I’m a girl, but I’d like suggestions about books boys read. Ask your men for their favorites!
I’m a girl, but I’d like suggestions about books boys read. Ask your men for their favorites!
I’m a girl, but I’d like suggestions about books boys read. Ask your men for their favorites!
One brother liked westerns (Louis Lamour) and real life adventures – Peter Capstick books. The other one likes Sci-Fi. My hubby listens to thrillers, mysteries, & my current book – I am the Messenger by M. Zusak.
@Katie I Am the Messenger sounds good. Thanks for all the suggestions!
You bet! It really all depends on the guy. A friend’s dad likes to read the bodice ripper books – dirtier the better.
LOL. Try sci-fi or western first.
I didn’t expect that!
The Kite Runner
I watched the movie and didn’t much care for it, but I know how books are so much more detailed and interesting. I’ll have to try it! Thanks!
Oh the book is so incredible! And I loved his other book even more, A Thousand Splendid Suns. That one is more about the women of Afghanistan and is just amazing. But my husband loved The Kite Runner, so I went with that recommendation since it’s what you asked for. Haha
Now thank you for BOTH recommendations!
I’m looking for things I would not normally read or are culturally diverse. Those fit the bill!
@Heather absolutely they do!!!
Ready player one, LOTR, GOT, and anything by salvatore (my husband)
Well who wouldn’t want to read something by their husband. That is sweet! <3 I loved LOTR. I've watched GOT and think that's all I can take of that, but Ready Player One was a great movie and I am curious as to how the book is. Thanks!
@Heather no my husband is not the author lol. I just meant those are all the books he likes
@Jen Oh! Gotcha! I thought your husband was Salvatore, but now I see the books on Goodreads.
Jack Reacher series
Thanks for the suggestion! I have been interested in the books for a while!
@Heather my husband really enjoyed them all
Devil in the White City, Everest, The Davinci Code
I loved The daVinci Code. I have DitWC in my reading pile (just need to get to it!). Thank you!
Heather Mcpherspn my husband also loved The Kite Runner
Horror, graphic novels, etc.
Angels and Demons by Dan Brown and anything by Clive Cussler.
I enjoyed Angels and Demons. I’ll have to look into Cussler more. I saw a couple of books on Goodreads that just got my attention. Thanks!
My son liked The Martian, Ready Player One and Endurance.
Endurance – about Shackleton?! I’ll read anything about him! (There are quite a few books with that title)
I just read Artemis and loved it, so The Martian sounds great (plus, good movie!).
Ready Player One was a great movie, so the book sounds good, too! Thanks!
@Heather … Yes! The one about Shackleton. I have not read it yet, but my son really enjoyed it.
Please ask your public librarian this question. They can make recommendations specific to your son’s reading level, interest and age. A lot of boys like to read factual books (dinosaurs; space flight; etc) and, in general, they want less text and more pictures.
Sebastian Faulks
Anything science fiction or fantasy
Graphic novels are a big thing with the boys in my school. Especially with 4th and 5th graders. Not sure what ages you’re looking for.
John Grisham
Tim Dorsey and Elmore Leonard.
I’m assuming you’re asking for adults. If so, anything by Iain Banks (Or Iain M Banks for sci fi), Jonathon Coe, Elmore Leonard or Stephen King (also his son, Joe Hill); Pat Barker’s Ghost Road trilogy is popular, because it’s brilliant. One that’s a bit Marmite but loads of male friends loved was A Man in Love by Karl Ove Knausgaard. Same with Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami. The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay by Michael Chabon, also brilliant. Exit West by Mohsin Hamid. Books, books, books. Could go on forever :D. Would help to know his interests.
Also, let me know if I’ve misunderstood and it’s for a young boy. I have even more recommendations!
The Pawnbrokers by Harold Robbins
@Susan one of my favorite authors as a young adult and favorite of his books
Sure thing @Eileen, good stuff. I followed him and Howard Fast many years ago.
I am pilgrim
I’m a boy, and I like to think the books I choose to read are not defined by my gender.
Anything by Clive Cussler.
David Eddings The Magician. It got my husband through some difficult times as a teenager and he still reads it every so often.
The alchemist by paulo coelho
Gender discrimination, even in books, A Big Sigh!
The night circus
My husband doesnt read but my dad did. Elmore Leonard, Grisham too was a fave of his. I would suspect Herman Wouks work and John Jakes if historical fiction is of their interest. John Jakes is really good at describing the whole war experience through the history.
Elmore Leonard, definitely
All the Light We Cannot See , I read it and gave it to my husband. The Traitor and the Spy. Beneath a Scarlet Sky.
To race the wind. I’m not sure if it can be found these days but i liked it a lot. I’m a girl but it was written for boys. Same as the hardy boys. My husband said he read those.. there is a good one my brother liked: The Education of a
Baseball Player by Mickey Mantel,, there is a good one boys I guess, I am third. By Gale Sayers. The story of his life with Brian Piccalo
Friday Night Lights. The Brothers K. CJ Boxx books.
Carl Hiassen, Elmore Leonard, John LeCarre, Lee Child.
Tom Clancy, any books about the civil war, terry prachett
Tom Clancy
Jack Higgins, James Patterson and John Grishom
My husband is currently loving the authors Brandon Sanderson and Justin Cronin
Oldie but goodie: Irwin Shaw’s Rich Man, Poor Man, Beggar Man, Thief series
Anything by James Rollins, or Daniel Silva.
My dad loved The Thorn Birds, back in the day. Also…Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee and the Lonesome Dove books.
My fiance reads stuff by Jonathan Franzen, Jonathan Tropper, David Foster Wallace and Chuck Klosterman.
Philip kerr
My husband loved Tom Clancy, now he is into “free” westerns from Kindle Unlimited
My husband likes Dean Koontz
My dad is obsessed with Clive Cussler.
Ian Rankin and Lee Child books
My husband likes more non fiction books then me, sci fi, and westerns. Louis l’Amour comes to mind. But interestingly he reads more books written by men, i read mostly ones written by women.
Lee Child, Dan Silva, Brad Thor, Vince @Flynn
Brian Keene, Robert MCcammon, Michael Connolly.
Personally I didn’t realize books were gender specific! I asked my husband though and he says if it’s a book with words he will read it, he doesn’t go towards certain books because of his body parts.
My brother and sons LOVE LitRPG books. It’s a newer genre and it’s gaining popularity. I’ll have to find some titles.
Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum, Martin Cruz Smith, Clive Cussler, Dan Brown, Steve Berry…..
Sidney Sheldon books
My husband loves Michael Connelly, John Sanford’s Grey Man Series and David Baldacci!
My hubby on a whole dose not read books but he loved The Killing Of Flower Moon
Dean koontz, Harlan Coben
The Eagle and The Raven, The Boys in the Boat, The Wright Brothers, Unbroken. These are a few about which my husband raves.?
My husband reads whatever I have finished. I just leave the book in the bathroom ?
My dad is a big fan of The Dresden Files, The Wheel of Time, Game of Thrones, Stephen King, especially Dark Tower series, Kurt Vonnegut, Terry Pratchett Discworld series
Dan Brown, Clive Cussler, Tom Clancy, Kurt Vonnegut, David Baldacci, John Grisham, Ian Fleming, Ray Bradbury,
Andrew Gross and all of the Daniel Silva Gabriel Alon character
Vince Flynn books are really good
David Baldacci
My boss reads sports biographies, historical books, books about Cape Cod, and political memoirs (mainly people who used to work at SDNY, because he’s friends with them). I just recently got my work husband to start reading again. He reads non-fiction, but interesting ones like The First Conspiracy or stuff about serial killer running rampant during the London Smog of 1952.
Anything by Clive Cussler, John Grisham, Unbroken by Laura Hillenbrand.