Just out of curiosity what would you do if you’d already read it when you got the blind date with a book?
Just out of curiosity what would you do if you’d already read it when you got the blind date with a book?
Just out of curiosity what would you do if you’d already read it when you got the blind date with a book?
That would be a chance you’d have to take. I think I wouldn’t mention that I had read it, since I wouldn’t want anyone to feel bad.
I will still be excited. But maybe share with a friend who hasnt read it. But it is a risk you have to take when doing something like that
Save it to share on the next one.
Try to take it back to a store and get something you want? Say it was a gift from out of town/state and they will usually give you a credit.
I’d save it for the next one or see if anyone else has the same thing happen and maybe you two could trade. I don’t think anyone’s feelings would get hurt since the buyer had no way of knowing it was a book you already had.
If I liked the book and I didn’t own it I would still
Be happy. I would Never mention it because I wouldn’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings. Also you are given five descriptive words so if you read it you may be able to tell which books you’ve read. But If you are really worried don’t participate. It is suppose to
Be fun not stressful.
I wasn’t worried. Just curious.