Is it okay to skip parts of a book or do you read all the way through no matter what?
Is it okay to skip parts of a book or do you read all the way through no matter what?
Is it okay to skip parts of a book or do you read all the way through no matter what?
Read all the wayyy
I’ve skipped a few parts several times but they’ve only been long descriptive passages. Like classics have where the author is describing a meadow in every possible way or describing a room in such detail that you are start losing interest so to keep my interest intact I’ve skipped a few lines or so.
I have skipped through once, only because it was SO slow with no sign of it speeding up. I can’t remember the book. It was a terrible book. I did end up going back and reading it just in case I missed something but nope. Slow and terrible is all I remember.
I know I’m a weirdo but I hate reading mushy romantic scenes. They make my skin crawl. If feels voyeuristic. I always skip those
Of course it’s ok.
I skip rape scenes because they trigger me and I skipped that one passage in House of Leaves where you need a mirror.
I skip around to parts I like if it’s a book I’ve read before, but I feel like if I need to skip around parts in a first read-through I should just stop reading the book ?
It is absolutely up to you. You might miss some stuff or take a different meaning than the author intended. But in my opinion reading should be about entertainment first.
If you’re reading with a set of rules and not for your enjoyment you might be doing it wrong. I say this with love. Just don’t make reading a thing that restricts you or another set of rules you have to follow. You might not enjoy it as much. ❤️❤️❤️
That sounded snotty. That’s not how I meant it. My point is, don’t compare how you read to how other people read. It’s not a competition, so make up your own rules and enjoy the story. ??
If I have read a book several times, if there is a part I think is boring coming up, I will skim it, but not entirely skip it.
It’s your book, you do what you want!!!
I skim things if i’m bored or its too graphic for me. I figure there’s probably a reason it’s in there, hopefully, and will likely come together in the end. If I find I’m doing that too much, then maybe it’s not the book for me and I will DNF it.
There is no Reading Police. Do whatever you want.
I always read through, but there are some parts that I speed-read ?
If books change POV by chapters, like each chapter has a different character narrating, then I skip chapters if I hate a certain characters narration ?
I always read everything because I’m like “What if I skip it and miss THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT?!?!” and panic so I read it all, lol. I’m rereading 1984 right now, though, and I’m about to skip this whole middle section of What’s-his-name’s book cause it’s so boring and repetitive.
@Amy I always skim through that part? It is incredibly boring.
You do you, boo boo
I skip dream sequences pretty much every time ?
I skim lengthy landscape descriptions. I am not a very visual thinker, a very detailed one does nothing for me because I literally can’t fill it in mentally if it gets more complicated than mountains over there, gloomy trees, bright day, etc
Like I love Tolkien but I can’t follow the exacting lay of the land bits. They break down to the simplest denominator in my mental picture.
I skipped John Galt’s entire radio broadcast at the end of Atlas Shrugged. I was over it by that point and ready to be done.
I second this. Like, Rand, you’ve already been preaching your propaganda/philosophy for a thousand pages at this point. I don’t need to read an 84-page monologue to get the point across again. ?
I skipped the revolutionary section of 1984 and missed nothing, apart from that no, it’s cover to cover
@Kyle I’m rereading that now and just got to that part and was like “ugh, no, we get how it is here, move along…” Lol
Yes. I don’t read sex scenes, I find it boring and embarrassing.
Your choice really ??♀️. Hahah but sometimes I tend to just skim parts like scenary description which can sometimes take up a whole damn page. Some sex scenes too when I’m too into the story and just get annoyed with this unnecessarily explicit interjection lol.
I skim some parts, specifically the ones that have no relevance to the storyline
If it’s an entire page describing a sandwich or what someone’s wearing (or anything along those lines lol), i think it’s perfectly fine to skip
I love how majority of us skip or skim through the some parts. Yeah you do you.
I’ve definitely skimmed! Some books have been meh so I’ve skimmed over the final chapter, or sometimes certain character POVs are more boring than others.
I skim a lot. Not on purpose but if I find a book boring I just tend to do it. but I don’t think there is anything wrong with it
it depends. if i feel like it has nothing to do at all with the plot (landscape mainly), then skip.
99% of the time I read every word. Unless it’s an overly elaborate description of something.
I don’t skip parts, but I confess to forcing my way through and not being 100% thorough if it’s a book I hate but have to finish, for like a book club or something.
I always think it’s okay to skip parts especially if it’s gruesome and what not
If it doesn’t add to the story whatsoever, I’ll skim, but generally not skip (granted, I prefer not to read books with graphic violence or sex scenes, which I would probably skip.) The main exception I’ve made to this is that almost 100 page section of the unabridged version of Les Miserables, where Hugo talks in detail about the Battle of Waterloo; he even admits at the beginning of that chapter that it has nothing to do with the story. ??