to the audio version. So good.
Misery and The Stand were my favorites
The Shinning!