I’m curious what do you do with your physical books once you’ve read them? For those who use E.Readers what do you do after you’ve read your ebooks?
I’m curious what do you do with your physical books once you’ve read them?
For those who use E.Readers what do you do after you’ve read your ebooks?
For the most part, I keep my books. Especially those I have signed by the authors. If it’s a book that I know I may never read again, I’ll donate them.
For ebooks I just update my goodreads account , make sure I have a copy backed up or on my computer and then delete them from my phone
Read them again and again ?
All my kindle ebooks are on ny amazon cloud, so after I read them I delete them feol my kindle/phone. My paperbacks I put back in my shelf
I collect and decorate them in my library and show off proudly
If it’s a favorite physical book, it stays on the shelves. If I know I’ll never read it again, it gets donated to a Free Little Library.
Ebooks… I just cleaned out my kindle the same way I do my shelves. For the first time in 6 years. ?
Trade books I’ve read at used book shops. Donate and keep my favorites knowing I’ll read them again. I wish I could do the same with my kindle books but once read send them back to the cloud.
If it’s an ebook I just delete it from my Kindle. I can always download it again from the cloud if I want to read it. I’m actually planning on purging my shelves and passing along books I know I’ll never touch again. I have a friend I’ve gotten hooked on reading so they’ll go to her or my mom.
I keep them. I tend to mark my favorite quotes or scenes so if I ever want to reread them they’re there for me.
I delete ebooks after I read them.
If loved the book than I collect it and if I didn’t enjoy it I give to the library.
I usually will pass along my books when done with them. I have a lot of friends and my Mom that read the same genres that I do so we pass on to each other. Very rarely will I loan a book to someone and want it back. I tell them to pass it on — keep it going.
I keep my books because I like collecting books. Very rarely will I dislike a book that I would want to get rid of. And I don’t know how to delete books from my Nook Ereader
I keep most of my books. But if i know I won’t read them again, I either donate to a little free library or find someone who wants them.
For physical books, i wait until I have a decent pile of ones that i’ve finished or dnf’d and then exchange them for money through a website here in the UK. For eBooks, there’s not much else to do other than undownload them
What website is that?
Its called musicMagpie
Keep the ones I like and want to read again, charity the rest
I keep any and all physical books. On my Kindle I keep everything that I love. If it is a book that I deem “just okay” or below, I remove it from the device.
For physical books I keep them since the only books I buy are those I love and for e-books I delete them and if it’s interesting books I keep them ?
I keep my physical books in my bookshelf… forms a good library
The beauty of ebooks they take up no space
I usually delete them from my devise after I’ve read them. (They are still on the cloud)
Keep the ones I love. Donate the ones I didn’t love. I keep 99% of my e-books. I only delete them if I hate them lol.
I used to keep all of my physical books but as I started running out of room I began trading them for new books. Then selling them to earn money for new books. So now I have a small shelf of books I collect and just can’t part with and 2 that I’m forever cycling new books with ones I’ve read and plan to sell or trade. As for my kindle books I keep the ones I paid for in my cloud and delete the rest.
I only read physical books, and I always keep them after I’ve read them. Then, after a few years, I remember liking the books but don’t remember the story too well and I’ll just read them again!
I get rid of books that are just okay for me. I trade them for other books I want or sell them to the used bookstore. Some I donate to the library.
If it’s something I think my 13 yr old might be interested in one day I keep them or if they are part of a collection I started or a classic, other then that I donate them to the used book store I go to for store credit
I keep them unless if it was too boring read and I dint want that to be seen on my shelf..
I put them back on the shelf. The ones I can’t finish I sell, trade or giveaway. My ebooks I delete from my ereader but stay on my laptop for now
Keep them and put them on my shelves.
Donate them. E books I keep
It depends. Some I keep, some I trade, some I sale and others I donate. I purchased my first home a few years ago and turning one room into my own library.
I go to one of the free little library’s and switch my book for a different one so I have a diffrent book to read
I give my books to friends or the library. When I finish a book on my ereader, I delete it.
Physical, it depends. If I really enjoyed it, I’ll keep it. If I liked, but didn’t love it, I see if anyone I know wants to read it. If it was just meh or I hated it, it gets donated to the local library so maybe someone else enjoys it. For ebooks, I just delete them off the device no matter how I liked them. Can always redownload later if I want.
Keep them!
Take them to my antique store
It depends ebooks I keep physical books a lot I jeep some I sale and others I pass on
I keep them
I keep most of my physical books and lend them only to people I know will give them back. if I find a book I don’t enjoy, I keep it and try reading it later when I have no other book to read. I don’t know why, but I always find something good in every book I’ve done this with.
I keep only the ones I really loved and the rest I give to friends or donate to good will where other people can buy them for $2 or less!
I keep the ones I really loved and donate the rest
I usually keep my favorite authors or collections… other I pass around or donate. Ebooks I take off device.
I keep very few “forever”. Even books that were my mom’s will usually get passed on, and 90% of them go to the local library. I have even occasionally bought or borrowed them back and re-donated them too.
I keep them!
I keep all my physical books. Except for the ones from when I was younger…I put those outside and the daycare around the corner came and took them all for the children to read, so I know they have a good home now
Shelve them and be happy. I collect books (obviously), so I don’t get rid of any unless I have duplicate copies.
Keep them but I archive them for later
Some i keep, some i share with friends & family, some i sell to Powells Books, some i donate
I share the good ones with my coworker! We then talk about them in the office when we get bored
Keep them and put them on my shelves.
As long as I enjoyed them, the physical ones pile up on shelves and whatever other surfaces they feel like taking over. The ones that weren’t my cup of tea will be donated for the library book sales.
I keep them all. They are my treasures.
I leave all my ebooks on my ereader unless I disliked the book xD.
I still have plenty of space in my ereader. I don’t see a reason to remove books I’ve liked.
I tend to give away the majority of bought books(physical ) tho.
I don’t have space to keep them so when I’ve read them if I like them I buy the kindle version and donate my physical copy to the charity shop so that someone else can buy it and both the charity and the reader get something from it
I keep most of my books. But if I read one that I didn’t really like, I take it to the Charity Shop
I donate them to local non-profits so they can sell them.
Donate them to my local cancer center.
I pass on my print books to friends and my husbands co-worker, eBooks I keep unless I didn’t care for the book.
I’m an e-reader and I just archive them
Reread them. Organize them, reorganize, reread.
I keep them in my bookcase. I might read them again.
The ebooks I keep on a back up on the cloud and my computer.
Throw them on a bookshelf and then struggle to find them when I want to re-read them years later.
I keep them and put then on my shelves until my shelf is completely full. Then I go through and give them to my library or something. My grandmom used to throw her books away after she finished, at least until the day I saw her do that and I yelled at her for it. I yelled at her because she was wasting good books by throwing them away when she could donate them or give them to her local libraries.
Depends. If I enjoyed the book, I make a space for it on my bookshelf, If I didn’t like it, or if it was just okay, I put it in a resell/donate pile.
I keep them on my bookshelves