Third attempt at Outlander. On page 80 and REALLY struggling. Please tell me it gets better!
Third attempt at Outlander. On page 80 and REALLY struggling. Please tell me it gets better!
Third attempt at Outlander. On page 80 and REALLY struggling. Please tell me it gets better!
I thought it got better, but then I thought it got monotonous. I got all of the books brand new at a Goodwill, but quit after the first one.
It just seems so slow! I think I might have to give it up as a bad idea ?
I think it definitely gets better, but as a series it doesn’t.
That’s two people saying the same thing. Decision made. I’m done! ??
Book 1 I loved, Book 2 was a tad boring – didn’t enjoy the Paris period, Book 3 I enjoyed, Book 4 started to get bored, but made it to the end, Book 5 too wordy, too long, gave up!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 However I am enjoying the TV series, so I’ll follow on with that! ?
@Eileen now I’m undecided again ???
I still bought the next 2 books because I thought I’d pick it back up again, but I’ve never felt the urge and I doubt I will now. I read the first book very soon after it came out so was patiently waiting for each book as it came out. The first one was sold as “Cross Stitch” in the UK, not “Outlander”
@Eileen book 6 is so good, you should not have gave up. Last half of 5 is good too
@River lol 2 out of how many that encourage you to keep going? ☺️
I know, I’ve been told that on here more than once. I did buy the next 2 in case I did pick it up again, but to be honest in the 16 years since I read it, I’ve had no inclination to go back to it at all.
Could not get through book 1. It may be a great story, but not a great read!
U got further than me!! ?
I enjoyed it, slow in parts but worth the read.
It gets so much better. Keep going. Took me three tries and then I was obsessed. Love those books!
I’m obsessed with this series!!!
Dont know where you are at this point, but if she still is in the 20th century, keep going, if she is back in time ….then move onto another book.
I loved all of them and loving the TV series
I absolutely loved the series. I keep tabs on her newest releases. She also has written several books based on Jamie Fraser in prison and his indentured period, Lord John Grey and a few others. Haven’t read all of them but working on it.
They are worth the struggle of reading through the slow parts.
It’s a wonderfully exciting story, but it takes a bit of setting the scene
Yes it gets better. I have read up to book 5, but this week decided to re-read Outlander. I can understand why you are struggling. It is definitely a slow start. If you can, push through. I think they are worth it.
I tried, couldn’t do it
Get past like 100–150 it will be worth it
Series was great! I’ve read them all twice
I loved the all the books and can’t wait until she finishes writing the next one
Its an epic read. Not a fast read. Remember how slow & epic dances with wolves was? Great, slow, story.
Yes it does get better, just don’t go on to book 2! I listened to the 1st one as an audiobook whilst walking the dog, not sure I’d have got through it if I’d not had that distraction
I loved it
I had a hard time too. Finished the first book but have had no interest in reading the rest of the series.
I got to page 61 and was bored. Lol you’re doing good!
Ohh one of my favorite series’s. It’s so good. Don’t give up now.
Book 1&2 definitely worth the read. Read until the wedding scene in book 1, if you still aren’t interested, stop there.
It took me awhile to get into book 1 but it’s definitely worth it. The series kinda goes downhill after the first two books. I think I’ll just watch the TV shows for the rest of the series.
It’s so good but there are definitely slow spots throughout the series.
They are all sooooo good!
I struggle through 3 of them ,had parts I loved in them ,but a lot I didn’t care for !!
I loved the series. But never read the last one. I had forgotten to much ?♀️
Oh just wait! I finished the book in about a day
It was around page 150 when I started really getting into it. Then I realized the first 150 pages are back story that is slow, but soooooo important!! Once I got to the “Jaime and Claire” portion, I couldn’t put it down! I read all 8 books in a matter of months. I can’t WAIT for book 9!!
Same thing. I keep listening to it on audible and stalling out in the middle!!
I love the advice that if you get to the wedding and are still struggling, you can probably give up. But, oh MAAAAAAAN! That wedding scene!! ?❤️?
I’m doing the audio book it’s a very easy listen
Has Jamie arrived on the scene yet? I almost gave up too because it started slow for me, but then Jamie arrived and I was hooked. First time I ever fell in love with a fictional character. It’s my all time favorite book series, and to think I almost gave up on it!
I looked at the book several times in the store because a friend kept telling me i would like it but it took months for me to finally buy it .. so glad I did!
All the books are great. Love love love them. Jaime is the cutest sexiest man
It picks up after the first 100 pages! Def keep going, it’ll get better. Slow starts suck. ?
It’s not for everyone.
Personally, I did not like these books. I read the first one and half of the second. I loved the historical aspects, but they were too few and far between the strong sexual content and violence. I understand many people like this series, but they are not for me.
I think you have to have some interest in Scottish history and history in general to really like them. I absolutely love them but I’m obsessed with Scotland. And of course Jamie and Claire ????
I had trouble in the beginning it gets amazing!
I agree with Tricia, I loved the historical aspects but the sexual violence just seemed to predominate and that was a turn off. I am sure it existed in those times but it just seemed like the author dwelled on it too much and in a weird way. Not for me…
Well said
I couldn’t do it.
No it gets worse. Too much padding…….in my opinion.
Stay with it! Its so good
I only read it cos a friend bought it for me. I wasn’t tempted towards the sequel. Loved the time travel aspect. Too much of a heroine for me. I mean she fought off a wolf? C’mon! And steamy sex all the time? Maybe I’m too old 😉
I’ve never made it that far. Boring!
The first part IS boring – but once Claire falls back in time, it gets interesting 🙂 I never did recover any interest in her husband in present time (can’t even remember his name – but I remember Jamie!! ) 😉
Maybe it just isn’t for you–lots of other books to read. If you have tried it three times, I would say you gave it your all. I loved the book but there are many other books that people have loved that were not for me. At my age I give a book 50 pages and if I don’t like it, I move on.
Tried twice couldn’t do it good luck
Same here. Just not my cup of tea.
If you feel like that now, I’d honestly give up. I’m on book 5 and love it but you are in it for weeks and weeks and some parts are slow going. Life is too short to be reading books you don’t really enjoy.
No it’s boring and gets worse!
I didn’t read the books but the tv series is fantastic!!
I gave up too ?
It does get better and the way it is written is very descriptive and entertaining too…
It becomes unputdownable. Don’t give up.
Stick with it, it’s worth it!
It took me a few times, kept putting it down because I didn’t like Claire … try Into The Wilderness by Sara Donati, excellent read, and is a series as well
Into the Wilderness: My all-time favorite series!!! The first book is my all time favorite book. The descriptive writing blows me away! ❤️
@Mary mine too! IMO, the writing is much better, pulls you in to the story without being crass or vulgar
Life is to short to waste on a book that doesnt speak to you. I think giving it 80 pages is a really good fair chance.
You know how our personalities don’t always match to other people? People are writing the books, and sometimes the world inside of them just doesn’t ring our bell you know?
If I’m not really invested in the story and the characters by Chapter 3 I would give up. It’s only happened a couple of times, but there are too many great books out there to waste time reading one I’m not enjoying.
I tried it three times. Just couldn’t
Watch the series..
I’ve read the whole series and love it. My sister is now hooked on it too ?
I struggled with the end of the first one and much of the second but it gets soooo much better when the later books. To spice things up maybe go section by section while also watching the series. I had read the series years ago and am now rereading them as I watch the tv series.
Don’t give up on it !! It’s so amazing !!
It does get better xx
I loved the first book! But if I remember correctly I found the first part a tad boring as well.
I gave up around the point you are at.
Try audio! That’s the only way I could get through it.
Couldn’t get past 2nd book
Are you to where she goes back in time? The first bit before that is all set up and a bit dull- but I was thinking that was the first 50-60 pages
It does it does!!
Im loving it so far!