Please started “The woman in cabin10” got? to chapter 6 does the book get better ?Please started “The woman in cabin10” got? to chapter 6 does the book get better ? Patricia #review
Well it is a personal thing, it is not in my YOU MUST READ books, but then as I said it is personal 🙁
From what I recall those who enjoyed it didn’t struggle ? So I would maybe suggest a few more pages at most ☺️ x x
I can’t not finish a book,if the author is good enough to right a book, then I’ll give any author the time to read it.x
I am the same, although I know I am not enjoying it, I can’t bear to stop reading it! I know life is too short but I am scared I will miss something if I don’t finish it!
Definitely a book to perceive with, i wanted to put it down to start with but really enjoyed it in the end xx
Aren’t ALL books marmite? I’ve never come across a book yet that everyone thought was brilliant or everyone thought rubbish. ???
on my TBR pile ! im struggling with The Teacher at the moment katrina Diamond im half way shall i go on ?? x
Well it is a personal thing, it is not in my YOU MUST READ books, but then as I said it is personal 🙁
In a word…’NOPE’.
Very disappointed in this book
A no from me too I’m afraid.
I really enjoyed it!
Ok I’ll keep at it
Ok i feel the same
I loved it!
From what I recall those who enjoyed it didn’t struggle ? So I would maybe suggest a few more pages at most ☺️ x x
Unfortunately it doesn’t
Ugh … I just started too and am struggling- may go into the discard pile. Why all the buzz??
Yes back to charity shop I think. Off to start Clive Cussler’s Pharaoh’s Secret
Gets increasingly frustrating
Nope lol I gave up by chapter 3
I enjoyed it.
I didn’t mind It, was ok.
Now if you get a chance to read her 3rd book The Lying Game, then I would say don’t bother!
At the moment i don’t think I want to read another of her books
I loved her 1st one, enjoyed the 2nd but didn’t like the 3rd.
I didn’t like it much, readable but not great!
It does get better,I really enjoyed it. Perceiver.x
I really liked it, but I know others hated it
I really enjoyed it
I liked it, and am now on another one of her books. I would finish if I were you!
I had a hard time finishing this book. It was ok but definitely not a page turner.
In my case I’ll speed read and turn pages quick
I loved it!
For me, no.
I can’t not finish a book,if the author is good enough to right a book, then I’ll give any author the time to read it.x
I am the same, although I know I am not enjoying it, I can’t bear to stop reading it! I know life is too short but I am scared I will miss something if I don’t finish it!
Ha ha I’m the same,its a what if situation lol.x
Ok guys let’s call this topic closed. I can’t read any more.
I loved it.
Definitely a book to perceive with, i wanted to put it down to start with but really enjoyed it in the end xx
I didn’t care 4 it
No. It was boring and far fetched.
I didn’t really enjoy it and didn’t like the ending
I didn’t finish it either
I got it in a charity shop last week. still on the shelve But I won’t be put off.
I have sorry
I liked it…quick and easy read.
I concurr…
No it’s a big disappointment
The last quarter was the best, I really didn’t enjoy it up until then
Not much
Not a lot
Not really. I was very disappointed with this book
No! Give up now.
Well it is okay, if you are yawning while reading and have a huge TBR pile give it up, x
Well this is now on my don’t bother pile lol
Tried a sample on my kindle but couldn’t get into it.
No it gets worse!
Aren’t ALL books marmite? I’ve never come across a book yet that everyone thought was brilliant or everyone thought rubbish. ???
True Mary x???
on my TBR pile ! im struggling with The Teacher at the moment katrina Diamond im half way shall i go on ?? x
Julie Stafford does it all come together at some point?
I liked the Teacher, it was The Secret that I couldn’t finish.
I liked it ok, but listened instead of read.
so so….
I struggled with it