I would like to start reading more of Danielle Steel books. Which ones were your favorite and why?
I would like to start reading more of Danielle Steel books. Which ones were your favorite and why?
I would like to start reading more of Danielle Steel books. Which ones were your favorite and why?
I’m currently reading Blue.
I only read sisters and I liked it
The only one that I have read so far has been blue
Did you like it?
@Mariem yes. It has a great story line
My favourite was The Ring
What is that one about?
It starts during WW2 with a wealthy family. Then moves to America.
Don’t want to give too much away.
My favorite as well
@Kim love that one
No Greater Love, and I still have tons of Danielle Stelle to be read books. Thanks for reminding me! Happy New Year!
Happy New Years!!
Kaleidoscope is my favorite – I read it in high school so don’t remember it well but know that I loved it lol
There was one called Star who something like that.
I’ll have to search that
@Alyse it was about an aspiring singer. It was my favorite.
@Sonya thanks, sounds good
I read Palomino many many years ago and liked it. I’ve tried a few of hers since then and haven’t finished any.
Read that when I was a teen. Good story
That’s the only one I read
that was my mom favorite author i tried to read them when i was younger but i couldn’t get intrested in them
The early ones are the best! Maybe first 10.
Fine Things.
Wanderlust. Beautifully written historical fiction and love story.
Mirror image for similar reasons.
God mirror image was so good
Amazing Grace – about an earthquake and some aftermath. Very good.
Fine Things – one of my favorites. Very sad, though. It’s an emotional roller coaster.
Country – I really liked this one. It’s a bit sad, too. But it has really good moments.
Pegasus – World War II. Sad. But there is a circus, which is neat to read about.
These four are my favorites, most definitely.
Thank you!!!
Silent honor
The promise
Mixed blessing
Blue. Its a very great book
Big Girl
One Day At A Time
The Duchess
The Long Road Home
All are my favorites by her
I love her books. All are my favorite, read her new one “Past Perfect “
The Long road home is a must read
Star and Granny Dan were both really good. I also liked The Gift.
I read Granny Dan! (You told me to read it.) I do remember it being a heartwarming story.
The Ring, the promuse, fine things. The early ones are the best imo.
Thank y’all all!!
Thurston House and The Ring
Perfect strangers was sooo beautiful and romantic ! Wanna read it again ! The gift was also a good one !
The Ring and Zoya SOOO good , I like many of her older books but almost none of her new ones. Too bad .
Fine things, the Promise, Daddy
Star and no greater love
My roommate has a bunch of her books!! She got three new ones for Christmas and she got another one yesterday
I only read Pegasus by her, but I LOVED it. I don’t usually read romance.
Johnny Angel …make sure you have Kleenex beside you
Thurston House
Country, Blue, the ranch. Never been disappointed with any of her books
I really liked the biography she did about her son…I can’t remember the name of it though
Message from Nam, Zoya , Family Album, Mixed Blessings and Silent Honor are a few of my favorites. I thought her stories got weird after The Klone and I
Oh, and Heartbeat and Fine Things were good too
Sorry I won’t be of help, I know she has a huge fan base but I can’t stand her, I’ve only read one of her books and one was enough
Kaleidoscope is a favorite
The only Danielle Steele book I’ve read is His Bright Light. It’s the true story of her son fighting bipolar disease and suicide.
I have read them all. The majority are good. I agree with Thurston House. No Greater Love is really good. I’m reading Past Present now
I love Granny Dan!
Once il a Lifetime, which I have just read
Danielle Steele ?! Really. . . . hmmmm
Yuck Danielle steel sucks all her books are pretentious and predictable basically a hallmark movie in a book don’t get me wrong I love romance novels but not this shit I prefer books like the crossfire series or the obsidian series
only one ive ever read is Country. I LOVED THAT BOOK!!
Me too my Favorite of hers!
i think Ima read it again lol
Her older/earlier ones. However I got to a point where they all seemed to be rehashes of previous books – sort of add, mix, shake and write a story. So I stopped reading her books after a few years or so. I’m thinking of trying a book or two this year to see if I still like her books.
I loved Accident. I read a few of my mums when I was younger and didn’t like them. Just Accident.
Stick to the older ones. Thurston House, Zoya, Palomino, Crossings.
Star was my first book and been my fave
fine things, blue, and five days in paris.
Country was my Favorite I have been pre requesting her books that haven’t come out yet at my library so I get them the day they come out, the last one Past Present was way different than her usual to me & not something typical that I would read but I really liked it.
Malice is my favorite
Zoya was one fave because it spanned such a long period of time, and the details and descriptions of scenery & characters was really potent. My other fave of hers was Message From Nam. I cried reading it. I also loved cheering on the courageous main character. I also loved Jewels!