The best series ever. My Brilliant Friend was fab. It might help to be familiar with Italians. I am Italia family from Naples it was our story. It was real. You won’t be able to put it down.
The first one was quite interesting. I particularly found the details about the school system in Italy fascinating, and the differences in the languages they spoke. The second one I found rather less interesting. haven’t read the others yet.
I LOVED them! I especially loved the second one, but I think mostly because i’m about the same age as she is in the novel. They’re all great though, just fascinating female friendships with great drama.
I tried to read the first book, and gave up about halfway through. I know it is widely praised by both critics and readers, but I just couldn’t see why. I was so disappointed.
Isn’t it interesting how different we all are and how differently we respond to books? I really enjoyed all 4 books, though I read them in Italian (my native language) so I can’t comment on the style. I have been told that the translation is excellent, though.
Yes. I’ve read the first three. Loved them. But I have found a needed a break. Read first two on vacation. Then read Woman on the Train for a break. Read third. Taking break. Fourth book us up next on TBR
I read them all, but took time off in between each book. They are not an easy read, at least IMO, so I can see why some people would not like them. By the end, I did not care much for the main character and her choices, but I thought they were very well written – the characters and their relationships were very well developed. I’m Italian-American, have lots of extended family in southern Italy, and spent a semester of college studying in Rome, so the setting and story line interested me. While reading them though, I understood that not everyone would be able to get past the violence, the way the characters treat each other, etc. The series is not one that I’d recommend to just anyone.
Good insight! My response was different. I related so well to the whole enchilada of course the story was “us” on steroids: the intensity of love and hate of loyalty and betrayal of the dichotomy of pride and shame over where we “come from” the struggle to leave or stay- it could be Naples, Long Branch NJ or North Boston- the struggle of being Italian (nuts) is real. I thought the academic was the lead not Lena although it is assumed that the author is the narrator and she is reliving her experience with her village family best friend and circle of friends. The part that affected me the most oddly enough was the pretty snotty girl who went with the rich bad boy was the fat old lady they found dead in the park. This was a masterpiece written about the Nah poe Lee don woman who knows who she is and does t give a rats ass who knows. I too came up in small Italian hood ended up with PhD should I stay or go? I went and am a lady who lunches (in London and Paris.) on the inside.. I’m Lena.?
I liked them.
I just started them, too. 1/2 through first one. So far, so good.
I really liked them.
The best series ever. My Brilliant Friend was fab. It might help to be familiar with Italians. I am Italia family from Naples it was our story. It was real. You won’t be able to put it down.
I really liked the first two books. I still need to tackle the others.
I thought the first one was too slow and boring and never went back.
Same here
Same !
Felt the same was disappointed from all the hype
Me too, plus no characters that were likeable. I have the rest of the series but may not get to it.
I loved the first one. Beautiful portrait of female friendship. Agree that having some awareness or connection to Italian culture helps. ?
The third book was my personal favorite.
Absolutely worth the read!
I really liked the first one. But by the time I got to the 4th one, the shine had worn off. Just my opinion.
I’ve heard it goes downhill after the second, which is mainly why I’ve delayed finishing the series.
The first one was quite interesting. I particularly found the details about the school system in Italy fascinating, and the differences in the languages they spoke. The second one I found rather less interesting. haven’t read the others yet.
Liked the first one although the style gets in the way- run on sentences- but a fascinating read! I have #2 on the shelf.
I LOVED them! I especially loved the second one, but I think mostly because i’m about the same age as she is in the novel. They’re all great though, just fascinating female friendships with great drama.
Great books
Loved them!!
I loved the first, liked the second, meh to the third and the fourth was boring.
I tried to read the first book, and gave up about halfway through. I know it is widely praised by both critics and readers, but I just couldn’t see why. I was so disappointed.
Agree. I just don’t get the buzz around these books.
Got through the first, but so far have felt no desire to pick up the second.
Isn’t it interesting how different we all are and how differently we respond to books? I really enjoyed all 4 books, though I read them in Italian (my native language) so I can’t comment on the style. I have been told that the translation is excellent, though.
Yes. I’ve read the first three. Loved them. But I have found a needed a break. Read first two on vacation. Then read Woman on the Train for a break. Read third. Taking break. Fourth book us up next on TBR
I hope so! I have all 4 on my Kindle for upcoming vacation.
Too much violence against women. Made me sad.
I’ve never read a series so quickly!
Absolutely loved all 4!
Very much worth it. Great literature. You will be so glad you read them.
The author, unidentified, is rumored to be a history professor in Italy
I loved them all. Couldn’t put them down until I had read all four.
I’m on book 3 right now! I quite like her simple conversational style.
Now, if we’re talking book series that we dislike, Knausgaard made me feel very stabby ?
Meh. Read book one. Abandoned book two about 100 pages into it. I won’t finish the series.
I read them all, but took time off in between each book. They are not an easy read, at least IMO, so I can see why some people would not like them. By the end, I did not care much for the main character and her choices, but I thought they were very well written – the characters and their relationships were very well developed. I’m Italian-American, have lots of extended family in southern Italy, and spent a semester of college studying in Rome, so the setting and story line interested me. While reading them though, I understood that not everyone would be able to get past the violence, the way the characters treat each other, etc. The series is not one that I’d recommend to just anyone.
Good insight! My response was different. I related so well to the whole enchilada of course the story was “us” on steroids: the intensity of love and hate of loyalty and betrayal of the dichotomy of pride and shame over where we “come from” the struggle to leave or stay- it could be Naples, Long Branch NJ or North Boston- the struggle of being Italian (nuts) is real. I thought the academic was the lead not Lena although it is assumed that the author is the narrator and she is reliving her experience with her village family best friend and circle of friends. The part that affected me the most oddly enough was the pretty snotty girl who went with the rich bad boy was the fat old lady they found dead in the park. This was a masterpiece written about the Nah poe Lee don woman who knows who she is and does t give a rats ass who knows. I too came up in small Italian hood ended up with PhD should I stay or go? I went and am a lady who lunches (in London and Paris.) on the inside.. I’m Lena.?