Looking for horror, thriller, murder type books. I want to be scared! KU would be nice but if not it’s okay! :)
Looking for horror, thriller, murder type books. I want to be scared! KU would be nice but if not it’s okay! 🙂
Looking for horror, thriller, murder type books. I want to be scared! KU would be nice but if not it’s okay! 🙂
Horrorstor by Grady Hendrix <3
Umm not sure if you’d be scared but you’d be thoroughly creeped out I think. Read the Alienist series by Caleb Carr
Assassin Hunter
Slice by Drew Briney
Rebecca Ethington’s Through Glass series is creepy A.F. You will never be ok in the dark again.
Ok so This Darkness Mine is so incredibly creepy, not specifically scary but it’ll make you think you’re going insane