This book was so hyped up and so I was so excited to read it…and then it fell flat for me. I didn’t really enjoy it and thought it was only okay. Nothing I would recommend you rush out and buy. If you stumble across it, give it a go, but I wouldn’t fall over myself trying to find it.
This is what I love about books in general… we all have such a broad and varied taste… For me personally, this book was ‘okay’ (but I bought it due to the rave reviews, and so I rest my earlier case ?) x
I couldn’t concentrate enough to remember who was who or doing what. It was like a Philip Marlow black and white film . I don’t even think I could give it another go. Shame as I was so looking forward to it just from the tag line
I thoroughly enjoyed it, just as much as the first 3 books in the series. Yes it is far fetched but you come to expect that with the Eddie Flynn series. It is fiction after all.
Susan, granted it’s fiction but it is a specific genre i.e. crime fiction. The best crime fiction is rooted in plausibility. Thirteen is entirely plausible and a great read. All I’m saying, and it is merely my opinion, is that The Defence (Book 1) has too many implausibilities for my taste. I think with crime fiction you can ask a reader to suspend belief once or twice, but more than that I believe that author would be best suited to scifi or ‘otherworld’ building in a different genre. I prefer crime fiction to be gritty, realistic and as credible as possible despite the fact it’s fiction. That’s why the Connollys and Grishams of the genre are so popular. Connolly because he knows and understands cops having been a LA Times crime reporter, and Grisham because he was a trial lawyer. Just my take on it.
I haven’t read it but have only seen very positive comments.
It is a really good book x
Great book, definitely worth buying and currently only £2 on Amazon! ????
Thanks Kirsten xx
@Louise you’re very welcome ?
Great book xx
On my tbr pile
Very good read, thoroughly enjoyed it.
Have to say though it’s a film waiting to happen.
I think I’m in the minority as I just couldn’t get into it. I’ll try another time I think.
Ridiculously far fetched
Well it is based in America ?
Loved it!
This book was so hyped up and so I was so excited to read it…and then it fell flat for me. I didn’t really enjoy it and thought it was only okay. Nothing I would recommend you rush out and buy. If you stumble across it, give it a go, but I wouldn’t fall over myself trying to find it.
Thanks Kim xx
Loved it!
Loved it
Loved it great escape from everyday life
I really enjoyed it. Good read, I would recommend ?
I wasn’t bowled over to begin with but stick with it. It’s a good read?
Brilliant book
My favourite book of the year so far and I read about 4 a week
Enjoyable not usual read but good
Fabulous book, I read it in a day, couldn’t put it down.
I’ve got it but not read it yet xx
Definitely worth reading
It’s brilliant.
One of my top five books so far this year!
Reading it now, can’t put it down, so many people told me I should read it, I’m so pleased I listened to them, it is brilliant.
@Neil did you read the other books first?
@Lisa no I haven’t but will after this one, it doesn’t carry on after the other books but has the same character in.
@Neil that’s good to know as I have this in my tbr pile but not the others, thankyou
@Lisa no problem, it’s a really good book, at first I thought I’m not going to enjoy this, how wrong was I, love it.
Can’t wait to start it now!
Thanks Neil xx
@Louise no problem, it’s really good, I think so anyway ❤
Absolutely! A x
Couldn’t get into it
Nore could I took me ages too read it …
I enjoyed it, but everyone’s tastes are different ?
This is what I love about books in general… we all have such a broad and varied taste… For me personally, this book was ‘okay’ (but I bought it due to the rave reviews, and so I rest my earlier case ?) x
Thanks Lucy xx
Definitely, yes.
Thankyou to you all for replying to me i think i will definitely give it a go xx
It seems a bit far-fetched at times but hey, that’s fiction ? and why we love to read.
Currently reading this one not long started
I loved it
Loved it one of my favourite books of the year
not read yet waiting in que to read on my kindle
I loved it and I usually don’t like legal thrillers!
I couldn’t get passed the first couple of pages. I was so excited by it but was so disappointed.
Me too – but I will give it another go some time.
I couldn’t concentrate enough to remember who was who or doing what. It was like a Philip Marlow black and white film . I don’t even think I could give it another go. Shame as I was so looking forward to it just from the tag line
Loved it and now on his earlier books. Hooked xx
Read all the books in the series so far & loved them all
Fabulous book. Highly recommend it x
I have the paperback and kindle editions but haven’t read it yet. I found the paperback in a charity shop after I’d bought it for the kindle
I thought i had strayed into the INcredibles, sorry but far fetched rubbish
Know what you mean…..the perp must have been from Krypton with all the superpowers that he had ?
Ridiculously far fetched in my opinion. The tag line drew me in, so did the hype. I’ve never rolled my eyes so much reading a book.
I enjoyed it
Loved it. Different. clever
Yes, one of my favourite books this year!
I was thinking same thing Xx
It was OK…. I thought it was a bit boring if I’m being honest
I enjoyed it. We’re all different. Give it a go.
Seem to be lots of new paper backs in charity shops in my area????
I enjoyed it. It took a we while to get into but once it kicks off I couldn’t put it down
Yup. A good read.
I did as well, I felt it was worth the read
It was good
I gave it a 5 star review. I then read Book 1 but nowhere as near as good. Too far fetched in places.
I thoroughly enjoyed it, just as much as the first 3 books in the series. Yes it is far fetched but you come to expect that with the Eddie Flynn series. It is fiction after all.
Susan, granted it’s fiction but it is a specific genre i.e. crime fiction. The best crime fiction is rooted in plausibility. Thirteen is entirely plausible and a great read. All I’m saying, and it is merely my opinion, is that The Defence (Book 1) has too many implausibilities for my taste. I think with crime fiction you can ask a reader to suspend belief once or twice, but more than that I believe that author would be best suited to scifi or ‘otherworld’ building in a different genre. I prefer crime fiction to be gritty, realistic and as credible as possible despite the fact it’s fiction. That’s why the Connollys and Grishams of the genre are so popular. Connolly because he knows and understands cops having been a LA Times crime reporter, and Grisham because he was a trial lawyer. Just my take on it.
@Steve I still enjoyed it! Lol
Definitely I loved it
Absolutely, I loved it
It was good. Really enjoyed it myself.
I loved it and now going on to read the first ones
I brought it but not read it is it a stand alone xx
Really enjoyed it.
It’s on my tbr list ? along with about 400 other books ??
I need to win the lottery, give up work and move to a deserted island and spend my days reading ? ? ? ? ☀️
@Rebecca that’s the dream ???