Just started reading The Tattooist of Auschwitz and am really enjoying it can’t understand why alot of people are saying it’s ?
Just started reading The Tattooist of Auschwitz and am really enjoying it can’t understand why alot of people are saying it’s ?
I enjoyed the “true” story, but the writing was just factual- no emotional development of characters, just lacking in the writing department.
Janie, I saw this as reflective of the impact that trauma would have on someone.
I loved it
I am currently reading the book and so far seems great
I loved it.
My hubby loved it.
Loved it
I struggled with the writing at first, but got into it towards the middle.
I thoroughly enjoyed it.
It’s decent, but it’s not the best of the genre. I think that’s what people mean. I firmly believe Rena’s Promise was waaaaay better written and is also a true story of two sisters in Auschwitz.
@Robin i’ll have to read that one sometime as I love this genre.
I felt it an honour to read. I did feel that it was written in a factual manner too, but I thought maybe that’s the way he told his story. I marvelled that there wasn’t a trace of self indulgence. That’s just the way it was & he had to get on with it. It didn’t go into extreme detail of the true graphic horror, but perhaps he didn’t want to dwell upon that.
That’s just my take on it though.
I loved it
On tbr list
I really liked it.
It drags. I liked it but it drags.
I agree.
I’ve just finished reading it..really can’t make up my mind about it…not the best I’ve read on the subject…thought the ending was poor and seemed rushed.
I am reading it as well and find it very nice.
Im reading it too.
Loved it
I think it was just a little simple, sweet love story set in trying times. Good book…not great. But well worth reading!
I liked it
Ooh good to hear! It’s currently on my. Bookshelf as my next to read

I loved it
Okay, I want to ask a question. I read it. I liked it, but it’s not a favorite. My question is did anyone else feel like the tattooist was a bit reckless with others at times? I was mad at him when I first began reading it. Anyone else?
@Jana I imagine, and this is from visiting camps, memorials in museums and stuff I’ve found over the years- that it depends on your situation. I think once they realised people were being incinerated, especially when they were ‘saved’ it became survival of the fittest. Some through being quiet and working hard, others stood out because (in all societies) some do…
I also thought he put himself in danger for others, but felt compelled to try… I saw a fighting spirit I guess…
@Carmel, I agree with that. My aunt read the book too, and she said that I probably felt that way bc I rend to follow rules and try not to stand out (which I agree with). By the end, I appreciated his efforts and what he did, it took me a few chapters to appreciate him though.
PS…. thank you for responding. That’s a great perspective!
@Jana I’m a rule follower too, but I’m also
that person who stops and helps people.. and I sometime get in trouble for it… I can’t even imagine what lengths you would go to…
@Carmel, I am too. Another good point. Thank you!
I liked it, but I didn’t love it. I think the author had an amazing story given to her by a survivor, and I think a better writer could have done a lot more justice to it. If someone is interested in reading then I would still recommend it (I’m lending it to a friend for this reason), as it certainly has its place. But I think if this author was writing about something less emotive in the same style then it wouldn’t have been anywhere near as successful or popular. Also, the Auchwitz Memorial Research Centre has heavily criticised the (lack of) historical accuracy in the book. So it depends – if you are reading it for a validated historical account, then read with caution. If you are reading it for a general feel of the horrors that went on during the holocaust, without too much concern about the details and the facts stacking up, then that’s fine as long as you’re aware that’s what this is.
@Holly my understanding was she used his story, validated some, but it was essentially written as fiction.
I also read somewhere it was meant to be a screen play… maybe it just didn’t translate fir some in this medium.
Personally I really enjoyed it…
It is on my list. I do hope it is as good as I anticipate.
Be sure to read the author’s notes at the end. Very interesting and makes the story that much more meaningful.
@Bonnie I thought I was interesting to read the sons point of view too…
I agree entirely.
@Bonnie I will do
@Rachel yes, do.
I loved it!
Loved it!
I gave it 5 stars. I can agree the writing itself isn’t spectacular. But the story is beautiful and deserves 5 stars. I think some people are more bothered by the writing itself than others and let it get in the way of how they feel about the story. ??
Because everyone has different tastes? ?
I just thought it was boring and I couldn’t connect to the characters. I usually love this genre, but this one didn’t move me at all. But to each their own. I know there are books I love that others hate. It happens.
I loved it! ?
Well I’m currently reading The Choice, also set in Auschwitz, I couldn’t get into The Tattooist of Auschwitz and I can’t get into this one either. I’m thinking at this point that perhaps books about the holocaust just aren’t for me even though I’m fascinated with this time in history.
Am currently reading this and have had to take a break. I’ve read many books about the Holocaust and this one feels a little bit different… not sure, why… feels more like a fiction.
Yes, I agree, I didn’t realize until reading the points at the end that it was a true story from the way it was written.
Fran Scholar Actually, the Auschwitz post had a long FB page about all the things that were factually wrong in this book. I know this is historical fiction, so I won’t necessarily criticize those parts. To me, I just thought it was boring and I couldn’t connect to the characters. I really think it’s the writing style. This is the first book I have ever read about the Holocaust (and there have been a LOT) that didn’t move me to tears. I agree with another poster who said that in another author’s hands, this might have been a masterpiece.
@Cynthia I agree with you.
I liked the story I just thought the writing was terrible. In another authors hands it would have been a masterpiece.
I loved it
Found it disappointing
I’m reading this at the moment and I’m enjoying it.
I read it in a day I couldn’t put it down!
It’s a history lesson to the world. Why people are criticising is beyond me. It’s a book based on true events
@Louise Just because it’s based on true events and an important time in history doesn’t mean it deserves five stars or that people can’t criticize it. I love this genre, but I gave it two stars. That is the lowest rating I have given any book I have read about the Holocaust. I didn’t like the writing, I thought it was boring and I couldn’t connect to the characters. I think it’s a disservice to say that people shouldn’t criticize it just because of the subject matter. If you genuinely loved it, that’s awesome. I’m glad you did. But people have different tastes. I adored The Book Thief and The Nightingale, but there have been people in this group who hated them. I have never told them that it’s wrong to criticize them just because they are about the Holocaust.
@Cynthia exactly this.
Good book. Have to take each book for itself. They don’t all have to be great works of literature to be a good book.
I didn’t like the fact that she made aushwitz sound like it wasn’t that bad. People were a bit hungry and he was regularly giving people “luxury” foods. I didn’t even like the ending which I would t spoil. But everything sounded too easy for him. I know it’s meant to focus on the love story but it gave me the impression it was written by someone that didn’t do any research into the horrors never mind actually had a friendship with the actual person
@Áine I think I can picture it all in my head as I know how bad things were, so I understand what your saying, I love this genre in books and films.
I couldn’t connect with it and felt it was fiction rather than what happened.
Amazing book
Loved it x
To me and I may be wrong but, to me it is on the romantic side. Like he is telling how he fell in love whit the love of his life. Not a story about all the horrors of that time. I loved the book. It took a horrible time in our history and showed me that there is still hope.
@Liz thats why I think it’s good.
@Rachel me to. As my daughter says it gets me in the feels
I loved it!
I’ve just finished it. I thought it was beautifully written and,although very harrowing, I really enjoyed it x
A story that needed telling. I do agree with others that the writing wasn’t as good as it could have been, nevertheless, it was compelling in my opinion.
I received this book as an ARC, so read it before all the hype. I absolutely loved it and didn’t actually know it was a true story till I read the authors notes at the end
I thought it was brilliant ?
A love story in horrific times.
I’ve just finished The Tattooist of Auschwitz, and I totally agree that it could of been wrote better by another author. But still enjoyed it none the less.
The couple met and fell in love in a place that was known to kill everyone. They not only survived but got married and had a son. I thought it was outstanding.
I love it so far!
@Melissa I enjoyed it but felt the ending was rushed.
@Sarah I can see that already and I’m more than half way through it
@Sarah I agree with that one.