So just wondering how many times if any have you found movie version as good as or better than the book?
So just wondering how many times if any have you found movie version as good as or better than the book?
So just wondering how many times if any have you found movie version as good as or better than the book?
The Notebook. I actually like the movie better than the book.
I like the movie of Danielle Steel’s The Ring much much better than the book. I saw the movie first and expected the book to have more story details – it didn’t.
I love both the book and movie versions of The Princess Bride, one of the only cases where I find the movie as good as the book.
To Kill A Mockingbird
The harry potter movies and books
Really? They leave out amazing characters in the movies
Mol Flanders and Memoirs of a Geisha.
Agree with Memoirs of A Geisha loved both the book and movie!
Have you not read or seen Mol Flanders? If not, you should right away ?
The fault in our stars was good
The Hunger Games movies and books.
Really? I thought the books were waaaaayyy better. That is just me though ?
So many to choose, Misery by Stephen King, and also One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and others.
I agree about Misery! I think Kathy Bates had a lot to do with making the movie so good!
The Godfather
I like the movie of A Walk to Remember better rthan the book
Haven’t yet come across a movie I like better than the book
“Psycho” and “Jaws” are the only ones that come to mind.
The only movie I found better than the book was the perks of being a wallflower. Loved the book don’t get me wrong but the movie had so much more to it
Has anyone said Lord of the Rings yet? Because those movies are absolute gold (The books are fantastic, and I love them, but GOD they’re long winded at times)
Read it a long time ago. The battles were long winded for me. Great book though!
Great movies, great books too
I loved the books better. The movies were not so bad
Very, very rarely do I enjoy the movie as much as the book. One of the few times was “The Help”. The movie was very close to the book and had great acting throughout ?
To Kill a Mockingbird
Divergent – the (first) movie is so much better than the book.
The green mile and Shawshank redemption are as good as the books.
Loved those! And oddly never read the books and also didn’t realize till after the fact they were Stephen king!
Beautiful Creatures and it’s very rare that I find a film I like better
Oh also Jurassic Park! I adore the whole franchise. The books were phenomenal and the movies kicked ass. (Except the third, which was only okay because of that whole pterodactyl scene… Also was not based off a book.)
Jurassic Park is a book?!
YES! AND ITS AMAZING! seriously check it out. Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton and also The Lost World.
Never saw the third movie..not worth it?
@Erin, it’s not terrible but it’s not nearly as good as the first two. Unlike the first two it didn’t correspond to a book and didn’t have much involvement from Michael Crichton. Basically they went ‘hey can we keep this going because it’s making us money and also maybe use some of the things that weren’t used from the first two books to make a movie’ and Michael Crichton went ‘ehhhhh, sure’ so it’s still got lots of action and what not but it’s definitely not on the same standard as JP 1&2. It might be worth at least one viewing to form your own opinion.
Good to know, thanks. I read Jurassic Park when i am feeling nostalgic lol
Me too, one of my top 5 favourite reads for sure.
Yep. One of those classics that never gets old
I agree on To Kill a Mockingbird being as good, not better but very close.
What’s Eating Gilbert Grape is one of my favourite films and way better than the book, although perhaps I would not feel this way if I had read it first.
Horton Hears a Who ?
I agree with you about Gilbert Grape! I read it last year but have seen the movie a million times, I think it was stuck in my head, a reverse of what usually happens.
Once, I thought A Walk To Remember was better as a movie. Don’t get me wrong, I love the book just love Mandy Moore and Shane West
Just one … A walk to remember.
Harry Potter and LOTR movies have done a good job of coming close to the feel of the books. Even the Bourne franchise has been nice, Bourne Legacy was a lovely addition even though it wasn’t based on any particular Jason bourne book. In recent memory, I think Mr. Holmes, which a film based on the book A Slight Trick of the Mind by Mitch Cullin did in many ways surpass the book with it’s pacing and tight narrative. The book tends to drag on a bit in comparison.
HP movies are not as good as the books. They changed so many stories. But i agree with LOTR
@Lucia I agree, that’s why they came close. Not equaled and definitely not surpassed.
The Godfather
I really loved the LoTR and Hobbit movies and books. I don’t prefer one over the other, I adore both (books and movies). I also love the HP movies although I prefer the books. I loved the TV series 13 Reasons Why more than I enjoyed the book. I really like Hunger Games although I slightly prefer the books.
Silver Linings Playbook! Both are awesome!
Water for Elephants was equally great either way.
No twlight series and fifty shades of grey series books were way better than the film.
I hold movies to a different standard so I usually tend to love them just as much as the books
I thought About a Boy was better than the book.
A Monster Calls wasn’t better than the book but I liked it almost as much.
Pride and Prejudice. Love the book and the movie (2005)
Mr. Darcy! ? He’s so cool ?
Love P&P one of my all-time favorites
Room, book was great and I loved the movie as well
Pride and Prejudice the 6 part mini-series with Colin Firth and Jennifer Ehl.
Anne of Green Gables, the Sullivan production. Anne and Matthew were perfect in that one
The Scapegoat by Daphne du Maurier. The movie is very different but I loved it just as much. R
“City of Bones”- i loved both the book and the movie, and i think the movie “The 5th Wave” is better than the book… maybe I’ll give the book another chance.
I prefer book.Always better than the movie.I love to read the details wich I can’t see in the movies
Films of Stephen King’s books are better than the books.
Honestly Harry Potter. Don’t get me wrong the books are fucking amazing but to me (maybe it’s because I’ve read them so many times) they all seem to go really fast like one page it’s the beginning of the year and turn the next page and it’s Christmas already. The movies are longer to me and you see through out the whole year but I don’t like how they changed a few minor details and cut some scenes but other than that. In my honest opinion the movies are just as good if not better than the books.
Safe haven was just as good as the book but different
Never the book is always better
If I had to choose one it would be ”Jaws”
Only once. The Boy In The Striped Pajamas movie was so much better than the book, I think.
Gone with the wind movie is good, but it could not capture very many essential moments in the book. Same with Great Expectations, in my opinion .
Papillon i watched partly, had to shut it off as well below expectations, same with Pride & Prejudice .
Memoirs Of A Geisha is a good movie, but the book is still better.
All in all, books almost always better than their movies.
The books always reigns.
Usually always the book is better
Shawshank Redemption
The Green Mile
Hunger Games (close enough that I actually love the movies)